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Package Usage : npm : nise
Explore the latest package usage data for nise in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,899
Total downloads: 2,704,367,302
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library/nextcloud 30.0.2
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 1.5.3
library/ghost 5.89.1
Publish by web and email newsletter, with member signups and subscription payments.
- version: 5.1.5, 5.1.4
linuxserver/nextcloud 30.0.1
A Nextcloud container, brought to you by
- version: 1.5.3
localstack/localstack 4.0.3
💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- version: 5.1.4
bitnami/ghost 5.98.0
Bitnami container image for Ghost
- version: 5.1.5, 5.1.4
sqlpad/sqlpad 7.5.1
Run SQL in your browser and chart the results.
- version: 5.1.4, 5.1.2, 5.1.5
bkimminich/juice-shop v17.1.1
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
- version: 5.1.5, 5.1.4
bitnami/grafana 11.4.0
Bitnami container image for Grafana
- version: 5.1.4
linuxserver/calibre 7.17.0
- version: 5.1.0
pantsel/konga 0.14.9
More than just another GUI to KONG Admin API.
- version: 1.5.3
circleci/android api-26-node
CircleCI images for Android
- version: 1.4.10
kasmweb/firefox 1.16.1
Mozilla Firefox for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/chrome 1.16.0
Google Chrome for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
mongoclient/mongoclient 4.0.1
Official docker image for Mongoclient, featured mongodb management tool
- version: 1.4.10
kasmweb/tor-browser 1.16.1
Tor Browser for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/desktop-deluxe 1.16.1
Ubuntu productivity desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/desktop 1.16.1
Ubuntu desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
gitpod/workspace-full 2025-01-23-10-32-08
Default Workspace Image for Use `legacy-dazzle-v1` tag for dazzlev1 images
- version: 5.1.5, 5.1.0
opensuse/portus 2.4.3
Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
- version: 1.4.2
linuxserver/thelounge 4.4.3
A TheLounge container, brought to you by
- version: 4.1.0, 5.1.4
mist/ui edge
- version: 5.1.4
oznu/unms 0.13.3
This image is no longer maintained:
- version: 1.4.1, 1.4.10
discourse/base 2.0.20240902-0349
Official Discourse Image
- version: 5.1.4, 5.1.5
ezka77/xen-orchestra-ce 5.168
Xen Orchestra Community Edition
- version: 5.1.5, 5.1.4
library/plone 5.2.14
Plone is a free and open source content management system built on top of Zope.
- version: 1.5.3
linuxserver/doublecommander 0.9.8
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/terminal 1.16.1
xfce4-terminal for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/vs-code 1.16.1
Visual Studio Code for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/remmina 1.16.1
Remmina for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/vlc 1.16.1
VLC for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/gimp 1.16.1
GIMP for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
hyperledger/explorer 1.2.0
Hyperledger Explorer is a blockchain module designed to create a user-friendly Web application.
- version: 1.5.3, 4.1.0
kasmweb/edge 1.16.1
Microsoft Edge Insider Preview for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/only-office 1.16.0
OnlyOffice for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/sublime-text 1.16.1
Sublime Text for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/brave 1.16.1
Brave browser for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/signal 1.16.1
Signal for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/teams 1.12.0
Microsoft Teams for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/discord 1.16.1
Discord for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/zoom 1.16.0
Zoom Client for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/postman 1.16.1
Postman for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/insomnia 1.16.0
Insomnia for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
kasmweb/slack 1.16.1
Slack for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0
sharelatex/sharelatex 5.2.1
The official ShareLaTeX Community Edition docker image
- version: 1.5.3