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Package Usage : nuget : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry
Explore the latest package usage data for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry in the nuget ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 25
Total downloads: 187,394
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envoyproxy/envoy-build-windows2019 8a4d6f993e7b93d466cf26a09466d320c62398e2
- version: 17.6.46, 17.6.44, 17.6.28
ponylang/ponyc-ci-x86-64-pc-windows-msvc-builder 20220803
- version: 16.4.37
abrarov/msvc-2019 2.16.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019
- version: 15.9.42
firefart/dockerctf latest
Docker image with some common ctf tools.
- version: 17.7.8
symbolplatform/build-ci golang-ubuntu-lts
ci images
- version: 17.8.143, 17.8.9
datadog/dd-trace-dotnet-docker-build dotnet9
- version: 16.4.56, 17.7.17, 17.7.57, 17.7.10
3uclide/cpps windows-clang-15
- version: 16.5.24
tommoebert332/qt6-build win-jxl
- version: 16.4.37, 16.4.67
nkabanenkov/mpl-vs-extension latest
- version: 16.4.56
aiarena/arenaclient-bot-base v0.6.1
- version: 16.3.312
aiarena/arenaclient-bot v0.6.10
- version: 16.3.312
devgravilink/mpl-vs-extension latest
- version: 16.4.56
thxkiwi/ewdk latest
EWDK modified `BuildEnv\SetupBuildEnv.cmd` to use the Windows SDK version to configure environment.
- version: 16.3.304, 16.4.22
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-wine-msvc-staging-1097 latest
- version: 17.6.46, 17.6.44, 17.6.28
thddntjr456/wasm_blockchain latest
- version: 16.3.600
randomgraphics/rapid-vulkan windows-latest
- version: 17.6.28, 17.6.44, 17.6.46
ramikolsi/windowsimage latest
- version: 17.7.57, 17.7.17, 17.7.10
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-wine-msvc-staging-1095 latest
- version: 17.6.28, 17.6.44, 17.6.46
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-wine-msvc-staging-1087 latest
- version: 17.6.28, 17.6.44, 17.6.46
nokotan/emscripten-windows latest
- version: 16.6.7
thxkiwi/apo v3-22621
- version: 16.4.22, 16.3.304
sanyanya/windows latest
- version: 15.9.42, 17.6.28, 17.6.44, 17.6.46
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-wine-msvc-staging-1114 latest
- version: 17.7.57, 17.7.10, 17.7.17, 17.7.47
eballantyneasi/visual_studio_application_base 8.0.0
- version: 17.7.10
tipibuild/tipi-ubuntu-wine-msvc-staging-1203 latest
- version: 17.7.17, 17.7.10, 17.7.57, 17.7.47