An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : nomnom
Explore the latest package usage data for nomnom in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,259
Total downloads: 601,016,447
More details on - JSON
engchina/oracle-8-desktop-plus 1.12.1
- version: 1.8.1
philfoster98/azurefunctionsimage v1.0.0
- version: 1.8.1
monta010/centraldashboard 29.6
- version: 1.5.2
thesnowmancometh/unseal latest
- version: 1.8.1
linuxserver/series-troxide 0.4.3
- version: 1.8.1
flemmerw/upcheck-web-test f4b96e681bb3b53b78caf60f5c6c354802d2b9f3
- version: 1.8.1
inistcnrs/lodex-theme-inist 12.55.4
- version: 1.5.2
zerowgd/konga 1.0.0
- version: 1.8.1
fantasticfables/piranha-component-console 0.0.166
- version: 1.8.1
ymoumen/flojoy1 latest
- version: 1.8.1
bidatadev/san_thau_portal_web latest
- version: 1.8.1
ivanbirkamier/nxbasimages latest
This is an Image of an Nx dir, with a NestJs and a Angular App based on the @nrwl-Packages.
- version: 1.8.1
titanide/vscode v20231016-0a23297
- version: 1.8.1
jmitchellfigure/cypres12.5.1-node16.15.0 1.1.6
- version: 1.8.1
drayfocus/k8spipeline-app 0.54
- version: 1.8.1
highcard/druid-mono-node dev-d11dfbd5
- version: 1.8.1
kintaro335/monkiafrontend latest
- version: 1.8.1
bidatadev/san_thau_portal_api latest
- version: 1.8.1
shotaromatsuya/qb-cypress-base 14
- version: 1.8.1
tklco/taxi-client latest
- version: 1.8.1
inspqti/fa-ius-angular 1.3.0
- version: 1.8.1
brobridgehub/atomic-labdemo v0.0.5-20231012-ubi
- version: 1.5.3
grynchuk/accexp-php accexp-php-v0.1.14
- version: 1.8.1
paastakr/d4b1eb5a-c151-45b8-b0dc-e98791a177ba b1.20230804.043936
- version: 1.8.1
gsingers/search_engineering latest
- version: 1.8.1
jimmymax/kasm.root 22.04
- version: 1.8.1
fellhalore/dev-frontend-theburst-app latest
- version: 1.8.1
mib4fun/domotel-erp-api 2024-02-02_22-13
- version: 1.8.1
neurobagel/query_tool nightly
- version: 1.8.1
inoneforce/all4one-gang latest
- version: 1.8.1
jonaslabermeiercs/webapp latest
- version: 1.8.1
vscwjm/deepin start-1.1
- version: 1.8.1
paastakr/379ae811-9f46-41dd-b47e-3fda5b2a2211 b1.20230803.070210
- version: 1.8.1
savati/kasm-ptos dev2
Custom Kasm Workspace based on Ubuntu/Xfce
- version: 1.8.1
ben1004/centraldashboard 4926b26-dirty-v1
- version: 1.5.2
upasana90daniel98/wingman latest
- version: 1.8.1
fiware/iotagent-opcua 2.2.0
IoT Agent for OPC UA protocol
- version: 1.5.2
pratikslv38/vsaadmin 1.0.201
- version: 1.8.1
eirn/dsbpp_hotel_reserv unmodifiedBaseline
- version: 1.8.1
yu5k3/silent-spring-experiments latest
ODGen and CodeQL experiments
- version: 1.6.2, 1.8.1
worldofgeese/buddhabot-devcontainer latest
- version: 1.8.1
devwetalk/dev-pulstar-service-auth 42
- version: 1.8.1
- version: 1.8.1
geoscienceaustralia/gnss-metadata-bitbucket-pipelines k8s
- version: 1.8.1
nnard1616/docker-calibre latest
- version: 1.8.1
tmy2017/gitpod-workspace-full-vnc-php56 latest
- version: 1.8.1
libsysntu/dspace-angular dspace-cris7-2022.03.01
