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Package Usage : npm : rc-mentions
Explore the latest package usage data for rc-mentions in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 860
Total downloads: 76,790,196
More details on - JSON
oguzozcan/mlcraft-stack 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.0
heaty566/prj-da-fe-agency latest
- version: 1.10.0
qiningonline/pytorch latest
- version: 1.6.2
arjunref/dev-interview-frontend D.45
- version: 1.13.1, 1.9.2
evgeniy102000/client latest
- version: 1.13.1
trentaml/belle-7b-2m 202303252015
- version: 1.6.2
threefolddev/caprover latest
- version: 1.6.1
bbangsik/eg3d primitive3D
- version: 1.5.3
namnguyen2307/superset 2.0.0
- version: 1.5.2
guisilveira/duckdb-mds latest
- version: 1.5.2
lasalot/dt-ideas latest
- version: 1.13.1
bencdr/ben-test v9
- version: 1.5.3
zodinettech/swipebit-pos-portal 4988291751
- version: 1.9.2
linnanwang/lora v6
- version: 1.9.0
natthananr/cvt_docker6 latest
- version: 1.5.3
natthananr/cvt_docker7 latest
- version: 1.5.3
schoool/jupyter_codeserver 0.2
- version: 1.5.3
devilprotected/signalr-chat-back1 latest
- version: 1.13.1
emmygozi/recovaweblocal latest
- version: 2.2.0, 2.5.0
dreammnck/advance_topic_project_frontend 1.0.0
- version: 1.10.0
hyunwow1263/bigfine base
- version: 1.5.3
nostalld/gfootball pytorch1.9.1-cuda11.1
- version: 1.9.0
9966167557/hrm-emp-frontendnew1 latest
- version: 1.13.1
tungnguyen1999/meddental-dashboard dev-1.0.6
- version: 2.0.0
harryholcomb/rulify-ui latest
Rules Engine UI for creating rulesets
- version: 0.4.1
nostalld/bpta lumi
- version: 1.6.2
lae01/customdockerimage 12.13
- version: 1.6.2
brookluo/img-spec-ml nvcr-22.09-py3
- version: 1.9.0
neilmehta87/cosmoflow_pyt 23.07
- version: 1.9.0
dudgnl23/anywhere-frontend 0.0.3
- version: 2.1.0
hamza172/admission-portal v4
- version: 2.3.0
hasbropokemon/pkq latest
- version: 1.10.0_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y
siteup2022/demofinal latest
- version: 1.13.1
rastyu/qinglong 2.15.14
- version: 1.13.1
xaldbar/websocket-events latest
- version: 2.1.0
anoohhya123/hrm-emp-frontend latest
- version: 1.13.1
bioflore/landprint-demo latest
- version: 1.13.1
siradev22/kaiburr final
Front-end React application
- version: 2.2.0
npayaresc/tspp secondtry
- version: 1.5.3
surajpaib/monai_bundle_inference latest
- version: 1.6.2
jtyo/yolov7 latest
- version: 1.5.3
reyx/agnos-web-base 1.0.2
- version: 2.5.0
yibooguo/new_road new
- version: 1.5.3
andyzeng/mlperf-nvidia language_model
- version: 1.5.3
battalion7244/bbt 0.1
- version: 1.6.2
miku8miku/qinglong latest
- version: 1.9.2_sfoxds7t5ydpegc3knd667wn6m
miqayel11/landing-page-image latest
- version: 1.13.1
jiazhaoshi/ebankingfrontend latest
- version: 1.13.1
mlsysops/migperf 0.0.1
Multi-Instance-GPU profiling tool
- version: 1.6.2
panhara28/moc-caprover 1.0
- version: 1.6.1
snorkel1pixability/iab-tier2-sagemaker latest
- version: 1.6.1
modrakesh24/feathrui internalip
- version: 1.13.1
hmviet/ticket-app-client latest
- version: 2.0.0
harinharin/yolov7 v1
- version: 1.5.3
tuapuikia/tts latest
- version: 1.9.0
farazahmad56/elysium-testnet-explorer 6.0.0
- version: 1.8.0
reimage/condition latest
- version: 1.9.0
desijanto/webgame2 1.0.0
- version: 1.13.1
sdroh1027/nvcr-pytorch-2201-nepes 20230216
- version: 1.5.3
itdevwu/pytorch ngc-23.04-py3
Pytorch image derived from the official image, with some additional tools installed and configured.
- version: 1.9.0
zz217/deepcam-cpu latest
- version: 1.9.0
sfarrell/opencatalyst-opt 23.07.01
- version: 1.9.0
dkomura/deeptexture linux-torch_oral_20230614
Docker image for deeptexture library
- version: 1.6.2
alsaheem/project-submission-frontend latest
- version: 1.5.3
yahboomtechnology/dl-ros-foxy 1.1
- version: 1.5.3
omaemirates/ums-cms-pg-global 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1.13.1
wrhsd/omnivore-inbound latest
- version: 1.11.0
pcoker581/segar-frontend 1.4
- version: 1.8.0
xedriq/totomanager prod-
- version: 2.3.0
tuapuikia/visual-chatgpt 1
- version: 1.9.0
stevephan46/maskgan 55b2cd3b31f3e0dd3e4c4cfcc5ae90a9faefcef6
- version: 1.5.3
abulsy3d/locked-out-frontend v202312171902
- version: 2.7.0, 2.5.0, 2.9.1
aciborowska/mh_eval latest
- version: 1.9.0
- version: 1.6.2
personalaccountcristian/electrocreditos-client latest
- version: 1.13.1
thsimage/cuda 11.7_pytorch_onnx
- version: 1.6.2
anhngml/dxfdemo latest
- version: 2.0.0
mnabilarta/kacsa latest
- version: 1.13.1
unig/hml_web_polo 1.1
- version: 1.13.1
kihaen/repo-search latest
- version: 2.2.0
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-db-ssh-connector 1
- version: 0.4.2
onobrerodrigo/peqi-app-nginx r5
- version: 2.1.0
ccps920167/idea-system v18
- version: 1.8.0
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-jobs-runner 1
- version: 0.4.2
leeyee11/cloudysk latest
Docker image for cloudysk
- version: 1.10.0
momenmarwan/fluentoo latest
- version: 2.5.0
nasph/control-plane latest
- version: 1.13.1
kainesv/jobz-dashboard latest
- version: 2.5.0