An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : decorator
Explore the latest package usage data for decorator in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 9,787
Total downloads: 4,600,348,893
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cs50/codespace 310d7d8dbda5e4ace1de8256a0b2ff0f0a216812
- version: 4.4.2
certbot/dns-rfc2136 v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with support for doing DNS challenges using RFC 2136 Dynamic Updates
- version: 5.1.1
resin/beaglebone-green-fedora-node 9.11-25-20190220
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 4.0.11
resin/artik710-fedora-node 10.9.0-onbuild-20180927
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 4.0.11
duckietown/dt-gui-tools ente-staging-arm64v8
- version: 4.4.2
gitpod/workspace-postgres 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 5.1.1
duckietown/dt-commons daffy-staging-amd64
- version: 4.4.2
doejgi/metatlas_shifter py311_new_04
This repo is no longer being updated. Please see
- version: 5.1.1
kong/nightly-ingress-controller 2023-10-29
- version: 4.2.1
jumpserver/jms_all v3.10.0
- version: 5.1.1, 4.1.2
homeassistant/tinker-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
aahnik/tgcf latest
The ultimate tool to automate telegram message forwarding.
- version: 5.1.1
duckietown/dt-code-api ente
- version: 4.4.2
camptocamp/geomapfish-geoportal update-ubuntu-2.5
- version: 4.4.2
resin/ts4900-fedora-node 0.10-onbuild-20190221
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 4.0.11
duckietown/dt-base-environment ente
- version: 4.4.2
gitpod/workspace-full-vnc 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds X11 and VNC support
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/armv7-homeassistant sha256-e65d37e6edcabbf669c08c24d76fbf7ac340e0759c33e14b90635f66b60efb15.sig
- version: 5.1.1
3liz/qgis-map-server 3.34
Qgis 3 HTTP/OWS server
- version: 4.4.2
qgis/qgis3-build-deps release-3_34
QGIS 3.x building dependencies on Ubuntu 16.04 using ubuntugis-unstable.
- version: 4.4.2
openshift/origin-console-operator v4.0.0
- version: 3.4.0
baserow/baserow 1.22.0
All in one docker image for Baserow, open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
- version: 5.1.1
kartoza/geonode_django_geosafe 2.8.x-qgis_server
- version: 4.1.2
gocd/gocd-agent-centos-8 v23.4.0
GoCD agent docker image based on CentOS Stream 8
- version: 4.2.1
edxops/ecommerce olive.master
- version: 4.4.2, 5.1.1
kartoza/dominode_geonode latest
DomiNode GeoNode application
- version: 4.4.2
camptocamp/odoo-project 8.0-latest-batteries-onbuild
An image we use as a base for our Odoo projects.
- version: 3.4.0
duckietown/dt-system-monitor ente
- version: 4.4.2
edxops/jenkins_worker juniper.master
- version: 4.4.2
rocm/pytorch rocm5.7_ubuntu22.04_py3.10_pytorch_2.0.1
The PyTorch on ROCm Docker images
- version: 5.1.1
nantic/tryton-base 6.0-debian11
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/qemux86-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
antrea/antrea-ubi v1.14.1
- version: 4.2.1
cs50/server arm64
This is CS50 Server.
- version: 4.4.2
dit4c/dit4c-container-nltk latest
DIT4C image for NLTK
- version: 4.0.11
edxops/devpi olive.master
- version: 5.1.1
clickhouse/integration-tests-runner 54187-cf5e4bd9e07a0fcd0a39f8700f1f632e869ea347
- version: 5.1.1
huggingface/transformers-pytorch-gpu 4.35.2
Hugging Face Transformers repository with CPU & GPU PyTorch backend
- version: 4.4.2, 5.1.1
dealii/dealii v9.5.0-jammy
Deal.II Library, with support for all external libraries.
- version: 4.4.2
openshift/origin-telemeter v4.0.0
- version: 3.4.0
certbot/dns-dnsimple v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DNSimple.
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/i386-homeassistant sha256-ac206a44257944c9be3a81b5561af201e23f3f85a4105dd97ae7c56a83c6eff6.sig
- version: 5.1.1
openshift/origin-coredns v4.0.0
- version: 3.4.0
edxops/notes olive.master
- version: 5.1.1
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 8bf6b13
- version: 4.4.2
rocker/binder 4.3.2
Adds binder to rocker/tidyverse, providing JupyterHub access on rocker containers
- version: 5.1.1
edxops/credentials olive.master
The credentials IDA
- version: 5.1.1
hexletboy/bash_fs_exercise 74876
- version: 5.1.1
airbyte/source-file 0.4.0-dev.93be2e8ca8
- version: 5.1.1
edxops/registrar latest
- version: 5.1.1
rapidfort/nginx-ib 1.25.3-rfstub
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for NGINX IronBank
- version: 4.2.1