An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : distro-info
Explore the latest package usage data for distro-info in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,570
Total downloads: 865,794,602
More details on - JSON
land007/http-proxy-acme latest
- version: 0.21
truecharts/teamcity-buildagent build20230321161527
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 1.1 ubuntu0.1
youthefirst/jenkins-slave-docker v1.2
- version: 0.21
avneeshbt/braker_sep062022 latest
Braker with Augustus
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
markovvn1/ros_gaz_dev latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
wlezzar/devenv-base 2.0
- version: 1.1build1
connormccutch/bazel_and_terraform_and_aws_and_docker latest
- version: 1.1build1
owncloudasad/nexterp13 latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
eddyded49/udg_space_ubuntu latest
Ubuntu 20.04.05 with ROS, Rviz and Gazebo using docker
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
tcema/saap-wf 1
- version: 1.1build1
landv1001/coder ideauv8
Image Coder VSCode and Intellij
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
asappinc/ubuntu20_arm_java11corretto latest
- version: 0.23 ubuntu1.1
eclipsecbijenkins/technology.edc 2.426.1
- version: 1.1build1
lazzeruz/stable-diffusion-bare latest-nockpt
Plug and play CPU version of Stable Diffusion.
- version: 1.1 ubuntu1
shaveabeard/sttensorrt v0.4
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
kumacodes/nvidia-docker latest
- version: 1.1build1
nefsc/ubuntudesktop staticmac
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
michmich67/mqtt_to_influxdb 1.2.1
- version: 0.21
theonecutefox/wine latest
Test wine build
- version: 1.0
eacwy2/do an
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
johnjosephson/hanesaci-dev-cron dev
- version: 1.1build1
zvmxvm1991/dxrimg_x64 v6
- version: 0.21
intelanalytics/bigdl-ppml-trusted-bigdata-gramine-base 2.3.0
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
hpqqb0/239uje 1chtql
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
qqko7ynsb/di an
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
xli4217/react gpu-latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
deserializeme/cigen latest
Cigen is a bash script that will populate a templated Cloud-Init user-data file using envsubst.
- version: 1.1build1
ikzk/texmacs latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
dhirajdeore/service_api wrapper
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-staging-278 latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
gglailaa/gi van
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
tamboraorg/creml 2022.0
- version: 0.23ubuntu1, 1.1build1
collagia/dis-api 0.2.2
dis api container. Extended with python related OS
- version: 1.0
- version: 1.1build1, 1.1 ubuntu0.1
kerren/php-builder php-7.4
PHP, Composer, Hirak, Git Secret
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
loremfoobar/dotnet-node 7.0-20.x
.NET SDK + Node + Yarn
- version: 1.1 ubuntu0.1, 1.1build1
permataa/ta ti
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
ctb15/to ba
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
fizban007/ris_cuda latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
clos21/oden-chg-lab test
- version: 1.1build1
sultanahmad/ubuntu-base main
- version: 1.1build1
gcriocloudbuilders/docker 24.0.6
- version: 0.23 ubuntu1.1
randock/connect-fpm dev-latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
christiamb240782/ubuntu 1.1-talib-amd64
Ubuntu22, Python3.11, Talib, FolderApp
- version: 1.1 ubuntu1
ylebras/neal-docker 2022
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
0503001011/one_to_many_face_base latest
- version: 0.23 ubuntu1.1
sergiobf2002/broker 4
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
alulucorp/alulu-main-ci-image main
- version: 1.1build1
frickson/jenkis-with-docker latest
- version: 1.0
ige8/bi sak
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
magnan/entera_demo amir-0.0.5
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
qqxctw/pa pi
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
hyeonjaegil/opencv 4.5
opencv images, ROS/non-ROS available.
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
aricwang88/oci_kuksa-val-services-ci v0.1.0
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
byucs110staff/cs110-leaderboard winter2023
- version: 1.1build1
vexqa2/bo ba
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
ezquke5/ta le
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
sinolion/libreoffice v1.0
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
ehengao/containerws v0.3
- version: 1.1build1
peolivei/ubuntu-20-lts-rtk-microk8s v1.25_v0.1.0-alpha2
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
xcu2/sok jan
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
olejak/geogis latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
intelanalytics/bigdl-ppml-trusted-big-data-ml-python-gramine-noattest-32g-debug latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
qiezitv/qiezizhibo-single 20230816
- version: 0.21
daimor/irishealth-ml-community-arm64 2023.1.1.380.0-zpm
- version: 1.1build1
aalbaali/humble gazebo-nvidia
ROS2 Humble images
- version: 1.1 ubuntu0.1
iniinikoski/runnertest bleeding_v5_nextgen
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
redbeard28/codeserver-workspace 0.2.1
- version: 1.0
dragonflyscience/synthchm-20.04 2023-02-01
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
collagia/dis-worker 0.2.2
dis worker container. Extended api with meltano
- version: 1.0
iisas/java8action latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
smcsistemas/whatssmc 1.41
- version: 0.21
byucs110staff/cs110-hw5c winter2024
- version: 1.1build1
byucs110staff/cs110-hw2b winter2024
- version: 1.1build1
manikmalhotra13/apache-pyspark-amd64-v3 latest
- version: =1.1build1
draj5/ros2-foxy-zed-cuda-subs latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-rails-template-wip latest
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
intelliseqngs/task_mt-anno 1.0.1
- version: 1.1build1
harshjain12/abc 1.0
- version: 1.1build1
almahmoud/jupyter-bioc-gxy 21.10
- version: 0.23ubuntu1
byucs110staff/cs110-hw3c winter2024
- version: 1.1build1
anweshu/testcontainer v1
- version: 1.1build1