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Package Usage : npm : vis-data
Explore the latest package usage data for vis-data in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 62
Total downloads: 16,310,399
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amazon/opendistro-for-elasticsearch-kibana 1.13.2
The Docker image for Open Distro Kibana
- version: 6.6.1
opensearchproject/opensearch-dashboards 2.18.0
The Official Docker Image of OpenSearch Dashboards (
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
srinivasnayak/destination-v1 latest
- version: 6.6.1
opensearchstaging/opensearch-dashboards 3.0.0
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
rancher/opensearch-dashboards 1.3.1
- version: 7.1.2, 7.1.6
giantswarm/opendistro-for-elasticsearch-kibana 1.13.2
- version: 6.6.1
handsonsecurity/seedemu-map latest
- version: 7.1.2
amilinenisirisha/ui latest
- version: 6.6.1
agung2001/ v1.5.2
- version: 7.1.4
tiberiuichim/wise-catalogue-proxy latest
- version: 7.1.2
maltetoelle/opensearch-dashboards https
- version: 7.1.2
concertohealthai/olk_dashboard latest
- version: 7.1.2
kubesphere/opensearch-dashboards 2.1.0
- version: 7.1.2
fronco/ui latest
- version: 7.1.4
godille/simplifylegi-client latest
- version: 7.1.4
a1021p/opensearch latest
- version: 7.1.2
ahdian/opensearch-dashboards 1.3.2
- version: 7.1.2
ufo101/kata-go-visualizer latest
- version: 7.1.4
g8tax/exp-generic-opensearch-dashboards latest--at-20240201-235900
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
a1021p/base_opensearch latest
- version: 7.1.2
srinivasnayak/carrental-v1 latest
- version: 6.6.1
srinivasnayak/currencyexchange latest
- version: 6.6.1
tryretool/backend-workflow 0.3.2
Used to run the workflows product
- version: 6.6.1
mustafasdocker1/conductor-ui v3.13.2
- version: 7.1.4
dancarbone/opensearch-dashboards 2.5-2022
- version: 7.1.2
xikunyu/opensearch-dashboards 2.3.0
- version: 7.1.2
oliverochs/osdb-scan v2
- version: 7.1.2
asami1234/conductor-ui v3.9.1
- version: 7.1.4
cuteekernel/ui latest
- version: 6.6.1
warlockee/cuda_dev runtime-autogpt-warlock-agent for cuda pytorch dev env
- version: 7.1.6
seedll/auto-gpt latest
- version: 7.1.6
kellinpelrine/katagovisualizer test
- version: 7.1.4
medinvention/krane v0.1.1
- version: 7.1.4
dean2400t/lady-deliveries latest
- version: 7.1.2
salvianoleao/computational-physics_2023.01 latest
- version: 7.1.2
marvindivo/carrental-v1 latest
- version: 6.6.1
anilmca01/opensearch-dashboard 2.3.0-1
- version: 7.1.2
aryala077/avocado-build 1.0
- version: 7.1.4
gluenet/opensearch-dashboards v0.1
- version: 7.1.2
moneymanager/conductor-ui 1.0.1
- version: 7.1.4
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-db-ssh-connector 1
- version: 6.6.1
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-jobs-runner 1
- version: 6.6.1
skfrost19/binary-tree-visualizer 0.0.1.RELEASE
- version: 7.1.6
szhongna/opensearch-dashboards 2.7.0
- version: 7.1.2, 7.1.6
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-api 1
- version: 6.6.1
varunelavia/os-dashboard-wo-security latest
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
siamecosystems/tdar-dashboards-dev 1.3
- version: 7.1.2
srinivasnayak/ui latest
- version: 6.6.1
icddocker1/icdrepo opensearch-2.11.1_d_sp3_1.4.1
icd repo
- version: 7.1.6
ivanlemon/sample latest
- version: 6.6.1, 7.1.4
nestarosta/demo_v1 e598658cefe9bf28c098f028e33cae3048e2624a
- version: 7.1.6
tanminkwan/opensearch-dashboards-no-security latest
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
karlolson1/mongo v22
- version: 7.1.2
swathirao289/carrental-v1 latest
- version: 6.6.1
swathirao289/currencyexchange latest
- version: 6.6.1
swathirao289/destination-v1 latest
- version: 6.6.1
startuped/unicorn.devapp v0.0.2.8
- version: 7.1.4
t2lab/opensearch-dashboards 2.8.0
Opensearch Dashboards customized with engineering plugins and home page app
- version: 7.1.6, 7.1.2
agustinabenia/currencyexchange latest
- version: 6.6.1
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-cedergrouphub-2dsmol-425de4 45846c4e1ec3190821ec372c88ff02d4803323be
- version: 7.1.2
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-db-connector 1
- version: 6.6.1
sidharthp1994/familytreebuilder latest
- version: 7.1.6