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Package Usage : npm : grunt
Explore the latest package usage data for grunt in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,885
Total downloads: 505,382,156
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bkimminich/juice-shop v15.3.0
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
- version: 1.6.1
linuxserver/medusa arm64v8-v1.0.17-ls150
A Medusa container, brought to you by
- version: 1.0.4
linuxserver/code-server 4.20.0
- version: 1.0.0
codercom/code-server v99.0.0-testing
VS Code in the browser
- version: 1.0.0
pantsel/konga next
More than just another GUI to KONG Admin API.
- version: 1.1.0, 1.0.1, 0.4.5
linuxserver/cops 2.2.1
A COPS container, brought to you by
- version: 1.0.3
library/piwik latest
DEPRECATED; use "matomo" instead
- version: 0.4.5
kasmweb/desktop-deluxe 1.14.0
Ubuntu productivity desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 1.0.0
gitpod/workspace-full 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Default Workspace Image for Use `legacy-dazzle-v1` tag for dazzlev1 images
- version: 1.6.1
lthub/moodle moodlecpd-4.1LTS
Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system
- version: 1.0.4
library/plone 5.2.13
Plone is a free and open source content management system built on top of Zope.
- version: 1.0.1, 0.4.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3
kerberos/kerberos latest
A clean and complete installation of the Kerberos Open Source Agent.
- version: 1.3.0, 0.4.5
kasmweb/vs-code 1.14.0
Visual Studio Code for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 1.0.0
library/php-zendserver latest
Zend Server - the integrated PHP application platform for mobile and web apps.
- version: 0.4.5, 1.1.0
nixos/nix 2.20.0pre20231224_e23983d
The Nix package manager.
- version: 1.5.3, 1.6.1
dickhub/linuxserver-codeserver version-4.19.0
mirror of linuxserver/code-server x86-64, arm64 and armhf PLZ read readme bellow
- version: 1.0.0
anyscale/ray-ml 2.8.0
- version: 1.0.0
ampache/ampache nosql6.1.0
Ampache ...for the love of music -
- version: 1.4.1
sameersbn/invoiceplane latest
Dockerfile to create a Docker container image for InvoicePlane
- version: 1.0.2
gethue/hue 20240103-140101
Hue is an open source SQL Assistant for Database & Data Warehouses.
- version: 1.5.3
gitpod/openvscode-server 1.85.1
OpenVSCode Server runs on a remote machine and allows access through a modern web browser.
- version: 1.0.0
docksal/cli php8.3-edge
CLI service image for Docksal -
- version: 1.0.0
jhipster/jhipster-console edge
JHipster monitoring & alerting console, based on ELK
- version: 1.0.1
sameersbn/akaunting latest
- version: 0.4.5
ceph/ceph-grafana 6.7.4
the ceph-grafana container provides a grafana 6.x environment compatible with the ceph dashboard UI
- version: 1.0.3
containers101/demochat test1
- version: 0.4.5
geonode/geonode latest-ubuntu-22.04
Django base image for GeoNode
- version: 1.3.0
mreferre/eksutils latest
- version: 1.0.0
mreferre/canary latest
- version: 1.0.0
jguyomard/yellowlabtools latest
Yellow Lab Tools lets you test a webpage and detects performance and front-end code quality issues.
- version: 1.0.1, 0.4.5
countly/countly-server 23.11.6
Official Countly mobile analytics docker repository
- version: 1.5.3, 1.6.1
gitpod/workspace-mongodb 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.6.1
sstarcher/uchiwa latest
- version: 0.4.5
openhab/openhab-cloud 498f57c
- version: 1.5.3
goalgorilla/open_social_docker drupal10-php8.1-pcov-test
Open Social Distribution -
- version: 0.4.5, 0.3.17
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.6.1
4minitz/4minitz unstable
4Minitz! - Simply a decent free webapp for taking meeting minutes. ;-)
- version: 0.4.5
slpcat/konga latest
- version: 1.0.3, 1.0.1, 0.4.5
campsych/concerto-platform 6b14303
Concerto is an open-source online computer adaptive testing (CAT) platform
- version: 1.0.3
dmstr/phd5-app 5.10.0-alpha2
- version:, 1.3.0, 1.0.4, 1.0.1, 0.4.5, 1.0.3