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Package Usage : pypi : django-crispy-forms
Explore the latest package usage data for django-crispy-forms in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 223
Total downloads: 267,804,037
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defectdojo/defectdojo-django 2.40.3
DefectDojo is a security program and vulnerability management tool.
- version: 2.0
wger/server routines
Server for a wger installation
- version: 1.14.0, 2.0
wger/devel 2.3-dev
Development image for wger.
- version: 2.0
edxops/ecommerce olive.master
- version: 1.8.1
geosolutionsit/geonode-generic latest
Generic geonode app, image to be used with rancher catalog
- version: 1.7.2
kartoza/projecta-uwsgi 2.4.3
- version: 1.8.1
kartoza/kbims_uwsgi v4.6.2
- version: 1.9.1
beevelop/weblate v2.20.0
Weblate is a translation tool with tight version control integration and a simple & clean UI.
- version: 1.7.2
wger/demo 2.3-dev
Self-contained demo image for wger
- version: 2.0
lthub/team-formation v0.17.5
- version: 1.9.2
vanessa/expfactory boto_upgrade
container for deploying behavioral psychology experiments
- version: 1.7.2
pmdigital/3.11-debian-dcs-base 3.1.0
- version: 1.10.0
kartoza/stratafy_django v0.8.3
- version: 1.11.2
zaharavn/defectdojo-django 0.1.3
- version: 1.14.0, 2.0
dimasciput/rbis_uwsgi 4.0
- version: 1.9.1
webhippie/sentry latest
Docker image for sentry
- version: 1.4.0
truecharts/wger build20230429120940
- version: 2.0, 1.14.0
adguard/sentry 9.1.2
- version: 1.4.0
xdung24/python-base-images 3.11.4
- version: 2.0
vanessa/cegid latest
Center for Genomic Immune Diseases (Docker)
- version: 1.6.0
omnileads/omlapp 1.30.1
OMniLeads Django web component
- version: 1.14.0
imkerwms/sl-imker latest-dev
- version: 1.14.0
ibacalu/onetime v1.0.0
Generate & Share OneTime URLs securely with Vault backend.
- version: 1.9.2
ejplatform/local latest
- version: 1.6.1
exastro/oase-apply v1.7.0
- version: 1.13.0
exastro/oase-web v1.7.0
- version: 1.13.0
ejplatform/dev latest
- version: 1.6.1
exastro/oase-action v1.7.0
- version: 1.13.0
lucasshaw12/news-web latest
Myjounal Django application
- version: 1.14.0, 1.13.0
dimasciput/kartoza-django-bims latest
- version: 1.7.2
- version: 1.7.2
exastro/oase-ita-collaboration latest
- version: 1.13.0
exastro/oase-agent latest
- version: 1.13.0
egovio/care vNA-1df5533a-17
- version: 1.9.0
valentindevpy/smartdialogs_pa_production_celeryworker test
- version: 1.14.0
exastro/oase-setup latest
- version: 1.13.0
vanessa/singularity-hub-base latest
This is a base Docker image (with Django and Python dependencies) for Singularity Hub
- version: 1.6.1
almcc/cinder-data-test-server latest
- version: 1.7.2
valentindevpy/smartdialogs_pa_production_flower test
- version: 1.14.0
valentindevpy/smartdialogs_pa_production_celerybeat test
- version: 1.14.0
egovio/care-production-base v1.0
- version: 1.9.0
truecharts/tandoorrecipes build20230426100956
- version: 1.14.0
chrismckee/tmpdefectdojo latest
Temp repo
- version: 1.14.0
exastro/oase-zabbix-monitoring latest
- version: 1.13.0
exastro/oase-servicenow-notification latest
- version: 1.13.0
edxops/insights-dev 140ac92f474907ee7fee552b6ab71bb0fa6df1df
- version: 1.14.0, 2.0
palson/sentry 22.10.0
- version: 1.14.0
truecharts/recipes build20230426101008
- version: 1.14.0
dimasciput/projecta-uwsgi dev-latest
- version: 1.8.1
80x86/sentry 9.1.2-gitea
- version: 1.4.0
truecharts/inventree build20230424200240
- version: 1.14.0
exastro/oase-prometheus-monitoring latest
- version: 1.13.0
exastro/oase-grafana-monitoring v1.7.0
- version: 1.13.0
kaancan/socialpocket-web latest
- version: 1.14.0
michaelkramerguitar/groovequinox build.87ac9185a42948138f115b31ae16074f9c957145
- version: 1.14.0
blueasni/django-navbar latest
- version: 1.9.2
fsantibanez/cm-muestreo-peces qa-17
- version: 1.14.0
toksi86/foodgram_backend latest
- version: 1.14.0
regiapriandi012/bismillah-final-deploykube latest
- version: 1.14.0
ramonagospodinova/shopper latest
- version: 1.14.0
dcorreapy/djangopythonapptest 244
- version: 1.13.0
chatsim/l3t10 latest
Repo for L3T10 Compulsory Task
- version: 1.14.0
prendas/alpha-blog-unicorn-server 6
- version: 1.12.0
dimasciput/kbims_uwsgi latest
- version: 1.7.2
sugudopinha/practica2 latest
- version: 1.14.0
joseangel1/patitas latest
- version: 1.14.0
houw98/tutortool latest
- version: 1.10.0
karimababa/img latest
- version: 1.14.0
shapeblock/pivot-backend 29.12.2022.1
- version: 1.14.0
mohamedbedier/pythonpro v3
- version: 1.14.0
exastro/oase-backyard v1.6.0
- version: 1.13.0
simonebendazzoli/user_registration latest
- version: 1.14.0
regiapriandi012/djangoblogtav2 latest
- version: 1.14.0
sumitkumarmishra/cma pythonjuly24_01
cma project
- version: 1.14.0
truecharts/weblate build20230316191815
- version: 2.0
steinliber/sentry 23.1.1
- version: 1.14.0
kawhan/opportunity latest
- version: 2.0
mzalewski/mediacms latest
- version: 1.14.0
robeevanjava/datawarga 1.1.2
- version: 1.14.0