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Package Usage : pypi : PyInstaller
Explore the latest package usage data for PyInstaller in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 45
Total downloads: 4,174,982
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kasmweb/core-kali-rolling 1.16.1
Kali Rolling XFCE Desktop With Default Tools Metapackage
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
mesosphere/dcos-commons 0.58.0
Development image for the mesosphere/dcos-commons project
- version: 3.3
harisekhon/cassandra-dev 3.6
Cassandra + nagios plugins (tags 1.2 - 3.11)
- version: 3.3.1
harisekhon/solrcloud-dev 6.1
Apache Solr - SolrCloud + dev tools (tags 4.10 - 7.6)
- version: 3.3.1
harisekhon/ubuntu-github latest
Ubuntu latest with all my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: 3.3.1
kasmweb/tracelabs 1.16.0
Trace Labs OSINT Image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
e4ting/byob latest
- version: 3.3.1
brimstone/pyinstaller linux-i386-python2
This is a container to build python scripts into windows exes on linux.
- version: 3.2.1
harisekhon/fedora-github latest
Fedora latest with all my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: 3.3.1
cyb3rward0g/mordor-empire 0.0.1
- version: 3.4
crossbario/crossbarfx-exe-builder arm64v8-latest
Internal toolchain image
- version: 3.6
s390x/calico-policy-controller v0.6.0
- version: 3.1.1
creased/powershell-empire latest
Powershell Empire in Docker
- version: 3.3
mesosphere/dcos-kubernetes-1-x-ci 00fe3c
- version: 3.3
heywoodlh/rdp-kali-linux-full 2024.4
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
heywoodlh/sc-attacker 726d64811fe551ae2fa0ceda9914fe2c6ec13704
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
1nv8rzim/kali latest
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
mesosphere/dcos-launch latest
- version: 3.2
aalonzolu/pyinstaller-wine latest
- version: 3.3
radhakv/centos66-pyinstaller 3.4
- version: 3.4
hrabhijith/cmk v1.5.2
- version: 3.6
appremediation/dmap_developers_jenkins v1.0.0.0
- version: 5.0
zhongruoyu/kalilinux large
Kali Linux Docker image built on top of the official kali-rolling image.
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
yintian/bot_base 1.0
- version: 3.6
reasm001/roche-arts v1
- version: 3.5
prosyslab/bug-bench-picard 20210805
- version: 3.6
chriswyatt/tol_downloader_utility latest
- version: 3.1
prosyslab/bug-bench-onionshare 20210805
- version: 3.5
mesosphere/dcos-common 0.55.4.patch1
- version: 3.3
dequeapp/pf-dramatic-polecat-version-1 latest-f6f3841c-9671-11ed-b337-0242ac110002
- version: 3.6
gitgit188/mtxrdp devrdp
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
rawhideron/kali-linux latest
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
dsolab/ubuntu 18.04-py3
集成了 Python 运行环境和 Python 脚本打包成二进制文件相关程序的环境。
- version: 3.6
blairy/kali-ready-to-roll 20240301_0411
The latest kali-rolling with kali-linux-headless and wordlists installed.
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
documentamp/dmstasks4 latest
- version: 3.4
ics230cis/labs version2
- version: 3.5 498e6ee058
vasa45/suv latest
- version: 3.6
avhost/mesos-cli latest
mesos-cli with m3s and compose plugin
- version: 3.6
ghassendockdev/testch latest
- version: 5.8.0
khalid7/cgo-ota-image latest
- version: 3.6
golosblockchain/dexbot latest
- version: 3.4
ngdmapo/dmap_developers_jenkins v1.0.0.2
- version: 5.0
aschmi/alpine aws-base-image
- version: 5.8.0
dcnatsos/analyzers-backend 1.0.10
- version: 5.13.0