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Package Usage : npm : web-vitals
Explore the latest package usage data for web-vitals in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 5,328
Total downloads: 625,712,480
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vikasitnalportqii/thebox-webux dev_new1
- version: 2.1.4
vonicvn/ibg-exchange-client latest
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.3 20211121.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.5 20220122.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
gravitimx/aq_ms_shoppingcart_front k8s
- version: 2.1.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.6 20220220.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
comille/inspection-tool 202309261234_google
- version: 1.1.2
alvistack/gitlab-ee-13.12 20210718.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
enrico204/golang 1.21.5-10
- version: 1.1.2
vikasitnalportqii/thebox-webux1 ecr
- version: 2.1.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-13.11 20210621.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
doolysmile/wishbujeok_frontend latest
- version: 2.1.4
alialfredji/diagram 0.7.4
- version: 0.2.4
si3mshady/blogfe-dev-no-proxy-config 1
- version: 1.1.2
alialfredji/tubeview-app 1.7.0
- version: 0.2.4
nife123/classy-app-8239 deployment-ae3427
- version: 2.1.3
reynandev/codenaute mobile
- version: 3.1.1
rapidfort/gitlab-ce latest-rfstub
- version: 0.2.4
alemayhu/notion2anki latest
Easily convert your Notion Toggles to Anki flashcards ⭐️
- version: 1.1.2
daquan/frontend main-8206434
- version: 1.1.2
vonicvn/safepet-client-staging 0311202102
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-13.8 20210322.1.0
- version: 0.2.4
shopnext/shopnext_claim_airdrop_website 0.0.develop-40
- version: 1.1.2
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.2 20211020.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
vonicvn/lion-client-production 093e96e39cab279c75fb24a16e6f2d82711c0b7f
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-13.6 20210122.0.0
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-13.7 20210220.1.0
- version: 0.2.4
vonicvn/csb-client-production ddd0fb86d375ee461c5ae1106c561f5998815d7b
- version: 0.2.4
vonicvn/simba-homepage-staging 805ee8324b86f3286073d89b61a644aed2939204
- version: 0.2.4
galaxygroupbiz/psf-frontend 79
- version: 1.1.2
nife123/wordle deployment-h1jcc8
- version: 2.1.3
vonicvn/csb-client 5d7bd386207de2d3c3da44728155fb737e6edb03
- version: 0.2.4
onscene/flojoy-base 44c6740
Base image for other flojoy images to build on
- version: 2.1.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-13.11 20210621.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
shucknite/frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.3 20211121.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-13.6 20210122.0.0
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.1 20210921.1.2
- version: 0.2.4
glueops/tacos_app_react_js main
- version: 2.1.4
nife123/extraordinary-app-7840 deployment-ad7aa3
- version: 2.1.3
nife123/exquisite-app-6439 deployment-1b95g6
- version: 2.1.3
just4funxd/foodgram-frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1, 1.1.0
joja5627/node-server latest
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-13.12 20210722.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-13.8 20210322.1.0
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.5 20220122.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py39-jup-cust 20231009
- version: 2.1.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.1 20210921.1.2
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.6 20220220.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-14.0 20210823.1.1
- version: 0.2.4
alvistack/gitlab-ce-13.7 20210220.1.0
- version: 0.2.4
seafileltd/seafile-test 9.0.0
- version: 0.2.4
nife123/superb-app-9455 deployment-55igf1
- version: 2.1.3
trankev/bills-api development
- version: 1.1.2
datapta/finlooker-front-end b14c841
- version: 2.1.4
lazyc0der1/jiffy-explorer latest
- version: 2.1.4
komediantto/foodgram_frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1, 1.1.0
nzbasic/snipe latest
- version: 1.1.2
zuolan/theia-ide next
- version: 1.1.2
vonicvn/sehoo-client a57a45fb9ab8ce8c10a7074a5834e04d0282be58
- version: 0.2.4
nexta2020/frontend-pupil-exam latest
- version: 2.1.4
labs47b/video-confrence-front develop-24
- version: 0.2.4
yanak38/frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1, 1.1.0
anthonyhol/foodgram-frontend latest
- version: 1.1.0, 1.1.1
alphaantares/playerly playerly-webapp
- version: 2.1.4
shishirkhandelwal/metaverse 70
- version: 1.1.2
evg1995gon/frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1, 1.1.0
madamas/int20h-base 1.2.0
- version: 1.1.0
joingardens/gardens-engine-edge latest
- version: 1.1.2
karolinaefr/foodgram-frontend latest
- version: 1.1.1, 1.1.0
hykaia/tone-full dev
- version: 1.1.2
shishirkhandelwal/solana 69
- version: 1.1.2
amazingviews/website latest
- version: 2.1.4
xenjaya/ticketing-view latest
- version: 0.2.4
aqaurius6666/shoe-shop-fe d49902d3
- version: 2.1.4
vantuan12345/vision-frontend staging
- version: 0.2.1
chyornyy/foodgram-frontend amd64
- version: 1.1.0, 1.1.1
datapta/finlooker-front-end-stg 4a458a55
- version: 2.1.4
vonicvn/ncf-ido-client-staging 7d6d636cfe0769ed35cd7673f932de44b1be8fba
- version: 1.1.2
truonghdpk/movie-craw-frontend master-04b8df08
- version: 1.1.2
mohammad67/mosesreigns_client v1.1
- version: 1.1.2