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Package Usage : pypi : django-bootstrap4
Explore the latest package usage data for django-bootstrap4 in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 55
Total downloads: 60,147
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opengisch/qfieldcloud-app 0.29.1
- version: 3.0.1, 23.1
wesleykendall/pytest-django-tutorial latest
- version: 0.0.7
uzielcornejo/restaurant b76f9fc3dc16
- version: 0.0.7
uzielcornejo/restaurante 2686197d51fb
- version: 0.0.7
carloschiva09/restaurante fd6a949f5259
- version: 0.0.7
ihopeit/django-recruitment sha-89039fe
It's the image for django-recruitment application on github.
- version: 2.2.0
smartquail/qnode12_app 84-47
- version: 22.2
smartquail/qnode41_app latest
- version: 22.3
ihopeit/django-recruitment-base 0.8
- version: 2.2.0
ihopeit/recruitment-base 0.8
- version: 2.2.0
hexletboy/python_django_basics_templates_exercise 84541
- version: 22.2, 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_routing_exercise 84537
- version: 22.2, 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_views_exercise 76815
- version: 22.3, 22.2
hexletboy/python_django_basics_models_exercise 84532
- version: 3.0.1, 22.2, 22.3
lt4inc/jupyter-server tmp
- version: 21.1
carloschiva09/restaurant 93b04070f90a
- version: 0.0.7
hexletboy/python_django_basics_templates_extends_exercise 76167
- version: 22.2, 22.3
smartquail/qnode31_app latest
- version: 22.2
hexletboy/python_django_basics_create_exercise 77671
- version: 22.3
osminogin/benovate latest
- version: 0.0.8
hexletboy/python_django_basics_show_exercise 76818
- version: 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_index_exercise 76816
- version: 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_update_exercise 72395
- version: 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_forms_exercise 76161
- version: 22.3
maxicbf/django latest
- version: 21.1
hexletboy/python_django_basics_delete_exercise 76832
- version: 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_environments_exercise 76806
- version: 22.2
hexletboy/python_django_basics_http_session_exercise 76808
- version: 22.3, 3.0.1, 22.2
hexletboy/python_django_basics_orm_exercise 76817
- version: 22.2, 22.3
uzielcornejo/chefsito 74f61a5d91f8
- version: 0.0.7
corexchain/kye-issuer-app latest
- version: 22.1
mgrove36/breccia-mapper 2.0.0
Web app for mapping networks & relationships over time, primarily aimed at research projects
- version: 22.3
dtnaas/janus-web fabfed
- version: 23.1
leonel1805/my-nginx-image latest
- version: 0.0.7
edanum/extranet_app latest
- version: 2.3.1
tork83/task-manager latest
- version: 22.3
smartquail/qnd11_app_stg latest
- version: 22.3
khariton80/timereporting latest
- version: 23.2
smartquail/qnd0.0_app_prod latest
- version: 22.3
hexletboy/python_django_basics_delete_exercise_ru 76159
- version: 22.3
jjh63360/aiclops_server latest
- version: 22.2
trinm110/docker_medic latest
- version: 22.2
jackwaskito/jprof latest
- version: 21.2
fedapon/craftech-backend latest
- version: 0.0.7
yashrabari/ssvault-backend latest
- version: 21.2
mgrozy/jesiotr latest
python 3, django, bootstrap app
- version: 22.1
m4n4oga/20230409_exist_ubuntu latest
- version: 0.0.4
seasonzhang/training_dashboard 2.1.3
- version: 21.2
opengisch/qfieldcloud-worker-wrapper 0.29.1
- version: 23.1
bbosajon/max-imagedocker latest
- version: 21.2
idevopsiointernal/peter_qr_gen 75
- version: 23.2
rhull12345/rivereyes app1.0
- version: 3.0.1
geobases/geonode v24.01.19-12.33
- version: 21.1
vishal1296/nlp_qa_qg 3.0.0
- version: 22.2
ikusidevops/ikusi_compliance_celery v0.0.2
- version: 3.0.1