An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : decorator
Explore the latest package usage data for decorator in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 9,787
Total downloads: 4,600,348,893
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gethue/hue 20240103-140101
Hue is an open source SQL Assistant for Database & Data Warehouses.
- version: 5.1.1
certbot/dns-cloudflare v2.7.4
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Cloudflare.
- version: 5.1.1
resin/up-board-fedora-node 9-25-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 4.0.11
datadog/agent-amd64 7.29.1
Deprecated AMD64 agent image, please use the multi-arch image.
- version: 5.0.9
vespaengine/vespa 8.277.17
Docker image for running Vespa.
- version: 4.2.1
edxops/forum olive.master
- version: 5.1.0, 5.1.1
funkwhale/funkwhale 1.2.10
Docker container for the Funkwhale web app and reverse proxy
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/qemuarm-64-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
wernight/mopidy latest
Mopidy (MPD) along with Spotify/Google Music/... extensions
- version: 5.0.9
certbot/dns-digitalocean v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DigitalOcean.
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/aarch64-homeassistant sha256-34476922c8ffb4005b6c25ef77cd0d1e92ec35e7803b48ac3ddc49db2c8d4819.sig
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/odroid-n2-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
amancevice/pandas jupyter-2.1.4
pandas on debian/alpine for Python 2 or Python 3
- version: 5.1.1
kong/httpbin latest
- version: 4.3.0
blacklabelops/jobber cloud.v1.2
Jobber Container For Executing Cron Jobs.
- version: 4.0.9
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.2.1
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.2.1
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.2.1
kong/kong pr-12241-ubuntu
nightly kong images. Official docker hub images can be found here
- version: 4.4.2
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.vmax.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.2.1
opsforge/cflinuxfs2-upgraded latest
- version: 4.3.0
duckietown/duckietown-swarm-amd64 latest
- version: 4.0.6
binhex/arch-sickchill 2023.6.27-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with SickChill
- version: 5.1.1
opensourcemano/keystone 14
Keystone Interface
- version: 4.4.2
stackstorm/st2 3.8.1
Base image used to build StackStorm HA images.
- version: 4.4.2
geonode/geonode latest-ubuntu-22.04
Django base image for GeoNode
- version: 5.1.1
gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa 16.7.0-rc44-ee
GitLab QA has a test suite that allows end-to-end tests.
- version: 5.1.1
mist/mist 4-8-x
- version: 4.4.2
gitpod/workspace-mongodb 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/amd64-homeassistant sha256-f256fa0560aeee953ce9450c786cb38d15bf2b8e27d3b43f7caf4d415232a1da.sig
- version: 5.1.1
kartoza/ckanext-dalrrd-emc-dcpr a37ae45
CKAN extension to provide the DALRRD EMC
- version: 4.4.0, 5.1.1
google/deepvariant CL590726281-gpu
- version: 5.1.1
opensourcemano/ro 14
OSM Resource Orchestration Interface
- version: 5.1.1
opensourcemano/mon 14
OSM Monitoring Interface
- version: 5.1.1
sagemath/sagemath 10.3.beta3
SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system
- version: 5.1.1, 5.0.9
openshift/origin-node-problem-detector-operator v4.0.0
- version: 3.4.0
cs50/cli amd64-minimized
- version: 4.4.2
homeassistant/odroid-xu-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
qgis/qgis release-3_32
This is the official docker repository for
- version: 4.4.2
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 5.1.1
- version: 5.1.1
jumpserver/core v3.8.2
- version: 4.1.2, 5.1.1
datadog/agent-arm64 7.29.1
deprecated ARM64 agent image, please use the multi-arch image
- version: 5.0.9
bafss2020/py-dev latest
- version: 5.1.1
certbot/dns-google v2.6.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Google Cloud DNS.
- version: 5.1.1
redhat/ubi9 9.3-1476-source
Red Hat Universal Base Image 9
- version: 4.4.2
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.0.dev20230914
- version: 5.1.1
broadinstitute/gtex_rnaseq V10pg
GTEx RNA-seq pipeline: alignment (STAR), QC (RNA-SeQC), expression quantification (RSEM & RNA-SeQC)
- version: 5.1.1
edxops/discovery 3287b5d997ebd478df558e7d43bef82738ba8e6ca8356
- version: 5.1.0
edxops/edxapp olive.master
- version: 5.1.1
homeassistant/odroid-c2-homeassistant 2023.7.0.dev20230626
- version: 5.1.1
cs50/codespace 310d7d8dbda5e4ace1de8256a0b2ff0f0a216812
- version: 4.4.2