An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : update-notifier
Explore the latest package usage data for update-notifier in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 23,988
Total downloads: 3,321,492,654
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balenalib/intel-nuc-ubuntu-node 14-bionic-build-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: 2.5.0
benweet/stackedit v5.15.4
- version: 2.3.0, 2.5.0
resin/qemux86-64-alpine-node 9.11.2-slim-20190221
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
geoffreybooth/meteor-base 2.14
A base Docker image for use by Meteor apps built using a multistage Dockerfile
- version: 2.5.0
hyperledgerlabs/baf-build jdk8-latest
- version: 2.5.0
bitcli/bit latest-node-20.10.0
- version: 2.5.0
eshop/webspa dev
- version: 2.5.0
scality/ironman-base master
Base image for all IronMan containers
- version: 2.1.0
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 4.1.3, 6.0.2, 5.1.0
rancher/longhorn-ui v0.5.0
- version: 2.1.0, 2.5.0
ratiopbc/elixir-ci latest
- version: 2.5.0
tozd/meteor-testing ubuntu-focal-2.13.3
Docker image for testing of Meteor apps.
- version: 2.5.0
4minitz/4minitz unstable
4Minitz! - Simply a decent free webapp for taking meeting minutes. ;-)
- version: 2.3.0
beevelop/shields latest in a Docker image
- version: 5.1.0, 2.5.0, 4.1.0
bafss2020/ws-staging latest
- version: 5.1.0, 2.5.0
resin/intel-nuc-alpine-node 9.11.2-slim-20190221
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
codalab/frontend stress_test_fix
- version: 2.5.0
algolia/docsearch-scraper latest
Image from the DocSearch scraper Source:
- version: 2.5.0
tozd/meteor ubuntu-xenial-2.13
Docker image for Meteor.
- version: 2.5.0
bitriseio/docker-android latest
android base
- version: 2.5.0, 4.1.3, 5.1.0
resin/intel-edison-alpine-node 8.5.0-slim-20190219
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.2.0
balenalib/bananapi-m1-plus-ubuntu-node lunar
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: 2.5.0
resin/artik5-ubuntu-node 9-xenial-20190112
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
slpcat/konga latest
- version: 2.5.0, 2.3.0, 0.6.3
resin/artik710-alpine-node 8-edge-20190120
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
resin/raspberry-pi2-node 10.10-slim-20190222
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.5.0
eosio/ci-contracts-builder base-ubuntu-18.04-whitesource_configure-32fda5be8ef038d46f7694d7050369c5a0b3d6c6
- version: 2.5.0
nimlang/nim 2.0.0
Nim is a programming language with C's efficiency, Lisp's expressivenes, and Python's elegancy.
- version: 2.5.0
beevelop/cordova v2023.10.1
Cordova docker image
- version: 5.1.0, 2.5.0
mist/landing master
- version: 2.5.0, 0.6.3, 1.0.3
edxops/discovery 3287b5d997ebd478df558e7d43bef82738ba8e6ca8356
- version: 0.6.3
resin/nitrogen6x-alpine-node 9.11.2-edge-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
resin/raspberry-pi-node 9.11.2-stretch-20190127
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
reactioncommerce/example-storefront latest
Example Storefront is Reaction Commerce’s headless ecommerce storefront - Next.js, GraphQL, React.
- version: 2.5.0
johnpapa/angular-cli latest
Node.js with the @angular/cli
- version: 2.5.0
resin/raspberry-pi2-alpine-node 8-onbuild-20190226
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
clickhouse/stateless-test 57596-f482dbae1053aed0efb284edd1873c726b9343c7
- version: 2.5.0
resin/kitra710-alpine-node 8-edge-20190120
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
resin/odroid-c1-alpine-node 9.11.2-edge-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
lucarv/pnwriter-microservice latest
- version: 2.5.0
hypriot/visualizer linux-armv6
Docker Swarm Visualizer for different CPU types
- version: 2.5.0
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-pyspark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Python 2.7 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 2.5.0
resin/ts4900-alpine-node 9-slim-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
asyncapi/generator 1.15.5
- version: 2.5.0
flat/node-lts-ci 18-jammy
Node LTS for CI
- version: 0.6.3, 6.0.2
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-scala-spark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Scala 2.11 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 2.3.0
dmstr/phd5-app 5.10.0-alpha2
- version: 0.2.0
radanalyticsio/oshinko-webui stable
Oshinko Web UI service container
- version: 0.6.3, 2.5.0, 0.12.6, 0.2.0, 2.3.0
akamai/shell v2.18.0
Akamai CLI with most CLI packages pre-installed and 3rd party Utilities like HTTPie and Terraform
- version: 2.5.0
resin/artik530-ubuntu-node 9-xenial-20190112
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
atlassian/server-client-plugins latest
A build environment for the needs of the Atlassian Server Client Plugins
- version: 2.5.0
openshift/jenkins-slave-nodejs-centos7 v3.11
A Jenkins slave image with NodeJS 4 included.
- version: 0.6.0
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-pyspark-py36 stable
OpenShift S2I builder image for Python 3.6 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 2.5.0
dasmeta/kutt latest
Free Modern URL Shortener.
- version: 2.5.0
grafana/mimir-build-image pr6980-478aa31e45
Image for building Grafana Mimir.
- version: 2.5.0
resin/up-board-alpine-node 9.11.2-slim-20190221
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
previousnext/php-apache 7.3-2023-12-21-dev
- version: 2.5.0