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Package Usage : npm : redux-localstorage-simple
Explore the latest package usage data for redux-localstorage-simple in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 12
Total downloads: 6,842
More details on - JSON
jonasmse/plone-frontend-ivv latest
- version: 2.3.1
eeacms/cca-frontend 2.55.0
- version: 2.3.1
tiberiuichim/bise-frontend latest
- version: 2.3.1
tiberiuichim/freshwater-frontend v1
- version: 2.3.1
tiberiuichim/trc-frontend latest
- version: 2.3.1
intkbv/haagshistorischmuseum-frontend sha-968e146
- version: 2.3.1
cihanandac/project-title-frontend sha-dfae3af
- version: 2.3.1
intkbv/volto-frontend sha-efd03a2
- version: 2.3.1
zcomv2/bscswap 2.3
BSCSwap Interface : docker run -p 3000:3000 zcomv2/bscswap:2.3
- version: 2.2.0
intkbv/zeeuwsmuseumwebsite-frontend sha-b76bcd0
- version: 2.3.1
checovela/tienda-front latest
- version: 2.3.1
dobri1408/hidrosalt-consulting-frontend latest
- version: 2.3.1