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Package Usage : pypi : autograd
Explore the latest package usage data for autograd in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 58
Total downloads: 25,033,605
More details on - JSON
anyscale/ray-ml 2.38.0
- version: 1.6.2, 1.5
mpgagebioinformatics/flaski 3.17.7
- version: 1.5
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu121
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 1.6.2
lsstts/sal-sciplat w_latest_c0039.010
- version: 1.5, 1.6.2
huntsmanarray/drp-lsst develop
- version: 1.3
gesiscss/binder-keplergo-2dlightkurve-9d1181 f29b2278482ba786ff2265d3c10dc44201dc5dd8
- version: 1.3
hylleraas/jupyterhub latest
LSDalton + Dalton Project for
- version: 1.3
luissalgadofreire/jupyter-python latest
Creates an environment for jupyter notebook based python data science projects.
- version: 1.1.11
gesiscss/binder-yoavram-2dpy4eng-5ae825 b60c26db4205ad230f1bfc4947f1893df721985e
- version: 1.2
5eb3275d40/cox latest
- version: 1.5
hylleraas/hsp-singleuser 3
- version: 1.5
esw123/rocm 22.05-rc1
- version: 1.3
mallonn/ml-models-gpu 1.2.0
- version: 1.5
mallonn/ml-models 1.3.0
- version: 1.5
5eb3275d40/coxph_new latest
- version: 1.4
afcai2c/python38-dl 20230120il5
- version: 1.5
dockiron/mdsi2022-automl-torch1.9 latest
- version: 1.6.2
esw123/cuda 22.05-rc1
- version: 1.3
ckiddo74/orbit_ml latest
- version: 1.3, 1.6.2
ovhaimax/kili latest
- version: 1.3
alyakin314/correcting-nonpar-graspologic latest
Container that can be used to reproduce the results in
- version: 1.5
jiandong/ml-workspace-gpu cuda10.1-pytorch1.4
- version: 1.3
shivaprasadpatil965/firstimage latest
- version: 1.5
5eb3275d40/coxph1 latest
- version: 1.4
premraotd/ov-notebooks latest
ov notebooks on DevCloud
- version: 1.5
dimensionlab/simulation-studio-backend test
- version: 1.3
luvroot/ml-workspace v0.13.2
- version: 1.3
nasanccs/smce-dsg-tensorflow-base latest
- version: 1.3
manishsaraf/ogmqc-jupyter v1.0
- version: 1.5
ecoprintec/processor-nlp-demo-jovyan-news-article-nlp latest
- version: 1.5
esw123/22.11-oneapi rc2
- version: 1.3
esw123/23.02-noex 2023-02-17
- version: 1.3
esw123/e4s-22.08-cuda-aarch64 rc6
- version: 1.3
5eb3275d40/coxph0 latest
- version: 1.5
5wjdgns21/pythoch v1
- version: 1.5
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-leoalfonso-2dwdn-5foptim-6363c0 29b3f4c48318c230cd3ce64e5f0ddf35290a5368
- version: 1.6.2
esw123/23.02-cpu-ppc64le 2023-02-17
- version: 1.3
cgvalle/ml_workspace_matlab r2022b
- version: 1.3
fallingstar10/gmadeomicsrocker tiny
- version: 1.6.2
maryamahz/clam1-proof_1 latest
- version: 1.6.2
harrislai/openvino-notebooks 2022.3.0
- version: 1.5
anyscale/ray 2.34.0
- version: 1.6.2
rayproject/ray 2.36.1
Official Docker Images for Ray, the distributed computing API.
- version: 1.6.2
paulvorobyev/ray-test 0.0.1
- version: 1.6.2
mykytaluzan/disputes_test gpu
- version: 1.6.2
shimazu000/dreamfriend_rvc status_fix
- version: 1.6.2
cqxmzz/lean foundation
- version: 1.5
andimajore/unpast_eval_container_asthma latest
- version: 1.6.2
araghukas/qelectron 2
- version: 1.5
themtrash/cpsc330 latest
- version: 1.5
hungvd506/faust-worker-test 2feb_08
- version: 1.3
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-ue12-2dp22-2dpython-98a246 3449309736bf6f9d536188f13b2d29a8ab334413
- version: 1.5
andimajore/unpast_eval_container_bc latest
- version: 1.6.2
earlev4/paperspace latest
- version: 1.5
phylodome/bioformer-actinf-api latest
- version: 1.5
aveshatest/test latest
- version: 1.6.2
kenleejr/yolov8 latest
- version: 1.6.2
nik31096/torch_lightgbm1 latest
- version: 1.4