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Package Usage : npm : ioredis
Explore the latest package usage data for ioredis in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,137
Total downloads: 1,115,290,675
More details on - JSON
elsdoerfer/redis-commander latest
- version: 1.15.1
subsquid/substrate-explorer 2.0.5
- version: 5.3.0
biclighter81/pleasurepal 1b7ab5f2b813cb2462e092765e2a291e8b481a6c
- version: 5.3.2
automatischio/automatisch 0.10.0
Workflow automation tool and open source alternative to Zapier
- version: 5.3.0, 5.3.2
hongbomiao/hm-api-node test2
- version: 5.2.4
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb-preview 2023-10-06-16-22-14
- version: 5.2.4
a11ywatch/a11ywatch latest
- version: 5.3.2
starefossen/commit-message-ci latest
Simple CI server to validate the formatting of git commit messages
- version: 1.15.1
starefossen/jenkins-monitor latest
Jenkins Monitoring and Alert solution build to monitor the official Node.js CI
- version: 2.5.0
octoblu/meshblu-ref-cache-service v2.0.4
docker registry for octoblu/meshblu-ref-cache-service
- version: 2.5.0
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v16 latest
- version: 4.28.5
manhnv/paa-be latest
- version: 4.17.3, 4.19.1
botium/botium-cli latest
Botium CLI - The Selenium for Chatbots
- version: 4.28.0
schickling/redis-commander latest
- version: 1.15.1
nexlab/daikin-edu-events v2-4962
- version: 4.28.5
4lch4/ansel latest
The Docker image for the Ansel web service.
- version: 4.28.5
maxwinterstein/homeassistant-addon-iobroker-amd64 latest
- version: 4.22.0
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v12 latest
- version: 4.28.5
macbury/detox 1128
- version: 4.27.9
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v11 latest
- version: 4.28.5
abakus/vote version-e671c5c
Abakus Decision System
- version: 5.2.4
taraxa/delegation b832fc9a
- version: 5.3.1, 5.2.4
tchoi52/kudu 7.0
- version: 3.2.2, 4.17.3
tchoi52/kudu_prod 2.1
- version: 3.2.2, 4.17.3
oxsecurity/megalinter v7.7.0
- version: 5.3.2, 5.3.1
tchoi52/kudulite_prod 1.0
- version: 4.17.3, 3.2.2
apitable/room-server v1.7.0-beta_1895
- version: 5.3.2, 4.28.5, 4.28.0, 5.2.3
linuxserver/mastodon glitch-version-dac2b569
- version: 5.3.2
apitable/socket-server latest
- version: 5.2.3
rapidfort/ghost 5.69.0-debian-11-r0-rfstub
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Ghost
- version: 4.28.5
morawskim/ssorder-ssorder stable
Part of ssorder project.
- version: 5.2.2
mrsmith9ja/alajehub-microservice latest
- version: 4.6.2
caas4/console whiteboard
- version: 3.2.2
eastplayers/be-cdp latest
- version: 4.27.7, 4.27.6
- version: 4.28.5, 4.9.5, 4.14.1
oxsecurity/megalinter-salesforce v7.7.0
- version: 5.3.2, 5.3.1
vonicvn/mesea-client-staging 7
- version: 5.3.2
tchoi52/kudu_windows 3.0
- version: 4.17.3, 3.2.2
mophos/queue-mqtt latest
- version: 1.15.1, 2.5.0
taraxa/explorer-indexer latest
- version: 5.3.1
imagegenius/immich 1.42.0
- version: 5.2.4
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v17 latest
- version: 4.28.5
kiambotehub/kiambote-web latest
The main app for
- version: 4.14.1, 3.2.2
maxwinterstein/homeassistant-addon-iobroker-aarch64 latest
- version: 4.22.0
max3014/soxfive-backend-pushup-prod latest
- version: 4.22.0
max3014/soxfive-backend-activation-prod latest
- version: 4.22.0
truonghdpk/tgg-ss dev-65f3b1e2
- version: 4.28.5
backendbox/server latest
- version: 1.15.1
ceramicwhite/stacks-explorer v1.140.0
- version: 5.3.2
roundforestltd/web-scraper-apify 1.0.57
- version: 4.28.5
joepol/algorand-gitpod bootcamp-2.0
Gitpod workspace for Algorand development
- version: 5.2.4, 4.28.0
skyrabot/haste-server latest
Up2date and maintained Hastebin server -
- version: 5.3.1
andrewdelph/video-call-websocket latest
- version: 5.2.5
max3014/soxfive-backend-proxy-prod latest
- version: 4.17.3
cognus/bluedarwin_node12_v28 latest
- version: 4.28.5
vonicvn/ibg-exchange-server latest
- version: 4.14.1, 4.18.0
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v13 latest
- version: 4.28.5
alexellis2/counter latest
- version: 4.14.1
adwinying/devcontainer latest
Dev environment in a docker container
- version: 5.2.4
cognus/bluedarwin_base12_v9 latest
- version: 4.28.2
andrewdelph/video-call-matchmaker latest
- version: 5.2.5
rlachhman/netlify-drone-plugin 1760
Updated version of Netlify's Drone Plugin.
- version: 5.3.2
sourcegraph/builder latest
- version: 4.14.1
max3014/soxfive-backend-schedule-prod latest
- version: 4.24.2