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Package Usage : pypi : alive-progress
Explore the latest package usage data for alive-progress in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 36
Total downloads: 24,440,632
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anyscale/ray-ml 2.38.0
- version: 3.1.4
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu121
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 3.1.4
bsjacky/numerical_utility 1.0.9
- version: 3.0.1
dview/airflow 2.9.3
- version: 2.3.1
bsjacky/basement 1.0.11
- version: 3.0.1
bsjacky/pflotran_docker 1.0.9
- version: 3.0.0
optiq/build-core 3.0.23
- version: 3.1.4
bsjacky/grid_utility 1.0.11
- version: 3.0.1
bsjacky/pypft 1.0.9
- version: 2.4.1, 3.1.4
cloudsecuritysuite/prowler 10012023
- version: 2.4.1
bsjacky/numerical_utility_jlib 1.0.9
- version: 3.0.1
bsjacky/soil_bigdata_jlib 1.0.9
- version: 3.0.1
stupidosaurus/prowscout latest
This repository contains an image with Prowler and ScoutSuite
- version: 3.0.1
dmiller15/sigprofiler 1.1.9
- version: 3.0.1
jmelendezwu/protscan2 latest
Main Docker Environment for Protscan
- version: 3.0.1
bsjacky/seismic_analysis 1.0.9
- version: 3.1.4
ckiddo74/orbit_ml latest
- version: 3.1.4
penr/rpcdjango v2.2
- version: 2.4.1
manish8757/aws-infra-scan v4
- version: 2.4.1
hhschu/dbt-image new
- version: 2.3.1
bsjacky/hydro_process_jlib 1.0.9
- version: 3.0.1
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-leoalfonso-2dwdn-5foptim-6363c0 29b3f4c48318c230cd3ce64e5f0ddf35290a5368
- version: 3.1.4
anyscale/ray 2.34.0
- version: 3.1.4
rayproject/ray 2.36.1
Official Docker Images for Ray, the distributed computing API.
- version: 3.1.5
threatworx/bitbucket_app_server 1.1.7
Zero Trust Automated AppSec for Bitbucket Cloud by ThreatWorx
- version: 3.1.4
paulvorobyev/ray-test 0.0.1
- version: 3.1.4
fauzul/sigprofiler 1.0
- version: 3.1.4
litaw/foodgram_backend latest
- version: 3.1.4
rovee/6.0.4.k8s latest
- version: 1.6.2
swarmourr/federated_learning_container latest
- version: 3.1.4
sethcram/text-to-sql-eval cache
Updated PICARD evaluation image, see
- version: 2.3.1
swarmourr/federated_learning_container_sub latest
- version: 3.1.4
pdsantos73/gcloud-sta-etl 2.10.0
- version: 3.1.4
altaircp/prowler 2.0.0-e7ad9da
- version: 3.1.5
yizhangjustin/text-to-sql-eval v3
- version: 2.3.1
aveshatest/test latest
- version: 3.1.4