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Package Usage : nuget : Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VersionCheckAnalyzer
Explore the latest package usage data for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VersionCheckAnalyzer in the nuget ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 281
Total downloads: 13,805,229
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anthonychu/azure-functions-dotnet-preview-devcontainer 20210225-1
- version: 3.0.0
dori2063/im2wav stable
- version: 2.9.8
jorturfer/devops-agent-demo latest
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.tgh.ihub.thirdparty v1.275
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.pms.settlement v1.103
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.scrm.bonus latest
- version: 3.0.0
lzocateli/devops-agent-pool-linux-x64 1.1.0
- version: 2.9.8
pcpanking/api.std.pms.contract v1.1
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.ihub.tenant v1.92
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.pms.document v1.2
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.ihub.brand v1.2
- version: 3.0.0
cqwangdonghua/cudnn-opencv-ffmpeg win
- version: 3.3.0
robolaunchio/azure dotnet6.0
- version: 2.9.8
vietthang2/ryo-gw-cms-uat uat
- version: 3.3.2
libuxuan/cnfutures_codeserver microsoft
- version: 3.3.0
wenyuqing/motrv2 1.8.0
- version: 2.9.8
17750091252/memobirdwebsmartcore latest
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.scrm.park latest
- version: 3.0.0
sixeyed/dotnet-sos 3.1-buster-slim
- version:
modakrushiket1/custom-image dotnetrestored
- version: 3.0.0
educativedocker/c1_1 latest
- version: 2.9.12
alicanblnr/bsnbasequartz latest
- version: 3.0.0
pozas/multivesta-server linux
Dummy image to test performance of multivesta server on cloud
- version: 2.9.1
pcpanking/api.std.ihub.identity v20230426.184724
- version: 3.0.0
pknowledge/coderunner release2
coderunner container
- version: 3.0.0
zoltnszantai/d4dc4638-990c-45cc-b201-b1b55c531b4b cdb_v2
- version: 2.9.10
j113203/azure-pipeline-react latest
- version: 2.9.8
spazsoldan/recpo-transactions 1.0.0-preview-20230814.12
- version: 3.0.0
aelf/wallet-api latest
- version: 3.0.0
deschuma/dmaasingle latest
- version:
spazsoldan/recpo-notification 1.0.0-preview-20231113.1
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.tenantplat.interface v20230529.171357
- version: 3.0.0
intellium/pla v0.1.1
- version: 2.9.8
pcpanking/api.nfh.pms.settlement latest
- version: 3.0.0
yaojunyuan/yolox 1.3
- version: 3.3.0
frc900/zebros-jammy-beta latest
- version: 3.3.0
tchoi52/original_fake_sigterm 4.2
- version: 3.0.0
vljubovic/ignite 2.15.0-jdk17-2
Apache Ignite build with JDK 17
- version: 2.9.12
syncfusion/boldreports 5.3.8_arm64
The Official Docker Images of Bold Reports Server - Create and manage paginated Reports.
- version: 2.9.8, 3.0.0
pcpanking/ v1.146
- version: 3.0.0
michaelvipersoft/translationmanagement 2023-10-06_821235dc346f083eee2f3e50c003c660c9097d0c
- version: 3.0.0
j113203/azure-pipeline-full latest
- version: 2.9.8
pcpanking/api.std.emall.product latest
- version: 3.0.0
itdeskzhang/jellyfin 10.7
- version: 3.0.0
scratchez/er-api v6-depend
- version: 3.0.0
niceandgoodonline/dotnetcorespecial dotnet3-jq-git-jfrog
docker images with base of ubuntu:20.04 & dotnetcore5 SDK, tags have other dependencies
- version: 3.0.0
ttbb/ignite mate
- version: 2.9.12
salahthabet/sampleapi latest
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.emall.order v20230324.145106
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.emall.system v20230327.111104
- version: 3.0.0
rahulbourai/azuredevdeploymavenagent latest
- version: 2.9.8
hainanule/ubuntu v1
- version: 3.3.0
pcpanking/api.std.ihub.identityadminapi latest
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.nfh.ihub.masterdata v1.7
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.tgh.ihub.epmtdata v1.275
- version: 3.0.0
raulas525/jenkins-bcdigital 2.386
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/api.std.ihub.identityadmin latest
- version: 3.0.0
lakms123456/ubuntu zed-4.0-gl-devel-cuda11.4-ubuntu20.04
ubuntu images
- version: 3.3.0
kimsa0322/libtorch_cv2_116 latest
- version: 3.3.0
joachimo1/dev latest
- version: 3.0.0
s1367495352/icp_3dssd v1
- version: 3.3.0
whizus/dotnet-tools 6.0
- version:
cqwangdonghua/qt-linux-dev v2
- version: 3.3.0
pcpanking/api.tgh.ihub.brand v1.184
- version: 3.0.0
swisschains/ubuntu-dotnet 5.0
- version: 3.0.0
brightclue/dotnet-yarn-nodejs latest
- version: 3.0.0
pcpanking/ v1.85
- version: 3.0.0
vjoskovsviper/ubuntu-2020.3.25f1-linux-il2cpp-1 latest
- version: 2.9.2
montrixdev/vs16_buildtools latest
- version: 3.0.0
louishilbert/louis_proj V2.0
- version: 3.3.0
txuyangpolyu/r3live r3live_get_rgbd_pose
- version: 3.3.0
rafa606/ros-vim humble
- version: 3.3.0
iidcramlab/sem_map latest
- version: 3.3.0
abhishekdhariwal/azure_agent_python 0.3
- version: 2.9.8
ygm7422/orb_slam2 2.0
- version: 3.3.0
wanwanvv/beringei v1
- version: 3.3.0
urselab/thesis_total 1.0
- version: 3.3.0
pcpanking/api.tgh.ihub.tenant v1.162
- version: 3.0.0
qctuser/mdt-backend v1
- version: 3.3.0
alicanblnr/biriktirapi latest
- version: 3.0.0