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Package Usage : nuget : LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Explore the latest package usage data for LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore in the nuget ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 26
Total downloads: 6,365
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webaseuz/uzasbo2servicesidmwebapi latest_kamol002
- version: 6.0.27
islendingurinn/raf-stats main
- version: 7.1.3
webaseuz/uzasbo2servicesmsgwebapi latest_kamol002
- version: 6.0.27
scgps/scgps-webbase-service-ng 1.0.15
- version: 5.1.4
dockerhubaneo/armonik_control_dependency_checker 0.13.0-ngjustgpg.123.de4e1c7f-arm
- version: 7.1.3
islendingurinn/raf-internal main
- version: 7.1.3
abdog/trainee-platform-api latest
- version: 6.1.0
penzle/api 2.0.0
This Docker image contains the Penzle API service built on top of the ASP.NET Core 7.0 framework.
- version: 7.1.3
simplifydalat/se-worker latest
- version: 7.1.4
minhnhatdo/maicocrm-saas latest
- version: 5.0.24
kwancf214/cronjobserviceapi latest
- version: 7.1.3
kpssnik/teachboard.identityservice latest
- version: 7.1.3
nbstr/yateemac-devops 29918
- version: 7.1.3
a2soft/bars-reforma-gkh-invest-portal-api 7528
- version: 6.1.0
shaijukumar/appweb latest
- version: 7.1.4
pankrdo/footballpools_backend release
- version: 5.1.2
urvaius/wof-api latest
- version: 7.1.4
hoistgroupdevelopment/gam-protel-interface release-7.1.0
- version: 6.1.2
nbstr/gcdc-devops 29892
- version: 7.1.3
hoistgroupdevelopment/gam-user-profile release-7.1.0
- version: 6.1.2
denvicteam/avbcardloyaltyapi dev
- version: 3.1.27
denvicteam/avbcarduralhimexchange prod
- version: 3.1.27
denvicteam/avbcardexchangeworkertoaz customer_blocked
- version: 3.1.27
urvaius/jc-api latest
- version: 7.1.4
naruto59438/baseformdatatestwebapi latest
- version: 7.1.3
vitusdong/keyibaoapi v7
- version: 6.1.2