An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : validator
Explore the latest package usage data for validator in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 12,519
Total downloads: 3,575,624,693
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arm32v6/ghost 5.75-alpine
Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript
- version: 12.2.0
sovryn/sovryn-limit-order-routes production
- version: 13.6.0, 13.7.0, 11.1.0
markmckessock/magmalte v1.1.0
- version: 10.11.0
nodesource/nsolid-console hydrogen-alpine-4.10.2
The Official N|Solid Docker Images
- version: 13.11.0, 13.9.0
octoblu/meshblu-authenticator-peter-party v3.1.3
docker registry for octoblu/meshblu-authenticator-peter-party
- version: 6.3.0, 6.2.1
botium/botium-box-ce latest
Botium Box - Community Edition [DEPRECATED]
- version: 12.2.0
splatform/scf-nats dcfb3ec87d41744e7a4bfb680e8e983b78a70fab
- version: 5.5.0, 5.7.0
splatform/scf-tcp-router 69c6ef175e78372ea49d1a98f3fe6bd7c68712ab
- version: 5.5.0, 5.7.0
splatform/scf-post-deployment-setup c706b51305cebc88f64a0acf8f2ef22cc9305a7a
- version: 5.5.0, 5.7.0
splatform/scf-smoke-tests 9e212ab6fa9c2ffbfb4629136bf7f08c16c81062
- version: 5.5.0, 5.7.0
i386/ghost 2-alpine
Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript
- version: 6.3.0, 7.2.0, 9.4.1
appcelerator/amptools 1.13.0
- version: 9.1.2
botium/botium-box-server latest
Botium Box Server
- version: 13.7.0, 12.2.0
cockroachdb/acceptance 20221005-223354
This is the Docker image used to run the CockroachDB acceptance tests.
- version: 9.4.1, 6.3.0
atlassian/nucleus oidc-support
A configurable and versatile update server for all your Electron apps
- version: 9.1.1
cs50/ide minimal
- version: 9.4.1, 1.5.1
ebsproject/b4r-api-v3 dev
- version: 10.11.0
taraxa/explorer 2.0.1-103
- version: 13.7.0
gitpod/workspace-dotnet 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds .NET support
- version: 13.9.0, 13.7.0
testlagoon/api pr-3630
- version: 10.11.0
weaveworksdemos/openapi 9bffa02d273568b8bddaeaa9e5a3ef6a045b4151
- version: 10.11.0
jetbrains/datalore-agent 2023.6-py3.10
- version: 13.9.0
codercom/ubuntu-dev latest
An Ubuntu container for development environments.
- version: 9.4.1
comsatel/jupyter 0.2.0
- version: 13.7.0
openkbs/knime-vnc-docker latest
KNIME Analytics Platform in Docker with VNC for Kubernetes, Openshift Container Cloud Platforms
- version: 7.0.0
acala/evm-subql 23c82ac
- version: 13.9.0, 13.7.0
thecodingmachine/workadventure-uploader headless
- version: 13.7.0
rlaqjawls/practice-graphql latest
- version: 13.7.0
aiidalab/aiidalab-docker-stack 23.3.0
Docker stack for the AiiDA lab (
- version: 13.6.0
ashish1981/jfrog-artifactory-oss v7.41.7
- version: 13.7.0
senzing/jupyter latest
- version: 13.6.0
ssube/salty-dog update-c8-8-x
Schema analysis, linting, and transformation for YAML
- version: 13.7.0
sagemath/sagemath-dev 10.3.beta4
SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system
- version: 13.9.0
atapbinder/binder-dev-alex-2dip-2dconda-606e23 f693cb9c1545dc48b02f63a44204528297b3f685
- version: 13.7.0
bitriseio/docker-android-alpha latest
- version: 9.4.1
skedler/onprem 5.4.5
This repository will be not available from Dec 31, 2021. Please use "skedler/reports" repository
- version: 13.6.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py38-jup-cust 20230623
- version: 13.6.0
keybaseprivate/kbwebdeps latest
Dependencies for the keybase docker
- version: 3.43.0
dolfinx/lab v0.7.3
Jupyter Lab environment with dolfinx
- version: 13.9.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py37-jup-cust 20230107
- version: 13.7.0
gitpod/workspace-python 2023-11-21-19-01-08
- version: 13.9.0
ikuturso/reporting 11
- version: 3.43.0
ethereum/source-verify geth-v1.11.5
- version: 13.7.0
boltz/backend latest
Moved to:
- version: 13.7.0
bitriseio/android-ndk-lts-alpha latest
- version: 9.4.1
biclighter81/alte-apo 8ec42c2a41c3600fa9c5b9474c18299609822893
- version: 13.7.0
thecodingmachine/workadventure-map-storage headless
- version: 13.7.0
sphinxlightning/sphinx-boltwall 0.3.7
boltwall server to guard access to sphinx paid services
- version: 13.7.0
sovryn/sovryn-balance-monitor production
- version: 11.1.0, 13.7.0
cognus/elastic-ai-v1 latest
- version: 4.4.0, 10.9.0
medinvention/webssh2 0.4.3
- version: 13.6.0
reactioncommerce/reaction-loadtest-taurus latest
Runs Taurus/JMeter tests.
- version: 7.0.0
bitriseio/android-ndk-alpha latest
- version: 9.4.1
bitriseio/android-20.04 v2023_12_14-10_22-b1729
- version: 13.9.0