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Package Usage : npm : next-i18next
Explore the latest package usage data for next-i18next in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 223
Total downloads: 179,648
More details on - JSON
mishobo/admin-client development26
- version: 13.2.2
12345flex402/esport-web latest
frontend nextjs for esport
- version: 13.3.0, 13.2.2
thanhtu92/dopikgpt-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
jungley/chatbot-ui latest
An Open Source ChatGPT UI
- version: 13.2.2
duytm2/c5-chatgpt-website latest
- version: 13.2.2
mishobo/shop-client development26
- version: 13.2.2
lukasweberruss/chatgpt-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
dkubex123/securechat altos
- version: 13.2.2
ghaliouss/calcom fab-outils
- version: 11.3.0
mosteastdocker/role2_web_next latest
- version: 13.2.2
webbermill/wsp-apps-frontend latest
- version: 11.3.0
webbermill/wsp-auth-frontend latest
- version: 11.3.0
vstro/tobyagi foxtrot
- version: 13.2.2
mattbergwall/ latest
- version: 11.3.0
conv111/youtubemp3donusturucu latest
- version: 10.5.0
thanhtu92/chatfiles-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
rosbel/chatgpt-ui latest
Forked from
- version: 13.2.2
tamaswork/etmn-sbx-ui-oai-01 latest
- version: 13.2.2
qkudev/auth-form release
- version: 13.2.2
dkmilkbee/chatbot-ui latest
Docker version from
- version: 13.2.2
pixeliner/equmedia-equnews-app 674e999a0b07be32659877d2bf01fda1aa2fbc7f-stage
- version: 12.0.1
elestio4test/infisical-backend v0.4.2
Infisical-backend, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 13.0.2
homqyy/chatgpt-ui latest
Basic on
- version: 13.2.2
dyrectorio/cal-com v2.5.10
- version: 11.3.0
devmultiverseexpert/city-connext-user-app-staging 28ccc32b
- version: 13.2.2
ninomae1001/magic-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
turpi/inctagram 20_production_d96d141616f95dfccab2b23ee9acb7aec830473d
- version: 14.0.0
aldodockerhub/client-cv-alexandre 4.0.4
- version: 13.0.3, 13.0.3_6cq7whng7i6ofg3nyhcmx36bz4
heartleo/chatbot-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
tamaswork/etmn-sbx-ui-oai-02 latest
- version: 13.2.2
peersyst/xrp-evm-big-dipper latest
- version: 13.2.2
dotdirewolf/aff-toolbox-frontend 2.0.0-beta3
- version: 13.2.2
aldodockerhub/server-cv-alexandre 4.0.4
- version: 13.0.3_6cq7whng7i6ofg3nyhcmx36bz4
geraldignite/hmg-developers-fo-base 14
- version: 14.0.0
tamaswork/bpt-azure-oai-02 latest
- version: 13.2.2
boethius70/chatbot-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
mexverse/tbt_event-frontend-staging 74c439e7
- version: 14.0.3
elefebvreoncontainers/booking dev-
- version: 12.1.0
jlspencer/chatbot-ui-m5 latest
- version: 13.2.2
l1ttlebear/agentgpt latest
- version: 13.2.2
federatedcomputer/calcom 1.0
- version: 11.3.0
chuanli11/chatbot-ui-chatgpt latest
- version: 13.2.2
weihanli/chatbot-ui latest
- version: 13.2.2
ursuad/calcom v2.7.6
- version: 11.3.0
zzfc/sealos-template v1.0.2
- version: 13.3.0
wellna/diary 0.0.7
- version: 13.3.0
kozyrovladimir/blazing-bonfires-frontend 20_production_3682fbd76f17af5165a5b335b5cf95e61c9461a9
- version: 14.0.3
tamaswork/swarm-sbx-ui-oai-gpt4 latest
- version: 13.2.2
joslin1215/chatbot-ui-chatgpt latest
- version: 13.2.2
lexa5656561/cvwritingcenter client-latest
- version: 13.2.2
fibonacci77777/next-adfi latest
- version: 13.2.2
rainboy2010/chatemail latest
Chat to Email,built on 🦜️🔗langchainjs and nextjs
- version: 13.2.2
zhujingyang/license-system dev1
- version: 14.0.3
ccnas/homarr 0.13.2
- version: 13.3.0
zzfc/sealos-applaunchpad dev
- version: 13.3.0
arshycode/web-lab-icn latest
- version: 13.2.2