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Package Usage : npm : gitlens
Explore the latest package usage data for gitlens in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 66
Total downloads: 1,444,372
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docksal/cli php8.1-build-4567a1d-amd64
CLI service image for Docksal -
- version: 13.2.0
outrigger/cli 2-php7.3
Extension to docksal/cli that adds pa11y tools
- version: 10.2.2
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py37-vsc-cust 20200419
- version: 10.2.1
phonzia/ubuntu12.04 latest
- version: 9.8.1
changhui/ubuntu 20.04-clion
vnc docker
- version: 14.4.0
chungc/cs1302nb 0.0.2
- version: 14.2.1
akma517/kobertsum_local 0
don't use this. do not activate in aws env. and it's not kobertsum. just kobert model for extractive
- version: 10.2.3, 10.2.2
sk1064/pytorch_1.13 sam
- version: 14.1.1, 13.1.1
yaojunyuan/yolox 1.3
- version: 12.2.2
deep8888kr/bnsys latest
- version: 13.2.0
jiandong/ml-workspace-gpu cuda10.1-pytorch1.4
- version: 10.2.0
qwezey/ipetl-mono-env latest
- version: 13.1.1
thingdust/firmware_dev_d7d76e9f latest
- version: 11.6.1
carlsvelzm/jupyter-coder latest
- version: 13.1.1
dustp/tftrt_ujin v1.0
- version: 13.1.1
lvpiao/latex-server v2
- version: 13.2.0, 13.1.1
mmianalyst/paddle_data latest
- version: 13.3.2
liuhuijisuanji/centos_go_zt20_image0323 lastest
- version: 13.4.0
lqueiroga/pms-dev-env latest
- version: 14.0.1
thingdust/firmware_dev_899d7ec9 latest
- version: 11.6.1
jk1117/test v14
- version: 13.3.1
miraclezero/dvrestimator v1
- version: 12.2.2, 13.3.1
543433/ai_all 0207
- version: 13.2.0
thingdust/vscode_f6e4d60f latest
- version: 11.6.1
laughingjoe/catching_mappo add_offpolicy
- version: 13.2.0
tzm1003306213/zhimin-qat latest
- version: 13.2.0
renweibo/vue3 latest
Vue3 image for develop frontend app.
- version: 13.4.0
samjansa/testbigpush latest
- version: 14.1.1
titanide/vscode-nodejs-all v20230523-224e039-dirty
- version: 11.7.0
shiouan/ess-code-server python3.7-v0.6
- version: 13.2.0
dopheee/mcu_tools latest
- version: 14.1.1, 14.2.1
namphuongtran9196/age-gender-estimation latest
- version: 13.4.0
aaron8591/fed latest
- version: 13.5.0
imagicrafter/jupyterlab 0.1.2
- version: 14.0.1
megarbelini/vscode-latex-server latest
Build LaTex documents on the browser via VSCode Server that includes latest distribution of Texlive.
- version: 14.2.1
meowgen/pam_web_rdp v0.0.3
- version: 13.6.0, 13.5.0
thingdust/vscode_1052e1c3 latest
- version: 11.6.1
titanide/vscode-nodejs v20231016-0a23297
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-vue v20231016-0a23297
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-c v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-go v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-angular v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
vinyuji/ed2 latest
- version: 14.0.1
titanide/vscode-base v20231016-0a23297
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-javaandvuenode10 v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-dotnet v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-hugo v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
haiqv/codeserver-cuda11.8 v1.0.9
- version: 14.2.1
titanide/vscode-daprgo v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
kliton/go18_gqlgen13 1.0.1
- version: 13.4.0
titanide/vscode-daprjava17 v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
tmisch74/vscode openhab-2
Visual Studio Code Server container to be run e.g. on Raspberry Pi 4 with 64 bit OS.
- version: 13.2.0
dysfu/neolix_k8s_image v1
- version: 14.4.0
jppreti/python_ide latest
- version: 14.0.1
titanide/vscode-daprjava8 v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-php v20231101-89a4219
- version: 11.7.0
titanide/vscode-anxin v20231101-89a4219
- version: 13.5.0, 11.7.0
coderchao/fed latest
- version: 14.3.0, 14.4.0
jppreti/ed2 latest
Imagem para uso na disciplina de Estrutura de Dados 2.
- version: 14.0.1
titanide/pcl-tensorflow-demo v0.0.4
- version: 11.7.0
okatsn/my-typst-space latest
- version: 14.2.1
wlsgur4011/part_assembly latest
- version: 13.6.0
thingdust/webfrontend_interactive_208d6d06 latest
- version: 11.6.1
alan058/humatest mysql_prod
- version: 14.4.1
adrianimboden/theship-hackathon latest
- version: 11.6.1
linkinghack/cloud-ide-python 4.16.1-2308-1
- version: 14.2.1