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Package Usage : pypi : azure-devops
Explore the latest package usage data for azure-devops in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 79
Total downloads: 304,269,302
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certbot/certbot v3.1.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot tool for obtaining TLS/SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.
- version: 7.1.0b3, 6.0.0b4
openemr/openemr 7.0.3
Official OpenEMR Docker Image Repository
- version: 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-route53 v3.0.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Amazon Route 53.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
certbot/dns-ovh v3.0.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using OVH.
- version: 7.1.0b3, 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-cloudflare v3.1.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Cloudflare.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b3
certbot/dns-digitalocean v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DigitalOcean.
- version: 7.1.0b4, 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-google v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Google Cloud DNS.
- version: 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-rfc2136 v2.11.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with support for doing DNS challenges using RFC 2136 Dynamic Updates
- version: 7.1.0b4, 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-dnsimple v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DNSimple.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
certbot/dns-linode v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Linode.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
certbot/dns-dnsmadeeasy v3.0.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DNS Made Easy.
- version: 7.1.0b4, 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-nsone v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using NS1.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
certbot/dns-luadns v2.11.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using LuaDNS.
- version: 7.1.0b4, 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-cloudxns v1.32.2
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using CloudXNS.
- version: 6.0.0b4
certbot/dns-sakuracloud v3.0.1
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Sakura Cloud.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
certbot/dns-gehirn v2.11.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Gehirn.
- version: 6.0.0b4, 7.1.0b4
bushelpowered/ci-pipelines-backups 377568
- version: 0.19.0
smashwilson/az-tls danger-flag
- version: 6.0.0b4
harshjain12/imagelatest21 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
smartquail/qnode01_certbot 0.1
- version: 6.0.0b4
mxrss/azure-cli latest
- version: 0.25.0
humanoid2050/dns-dnsimple v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-ovh v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
tmms/certbot v1.21.0
- version: 6.0.0b4
harshjain12/abc 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
harshjain12/imagelatest17 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
maskawanian/certbot-hetzner-stored-in-github 2023-04-16
- version: 6.0.0b4
smartquail/qnode0_certbot 0.1
- version: 6.0.0b4
harshjain12/latest10 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
totvsengpro/az-dockeragent 0.8.1-ubuntu2004
- version: 0.26.0
zevrant/certbot latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
mfrey777/certbot-infomaniak latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
e4ting/letsencrypt latest
- version: 6.0.0b2
harshjain12/latest3 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
bladscan/bl4dhunt3r-v1.0 latest
- version: 0.24.0
mussdocker/certbot v7
- version: 6.0.0b4
sandbagg/jenkins-agent-osama latest
- version: 0.19.0
harshjain12/latest2 1.0
- version: 0.25.0
dkarter/letsencrypt-wildcard-digitalocean latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
ukid/dns-cloudflare-cron 1.28.0
- version: 6.0.0b4
cybercinch/certbot-dns-directadmin 1.0.3
Certbot with directadmin dns-01 authenticator enabled
- version: 6.0.0b4
llrichardll/jenkin 3.0
- version: 0.19.0
breadam/saykl-certbot latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
mayankahuja/aksagentwithdocker 2.0
This Image can be used as an agent on AKS, docker run command is :
- version: 0.25.0
1stapossum/certbot latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
namnq9x97/certbot latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
bedinotom/certbots aseptinmed-sso
- version: 6.0.0b4
kusprayitna/certbot latest
Lets encrypts bot
- version: 6.0.0b4
alfapellel/investigation2-apply openemr-fixed-
- version: 6.0.0b4
brodintel/esp-certbot v3.1.2
- version: 6.0.0b4
kiuber/certbot-dns-aliyun 1.0.0
- version: 6.0.0b4
kerneltzo/certbot main_site
- version: 6.0.0b4
ktxcx/letsencrypt-inwx latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
boube/certbot-dns-cloudns latest
Always updated, continuous build
- version: 7.1.0b4
bjrooney/k8s-tools latest
- version: 0.26.0
valevpnek/vale-cnc prodaz
- version: 0.26.0
itrmc/agro-backend-deploy latest
- version: 0.19.0
humanoid2050/certbot arm64v8-latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
brodintel/builder-certbot latest
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-cloudflare v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-gehirn v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-sakuracloud v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-nsone v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-luadns v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-dnsmadeeasy v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-route53 v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4
humanoid2050/dns-linode v3.3.5
- version: 6.0.0b4