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Package Usage : npm : xlsx
Explore the latest package usage data for xlsx in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 964
Total downloads: 279,127,932
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sqlpad/sqlpad 7.2
Run SQL in your browser and chart the results.
- version: 0.17.5, 0.19.3
n8nio/n8n 1.22.3
Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool.
- version: 0.19.3, 0.17.5
snipe/snipe-it v6.2.3
Snipe-IT Asset Management
- version: 0.18.5
gitpod/workspace-full 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Default Workspace Image for Use `legacy-dazzle-v1` tag for dazzlev1 images
- version: 0.11.19
linuxserver/snipe-it 6.2.3
- version: 0.18.5
sharelatex/sharelatex 4.2.1
The official ShareLaTeX Community Edition docker image
- version: 0.18.5
nixos/nix 2.20.0pre20231224_e23983d
The Nix package manager.
- version: 0.11.19
skedler/reports 6.11.0
Skedler Reports is powerful report automation solution for Elasticsearch Kibana Grafana applications
- version: 0.17.2, 0.16.9
gitpod/workspace-mongodb 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.11.19
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.11.19
gitpod/workspace-postgres 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.11.19
gitpod/workspace-full-vnc 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds X11 and VNC support
- version: 0.11.19
datalabauth/wearmerge-backend latest
- version: 0.16.9
botium/botium-box-ce latest
Botium Box - Community Edition [DEPRECATED]
- version: 0.16.7, 0.15.6
specifyconsortium/specify7-service issue-4250
The bare Specify 7 web service for composing with other Specify components.
- version: 0.16.9
botium/botium-box-server latest
Botium Box Server
- version: 0.18.5, 0.17.5, 0.16.7, 0.15.6, 0.16.9
bannsec/bloodhound latest
BloodHound Ready to Run
- version: 0.7.12
gitpod/workspace-dotnet 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds .NET support
- version: 0.11.19
botfront/botfront v1.0.6
Botfront images
- version: 0.16.3
ikuturso/kibana 6.5.4-od
- version: 0.12.13
skedler/onprem 5.4.5
This repository will be not available from Dec 31, 2021. Please use "skedler/reports" repository
- version: 0.16.9
ikuturso/reporting 11
- version: 0.8.0, 0.8.8
ikuturso/siemonster-reporting-4 latest
- version: 0.8.0
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb 2023-08-30-14-07-38
- version: 0.11.19
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v4 latest
- version: 0.16.2
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v2 latest
- version: 0.16.2
gitpod/workspace-nix 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.11.19
botium/botium-box-standalone latest
- version: 0.15.6, 0.17.5, 0.16.9, 0.18.5, 0.16.7
botium/botium-box-agent latest
Botium Box Agent
- version: 0.16.9, 0.15.6, 0.17.5, 0.16.7, 0.18.5
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v8 latest
- version: 0.16.2
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v1 latest
- version: 0.16.2
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v7 latest
- version: 0.16.2
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v10 latest
- version: 0.16.2
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v3 latest
- version: 0.16.2
aahirwar20/creativenotebook latest
- version: 0.17.5
vikasitnalportqii/dssoffline-dss staging
- version: 0.15.1, 0.12.13, 0.15.6
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb-preview 2023-10-06-16-22-14
- version: 0.11.19
londotech/dbanking-api 1.2.27
- version: 0.18.5
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v16 latest
- version: 0.16.2
afcai2c/jlab-eda 20230301il5
Jupyter Lab with Exploritory Data Analysis AI/ML packages installed
- version: 0.17.5
vikasitnalportqii/syncexecution qa
- version: 0.17.2