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Package Usage : npm : workerpool
Explore the latest package usage data for workerpool in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,938
Total downloads: 1,783,869,994
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nodesource/nsolid-console hydrogen-alpine-4.10.2
The Official N|Solid Docker Images
- version: 6.2.1, 6.0.0
axelor/aos-preview-app prev-wip-8-1-wip-8-1-sche
Preview app of Axelor Open Suite. Not for production usage.
- version: 5.0.4
botium/botium-box-server latest
Botium Box Server
- version: 6.0.0, 6.0.2
minio/mint edge
Collection of tests for hardening and stability of MinIO server
- version: 6.2.1
taraxa/explorer 2.0.1-103
- version: 6.1.5
gitpod/workspace-dotnet 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds .NET support
- version: 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.1.5, 6.1.0
grafana/grafana-plugin-ci-e2e 1.9.7
- version: 6.2.0
linuxserver/darktable arm64v8-4.0.1-r2-ls100
- version: 6.1.5
webdriverio/selenium-standalone v9.3.1
A Node.js based package and CLI library for launching Selenium with WebDrivers support.
- version: 6.1.0
acala/evm-subql 23c82ac
- version: 6.2.1, 6.1.5
kasmweb/vivaldi 1.14.0
Vivaldi for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 6.1.5
bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf v10.0.1
Capture-the-Flag (CTF) environment setup tools for OWASP Juice Shop
- version: 6.2.1
rocketchat/ddp-streamer-service sha-eee67dc
DDP Streamer micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.2.0
ssube/salty-dog update-c8-8-x
Schema analysis, linting, and transformation for YAML
- version: 6.2.1
axonivy/build-container odata-converter-4
Build containers
- version: 6.2.1
kasmweb/vmware-horizon develop-rolling
VMWare Horizon Client for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 6.1.5
ethereum/source-verify geth-v1.11.5
- version: 6.2.1
boltz/backend latest
Moved to:
- version: 6.2.1
linuxserver/audacity 3.4.2
- version: 6.1.5
linuxserver/kdenlive 421.12.3-0ubuntu1-ls91
- version: 6.1.5
eclipsefdn/eclipsefdn-github-sync 6a5850a-124
- version: 6.2.1
bitriseio/android-20.04 v2023_12_14-10_22-b1729
- version: 6.2.1
eclipsefdn/eclipsefdn-gitlab-sync 6a5850a-124
- version: 6.2.1
linuxserver/blender 4.0.2
- version: 6.1.5
bitcli/ripple-container debug
- version: 6.2.0
dalelane/mlforkids-api 116
- version: 6.1.5, 6.1.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.0
rocketchat/stream-hub-service sha-eee67dc
Stream Hub micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.2.0
rocketchat/authorization-service sha-eee67dc
Authorization micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.2.0
linuxserver/budge 0.0.9-ls91
- version: 6.0.2
rocketchat/account-service sha-eee67dc
Account micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.2.0
kasmweb/unityhub 1.14.0
Unity Hub for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 6.1.5
kasmweb/blender 1.14.0
Blender for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 6.1.5
bitcli/bit-non-root 1.2.4-node-20.3.1
- version: 6.2.0
kotahi/kotahi-elife-dev ac287fb1f312ebadfda6de8997416fc567d41210
- version: 6.1.0, 6.2.0
gitpod/dazzle-wsfull-build merged-7bd4de1d505ad84e7d8762c97d3f403065a9d08afd9b685b99edd1d1178f8954
- version: 6.1.5, 6.0.2, 6.1.0
linuxserver/pidgin 2.14.12-r3-ls118
- version: 6.1.5