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Package Usage : nuget : Ardalis.Specification.EntityFrameworkCore
Explore the latest package usage data for Ardalis.Specification.EntityFrameworkCore in the nuget ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 33
Total downloads: 11,554
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kmontes2020/ultima-milla-webultima-millaapigw linux-production
- version: 6.0.1
halspang/eshoppublicapi dev
- version: 6.1.0
halspang/eshopwebmvc dev
- version: 6.1.0
kmontes2020/identity.mvc linux-latest
- version: 6.0.1
chrisbint/kinexusemailiqwebtracking 20230329202856
- version: 6.1.0
ncicto/hermes 5214
- version: 6.1.0
janboxhub/tpl-partner testing
- version: 6.1.0
janboxhub/tpl-api testing
- version: 6.1.0
aforank/foodie1.order.api latest
- version: 6.0.1
thomashofman2/han-oose-api 3938123201
- version: 6.1.0
atos3jorgemaa/upgrade-userprofileservice latest
- version: 6.1.0
kevs10/platformservice latest
- version: 7.0.0
aliduzel288/sovosmweinvoiceworker latest
- version: 6.1.0
markdr/eshoppublicapi 1
- version: 6.1.0
marykm/eshoppublicapi v2
- version: 6.1.0
mahmudkoli/ultrasaas-api 0.0.2
- version: 6.0.1
staubth/dotnet-webapi latest
- version: 6.1.0
pdetender/eshopwebmvc latest
- version: 6.1.0
tenzilabs/tenzibiz 2.0.0
- version: 6.1.0
adyemisworld/ecardapi latest
- version: 6.0.1
yeruhero/cv-worker latest
- version: 7.0.0
merino92/security latest
- version: 6.1.0
toor1245/eshop-api-monitor latest
- version: 6.1.0
smidsoftware/memorizeitapi v1.0.11
- version: 6.1.0
toor1245/eshop-public-api latest
- version: 6.1.0
insonusk/instrument-data-source latest
- version: 7.0.0
stickermark/stickermarksgmailworker latest
- version: 6.0.1
mihailalekseev/petdomain v1.0.0
- version: 6.1.0
dilorfin/eshopweb-web latest
- version: 6.1.0
memariyachirag126/webui latest
- version: 6.1.0
marykm/eshoppublicapi-final-mk latest
- version: 6.1.0
jameswyman85/ts-core-project-api 2336
- version: 6.1.0
suhodolovao/azure-exercise eshopwebmvc
- version: 6.1.0