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Package Usage : npm : simple-statistics
Explore the latest package usage data for simple-statistics in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 37
Total downloads: 16,217
More details on - JSON
anthonychu/cgm-remote-monitor latest
- version: 0.7.0
caas4/mep-dashboard latest-unicom
- version: 6.1.1
dwsr/node-red 3.0.2-18-minimal
- version: 6.0.1
snic/nightscout v14.2.5
- version: 0.7.0
skalahonza/nightscout latest
Nightscout Web Monitor
- version: 0.7.0
manhnv/cdn-maxping-web latest
- version: 6.1.1
coredgeio/mco-ui latest
- version: 7.7.0, 6.1.1
pingsutw/mini-submarine 0.0.1
- version: 6.1.1
rishabh0197/ccp-console latest
- version: 6.1.1, 7.7.0
kosasih/terria-terriamap latest
- version: 7.3.0
osrecki/me-wallet-bench latest
- version: 7.8.3
itrmachines/decentraland-forecaster-v2 1.0.1
- version: 7.8.3
pingsutw/pysubmarine-ci latest
- version: 6.1.1
alexgleith/terriamap latest
- version: 7.7.5
truecharts/nightscout build20220725165228
- version: 0.7.0
rishabh0197/mco-console latest
- version: 6.1.1, 7.7.0
onenetcom/carto-jw latest
- version: 0.9.2
dedorewan/pro-payment-protal-api slim
- version: 6.1.1
agroapps/terriamap 0.0.1
- version: 7.7.0
dorothyai412/dorothai v1.5.24
- version: 4.1.1
pojthi/ptg-snapplus-api v0.0.1
- version: 7.8.3, 7.3.2
terrasankai/nightscout_image_devnight latest
- version: 0.7.0
openq/openq-drm-evaluator production-1.5.222
- version: 7.8.3
seglh/sqvd v1.2.12
Git repo:
- version: 6.1.1
nepomuk1985/nightscout-with-cgp latest
- version: 0.7.0
hatiolab/ppms 1.0.13
- version: 7.8.3
irusin/nightscout 15.0.1-iru.2
Builds for Nightcloud - an open-source cloud application used by people with diabetes.
- version: 0.7.0
vetch/frontend 3a12867
- version: 7.8.3
jimi7220/turtle_neck_savior_frontend latest
- version: 7.8.3
mixnet/soybean-admin 0.9.9
- version: 6.1.1
hatiolab/operato-dataset 6.1.60
- version: 7.8.3
yu5k3/silent-spring-experiments latest
ODGen and CodeQL experiments
- version: 7.8.3
huasisoft/office-web alpha.0.20231012.0
- version: 6.1.1
hatiolab/operatochef-dev 0.3.56
- version: 7.8.3
nareshjampala/gcz-provider 0.0.2
- version: 7.7.5, 7.7.6, 7.7.0
leezq/01vc latest
- version: 6.1.1
faysal78/cloud7ui trial
- version: 7.7.5