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Package Usage : npm : window
Explore the latest package usage data for window in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18
Total downloads: 74,314,853
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linuxserver/medusa 1.0.21
A Medusa container, brought to you by
- version: 4.2.6
binhex/arch-medusa v1.0.22-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Medusa
- version: 4.2.6
openkbs/knime-docker v4.4.0
KNIME Docker container (latest version)
- version: 4.2.6
openkbs/knime-vnc-docker v4.4.0
KNIME Analytics Platform in Docker with VNC for Kubernetes, Openshift Container Cloud Platforms
- version: 4.2.6
rancher/harvester-ui v1.4.0
- version: 4.2.6
zenika/training-zenika-com ci-build-4066
- version: 4.2.5
unselected777/docker-medusa latest
- version: 4.2.6
spritsail/sickrage latest
Dockerfile for running the TV management and NZB searching tool SickRage
- version: 4.2.5
jgeusebroek/sickrage latest
- version: 4.2.5
vladus2000/seedbox_plus latest
Experiment in GUI deliciousness
- version: 4.2.6
rancher/opni-ui v0.3.1
- version: 4.2.6
cabreratoxy/pyopera 0.205.0
pyOPERA-related images.
- version: 4.2.6
vantuan12345/vision-frontend staging
- version: 4.2.7
jalieb/bl-cms staging
- version: 4.2.6
ggricourt/retropath2_wrapper 2.6.0
- version: 4.2.6
emplug/emplug-landing latest
Emplug landing page
- version: 4.1.2
intainft/wsfs-staging-npl-external-app 0.0.45
- version: 4.2.7
yu5k3/silent-spring-experiments latest
ODGen and CodeQL experiments
- version: 4.1.2