- version: 1.8.1
t1tan/campusmartz-frontend 6142b17023084178f9c701510c0d143c963e1c98
- version: 1.8.1
markatorny/vssh debian
- version: 1.8.1
hyeonyeongjeong/test-nginx 1.0.0
- version: 1.8.1
eldihasbia/barberfits3d 1.0
- version: 1.8.1
itopscm/cypress_ai latest
- version: 1.8.1
patilruchita/drc-nsdc latest
- version: 1.6.2
lsiodev/github-desktop 3.3.6-wrapper-fix
- version: 1.8.1
lsiodev/series-troxide v0.3.0-pkg-none-dev-f776f019e4139013886fc6b2f9e1219d976076fd
- version: 1.8.1
dimpap/app 0.0.14
- version: 1.8.1
titanide/jetbrains-idea-u2023 v20230926-401d5ce
- version: 1.8.1
hatchcesariolaw/portal beta
- version: 1.8.1
anastasiiabaranova/mocker-v-sb test
- version: 1.8.1
bbamii/duro-butler latest
- version: 1.8.1
titanide/jetbrains-idea-c2023 v20230926-401d5ce
- version: 1.8.1
brainpod/kasm blender4.0
- version: 1.8.1
1145324234443432/node_modules latest
- version: 1.8.1
debidatta007/nodejs12 latest
- version: 1.8.1
dengfengyun/senaite 2.4.1
- version: 1.6.2, 1.8.1
iavlx/web-core dev2
- version: 1.8.1
crisschez/dataikucml vins3
- version: 1.8.1
juanmarroquin95/poap latest
- version: 1.8.1
jovmilan95/vscode 1.0.4
- version: 1.8.1
marktmilligan/intellij-community-kasm 2022.3.2
- version: 1.8.1
yeelabs/chromium v1.0.0
- version: 1.8.1
19941108/ubuntu-desktop 1.12.0
- version: 1.8.1
devteambflows/cantieri-test latest
- version: 1.8.1
atakanyenel/sstk_backend latest
- version: 1.8.1
- version: 1.8.1
danegigi/legacy-base complete
laravel 5.8 using composer 1.x (VERY OLD)
- version: 1.8.1
digitalproteomes/mh_class 2023
- version: 1.8.1
iconnor/act-ubuntu full-latest
catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest with updated docker and compose for local github actions
- version: 1.8.1
alanway/ubuntu-desktop 22.04-chrome-104
- version: 1.8.1
waxcastlez/dnc vivmobt
- version: 1.8.1
deroyal/msp430 latest
- version: 1.8.1
leogail/ws-ner-chem 2.3.1
- version: 1.5.2
melodell/p3 latest
- version: 1.8.1
jerrytm/prahounakole sha-e0cd021
- version: 1.8.1
fantasticfables/piranha-service-ps3 0.0.20
- version: 1.8.1
suisrc/webtop playwright-xfce-dev-vscode-23122101
- version: 1.8.1
rappdw/byor 1.0.2
- version: 1.8.1
bariskamis003/test9 latest
- version: 1.8.1
jakobphilippe/csh_portal latest
- version: 1.8.1
alnoda/kubectl-workspace 6.0
Workspace for k8s admins and developers with toolset for managing k8s clusters and solutions.
- version: 1.8.1
geobases/geonode v24.01.19-12.33
- version: 1.8.1
radnax/cypress-ci 1.0.0
Base image with cypress, typescript and wait-on to launch cypress in CI.
- version: 1.8.1
nrth/teamcity-agent 2022.10.3-linux-sudo
- version: 1.6.2
jiimproved/neojim 1.0.11
A basic neovim setup using kickstart.nvim's init with jdk and jdtls
- version: 1.8.1
abdulrahmanshater/web v1.0
- version: 1.5.2
mideaconu/chesse-frontend 1.0.0-test.2
- version: 1.8.1
kbsys9505/damo-postgres v2_biz_2
- version: 1.8.1
conversation1610/openedx 13.3.1
- version: 1.6.2