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Package Usage : pypi : apipkg
Explore the latest package usage data for apipkg in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,898
Total downloads: 1,012,976,626
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edxops/discovery-dev ef5f9dcb3713d99d8ebf081346c29d1b72bb80e7
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_basics_methods_exercise 75646
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_compound_data_modeling_exercise 72695
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_lists_matrix_transposing_exercise 74018
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/confluence-7.11 20210814.1.1
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_compound_data_points_exercise 73587
- version: 2.0.0
kartoza/igrac_ggis 4.3.1
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_trees_stringify_exercise 71656
- version: 2.0.0
huntsmanarray/drp-lsst develop
- version: 1.5
datasignals/mainstack-plus-theia stag-1.1.7
- version: 2.1.0, 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_declarative_programming_set_dict_generators_exercise 69863
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_compound_data_abstractions_exercise 73855
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_basics_functions_define_exercise 75580
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_testing_asserts_exercise 69467
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_django_basics_quick_start_exercise 76164
- version: 2.0.0
panubo/rundeck latest
- version: 1.5
lfoppiano/grobid-superconductors 0.5.4
Grobid module for superconductor material and properties extraction
- version: 2.0.0
kasmweb/core-remnux-bionic develop-rolling
REMnux base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 2.0.0
a891/join2gather_backend latest
- version: 2.0.0
kasmweb/tracelabs 1.14.0
Trace Labs OSINT Image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 2.0.0
ebsproject/cb-db 23.12.06
- version: 2.0.0
airbyte/source-mailchimp 0.8.3
- version: 2.0.0
fnndsc/pfdcm 3.1.22
REST-API provider for ChRIS -> PACS
- version: 2.0.0
- version: 2.0.0
ebsproject/sm-db 23.12.01
This is the database container of the Service Management stack
- version: 2.0.0
airbyte/connector-acceptance-test 2.0.1
- version: 2.0.0
- version: 1.5
qcdis/deployer latest
- version: 1.5
qcdis/sdia-deployer develop
- version: 1.5
pingsutw/flyte-app a04cb3bf31d5f38f9d666e921f7dce53
- version: 2.0.0
caas4/cephcsi v3.8.0
- version: 1.5
airbyte/source-yandex-metrica 1.0.0
- version: 2.0.0
fnndsc/pypx version-3.1.22
Core PACS Q/R interaction
- version: 2.0.0
samgabrail/tf-vault-ansible-docker-k8s main
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_basics_environment_exercise 75778
- version: 2.0.0
toposoid/toposoid-common-nlp-japanese-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/jira-8.15 20210522.0.0
- version: 1.5
alvistack/ansible-2.10 20210528.1.1
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_compound_data_pair_implementation_exercise 72427
- version: 2.0.0
lpenz/ansible-lint 905d4ae in commit 6c8c1418
- version: 1.5
pingsutw/myapp myapp-v1
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_stub_exercise 70050
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_elimination_of_side_effects_exercise 70051
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_side_effects_exercise 74760
- version: 2.0.0
oecinternal/odoo 17.0
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_lists_matrix_mirroring_exercise 74354
- version: 2.0.0
vtpl/suva-itms-cpu rc9_blr
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_errors_exercise 70044
- version: 2.0.0
determinedai/gpt-neox latest
Determined docker image for gpt-neox with fork of deepspeed
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_lists_hamming_weight_exercise 72950
- version: 2.0.0
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_django_orm_transactions_exercise 72511
- version: 2.0.0
toposoid/toposoid-sentence-parser-english-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT
- version: 2.0.0
collagia/cs-app-test 0.4.0
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/bamboo-7.1 20210729.1.1
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_lists_moneybox_exercise 73464
- version: 2.0.0
gesiscss/binder-nordicesmhub-2dnegi-2dabisko-2d2019-ca77f3 1164529d8616a45d417b2a41d1968d8ad7a76bbe
- version: 1.5
pauloo23/pyspark-notebook 3.4.0
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_fixtures_exercise 74080
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_django_orm_relations_exercise 76176
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/confluence-7.10 20210411.1.0
- version: 1.5
alvistack/postgres-10 20210703.1.1
- version: 1.5
manhnv/ssi-runner-node12 latest
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_advanced_testing_monkey_patching_exercise 70048
- version: 2.0.0
hexletboy/python_basics_angle_difference_exercise 73334
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/clamav-0.102 20210627.1.1
- version: 1.5
harrisonai/cybertron dev_tftorch-latest
AI Build Images
- version: 1.5
toposoid/toposoid-common-nlp-english-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT
- version: 2.0.0
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.0 20210823.1.1
- version: 1.5
hexletboy/python_basics_binary_sum_exercise 74156
- version: 2.0.0