An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : update-notifier
Explore the latest package usage data for update-notifier in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 23,988
Total downloads: 3,321,492,654
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bafss2020/ws-test latest
- version: 2.5.0, 5.1.0
trufflesuite/ganache-cli next
Deprecation notice:
- version: 2.5.0
alekzonder/puppeteer 1
GoogleChrome/puppeteer image and screenshots scripts
- version: 2.5.0
datadog/dd-trace-py testrunner
- version: 2.5.0, 2.3.0
keymetrics/pm2 12-stretch
🐳 Official Docker Image for PM2 runtime
- version: 2.5.0
graphile/postgraphile 4-14
Instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database
- version: 4.1.3
nixos/nix 2.20.0pre20231224_e23983d
The Nix package manager.
- version: 4.1.3, 5.1.0, 6.0.2
centos/s2i-base-centos7 latest
Base image with essential libraries and tools used as a base for builder images like perl, pytho...
- version: 2.5.0
Collaborative system for managing documents, projects, customer relations and emails in one place
- version: 4.1.3, 2.5.0
prefecthq/apollo core-1.4.1
- version: 2.5.0
linuxserver/codimd version-1.7.0
- version: 2.5.0
azureiotpcs/pcs-remote-monitoring-webui testing
WebUI for remote monitoring pcs
- version: 2.2.0
tiredofit/freepbx 5.2.0
FreePBX 15 Asterisk Manager w/Asterisk 16. Persists upon container starts, seperate DB.
- version: 2.5.0
localstack/localstack-light 1.4.0
LocalStack image with reduced set of dependencies (deprecated - use localstack/localstack instead)
- version: 5.1.0
bitriseio/android-ndk latest
Built on the base Android docker image, adds pre-installed Android NDK
- version: 5.1.0, 2.5.0, 4.1.3
dickhub/linuxserver-codeserver version-4.19.0
mirror of linuxserver/code-server x86-64, arm64 and armhf PLZ read readme bellow
- version: 2.5.0
wodby/node 18.19-dev
- version: 2.5.0
jhipster/jhipster v8.1.0
Official JHipster Docker image
- version: 2.5.0
library/express-gateway latest
DEPRECATED; The Official Docker Image of Express Gateway, an API Gateway for APIs and Microservices
- version: 2.5.0
coralproject/talk 8.5.1
A better commenting experience from Vox Media.
- version: 5.1.0
resin/procbots master
- version: 2.5.0
openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs-8-centos7 v3.11
A Jenkins slave image with NodeJS 8 included. DEPRECATED: see below
- version: 0.6.0, 2.5.0
amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-nodejs12.x 2023-11-03
- version: 2.5.0
coala/base pre
A simple docker image featuring coala and it's dependencies.
- version: 1.0.3, 2.2.0
ampache/ampache nosql6.1.0
Ampache ...for the love of music -
- version: 4.1.3
schickling/swagger-ui latest
Swagger UI 2.2.8 with API_URL, API_KEY and OAUTH2 injection (45 MB)
- version: 2.5.0
linuxserver/kanzi 10.29.2020
- version: 2.3.0
clue/json-server latest
JSON Server provides REST API mocking based on plain JSON.
- version: 2.5.0, 2.3.0
resin/am571x-evm-ubuntu-node 9-xenial-20190112
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
functions/nodeinfo-http latest-armhf
- version: 2.5.0
abernix/meteord node-12-binbuild
Meteor 1.4+ drop-in replacement image "meteord" image for "Meteor Up" (MUP)
- version: 2.5.0
forestadmin/lumber-forestadmin latest
Generate a backend application using Lumber with the Forest Admin plugin installed.
- version: 2.5.0
hyperledger/fabric-baseimage 0.4
- version: 2.5.0
halternz/serverless latest
- version: 2.5.0
functions/nodeinfo latest
- version: 2.5.0
localstack/localstack-full 1.4.0
LocalStack image with full set of dependencies (deprecated - use localstack/localstack instead)
- version: 5.1.0
halternz/android latest
- version: 2.5.0
gethue/hue 20240103-140101
Hue is an open source SQL Assistant for Database & Data Warehouses.
- version: 2.5.0
bafss2020/ws-production latest
- version: 2.5.0, 5.1.0
linuxserver/dillinger v3.39.1-ls185
- version: 0.7.0, 0.2.0
hsldevcom/hsl-map-server prod-2023-12-23T01.59.02-7388df1
- version: 0.6.3
eosio/ci eos-ubuntu-20.04-unpinned-a1a267c90a240a742aa059a8ad1ca9c985a15be9
EOSIO Continuous Integration and Delivery Images
- version: 2.5.0
resin/apalis-imx6q-ubuntu-node 9-xenial-20190112
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
resin/up-board-fedora-node 9-25-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
resin/raspberrypi3-alpine-node 8-onbuild-20190226
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 2.3.0
kamirshab/golang tiga
- version: 2.5.0
jhipster/jhipster-console edge
JHipster monitoring & alerting console, based on ELK
- version: 2.3.0, 0.5.0
blacktop/kibana 7.10.2
Alpine Linux based Kibana Docker Image
- version: 2.5.0
spotify/lighthouse-audit-service latest
- version: 2.5.0, 4.1.3
pytorch/torchserve 0.9.0-gpu
- version: 2.5.0
blockstream/charged v0.4.26
- version: 2.5.0
amazon/aws-sam-cli-build-image-nodejs12.x latest
- version: 2.5.0
tiangolo/node-frontend latest
Node.js Docker image with Puppeteer dependencies frontend Headless testing and default Nginx config
- version: 2.5.0
trufflesuite/ganache v7.9.2
Deprecation notice:
- version: 2.5.0
gableroux/unity3d 2018.4.30f1-android
Unity3d docker image for running commands in a CI such as gitlab-ci
- version: 2.5.0
gobuffalo/buffalo v0.18.14
- version: 2.5.0