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Package Usage : pypi : blessed
Explore the latest package usage data for blessed in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 376
Total downloads: 36,524,663
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timescale/timescaledb-ha pg16.4-all-builder
Image containing TimescaleDB and Patroni for High Availability
- version: 1.19.0
anyscale/ray-ml 2.38.0
- version: 1.20.0
timescaledev/timescaledb-ha pg14.13-ts2.17.1-all-oss
Contains images that can be used within - but also outside - a k8s context.
- version: 1.19.0
pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning base-cuda-py3.12-torch2.5-cuda12.1.0
PyTorch Lightning image
- version: 1.20.0
linuxserver/paperless-ng 1.5.0
- version: 1.18.1
mreferre/eksutils latest
- version: 1.17.10
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.1
- version: 1.19.1, 1.20.0
ongres/postgres-util v17.0-hash-81bfc64faea081a28076d1788d9a6a7e-linux-arm64
PostgreSQL utilities OCI image
- version: 1.20.0
pytorch/torchserve-kfs 0.12.0
- version: 1.20.0
linuxserver/paperless-ngx 1.8.0
- version: 1.19.1
mirekphd/ml-gpu-py38-cuda112-cust 20230623
- version: 1.19.1, 1.20.0
ocdr/d3-datascience-pytorch-cpu v1.9-19
- version: 1.20.0
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu121
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 1.19.1, 1.20.0
deeployml/alibi-explainer v0.11.0-deeploy-3.0.0
- version: 1.20.0, 1.19.1
pythonitalia/pycon-backend 35de3c7126e1890a093b43ecbd919710cdb6635b
- version: 1.20.0
pingsutw/flyte-app a04cb3bf31d5f38f9d666e921f7dce53
- version: 1.20.0
baseten/truss-context-builder v0.9.43
- version: 1.19.1
ocdr/ds-apps 1.0.43
- version: 1.20.0
morningyu/dms_ray v1
- version: 1.19.1
intelanalytics/bigdl 2.4.0
BigDL local test Docker image
- version: 1.20.0, 1.19.1
oawofolu/tanzu-data-tap 20240531.0543
- version: 1.19.1
redislabs/redis-di-cli v0.121.0
- version: 1.20.0
pingsutw/flytecookbook DH1uwxdaiAtHi2dsjF7rFw..
- version: 1.19.1
morningyu/dms_jobs v1
- version: 1.19.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py36-jup 20190218
- version: 1.15.0
gesiscss/binder-libratom-2dratom-2dnotebooks-92300e 5ac509be591167760d9570f2aca57747bf186269
- version: 1.18.0
mirekphd/ml-pred-py36-cuda90 20190826
- version: 1.15.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py39-jup-cust 20231009
- version: 1.20.0
trantion/ray 1.11.0-openjdk11-artifacts
- version: 1.19.1
fishawack/core 0.2.1
- version: 1.20.0
footprintai/iccc-sp8 v0.3.9
- version: 1.20.0, 1.19.1
msvignesh29/lgbserver latest
- version: 1.20.0
msvignesh29/pmmlserver latest
- version: 1.20.0
mithilaidocker/audiotranscribe master
- version: 1.19.1
sharafsatish/huggingface-sentiment-custom-model v5
- version: 1.19.1
corpusops/maxking-mailman-web 0.5
- version: 1.19.1
mirekphd/tst-ml-gpu-py36-cuda8 devel_b743adc
- version: 1.15.0
mirekphd/ml-feature-store 20190909
- version: 1.15.0
deeptimhe/ubuntu20.04-cuda11.3.1-python3.8-pytorch1.12 orig-sing-stable-pl1.9-0612-womoai
- version: 1.20.0
intelanalytics/bigdl-spark-2.4.6 2.1.0
- version: 1.19.1
ebelter/cactus 2.5.0-20.04
- version: 1.19.1
emundo/docker-python3-sonarscanner-awsebcli latest
Image containing python3 sonar-scanner and awselbcli
- version: 1.15.0
timrabl/hyperglass 1.0.1
Hyperglass in a nu... docker container.
- version: 1.19.1
deeptimhe/ubuntu18.04-cuda11.3.1-python3.7-pytorch1.12 orig-sing-amlt9.9.2-pytorch3d0.7.0-tensorflow1.15
- version: 1.19.1
maartenvanloo/aionwheels latest
- version: 1.19.1
heywoodlh/pacu 1.3.0
- version: 1.20.0, 1.17.6
hpcorona/sddb complete
- version: 1.19.1
backendbox/yr_model latest
- version: 1.15.0
pingsutw/ray_demo_1 v1
- version: 1.19.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py39-vsc-cust 20231008
- version: 1.20.0
lhminh167/aws-tools 5bd7c77462c357cb25b13ad01f2e6e554d40faf4d92a3cc8e8e0a38f508b9f0a
- version: 1.19.1
lucifer001/tijithomas-dkube-cicd-example-project-cache 8e6bc84c552a56cdd637d949e6206127a47e9fa3ea7d60dcbf4dc30c468defd0
- version: 1.19.1
wyzhou/runtime sklserver
- version: 1.19.1
ninjavaz/notifymed-djangoq 1.0
- version: 1.19.1
hunkly/kfpfairing v4
- version: 1.19.1
footprintai/kserve-image-transformer v1
- version: 1.19.1
gcriodeeplearning/base-cpu m114
- version: 1.20.0
mirekphd/tst-ml-gpu-py36-cuda8-failing 001766c55ca8
- version: 1.15.0
oawofolu/demo-dashboard latest
- version: 1.19.1
kenwood/xgbserver v0.8.0
- version: 1.19.1
truecharts/inventree build20230424200240
- version: 1.19.1
truecharts/unmanic build20220725191850
- version: 1.19.1
footprintai/iccc-sp7 v0.0.6
- version: 1.20.0, 1.19.1
symbioteai/triton 22.08-pyt-python-py3-v1
- version: 1.19.1
beomyeol/k8s-ray-dev latest
- version: 1.19.1
ristar20/u20-rostorch latest_v230419T153715
- version: 1.20.0
gcriodeeplearning/xgboost-cpu.1-1 deprecated-public-image-4de2d1e00e025
- version: 1.20.0
gcriodeeplearning/beam-notebooks release_beam_notebook_container_20240122_RC00
- version: 1.20.0
gcriodeeplearning/pytorch-gpu deprecated-public-image-6bb0809f482eb
- version: 1.20.0
richardademefun/gantraining latest
- version: 1.19.1
parallelo/stable-diffusion pyroscope-2
- version: 1.19.1
gcriodeeplearning/xgboost-cpu deprecated-public-image-4de2d1e00e025
- version: 1.20.0, 1.19.1