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Package Usage : npm : full-icu
Explore the latest package usage data for full-icu in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 42
Total downloads: 133,996,319
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n8nio/n8n 1.55.3
Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool.
- version: 1.5.0
linuxserver/musicbrainz version-v-2021-02-15
A MusicBrainz container, brought to you by
- version: 1.3.1
zenika/alpine-node circleci-i18n
Minimal Node.js Docker Images built on Alpine Linux
- version: 1.3.4
truecharts/n8n build20230426191307
- version: 1.5.0
alexanderczigler/node-full-icu latest
Node.js docker image with full-icu installed globally.
- version: 1.5.0
tradegold/portal-sale 39779
- version: 1.4.0
anhu/n8n 0.121.0
- version: 1.3.4
netkaofficialhub/workflow-n-aiops 1.0.0
- version: 1.4.0
netkaofficialhub/n8n latest
- version: 1.4.0
touilleio/n8nio latest
- version: 1.5.0
placom/n8n_java 17_1.22.4
- version: 1.5.0
netkaofficialhub/n-workflow 1.3.0
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/operato-wms-ui pre01
- version: 1.5.0
cardinalityradnerus/platform-n8n 1.9
- version: 1.5.0
alinflorinciu/custom-n8n latest
- version: 1.5.0
mallikarjunsahu/mallikarjun latest
- version: 1.5.0
crinte/n8n latest
- version: 1.5.0
ampersanda/n8n latest
- version: 1.5.0
khysh/n8n latest
A n8n image with some additions tools like openconnect vpn client
- version: 1.5.0
stephenc01/n8n_custom latest
Latest N8N docker image with custom modules
- version: 1.5.0
infraholding/4tech-n8n x64_1.22.6
- version: 1.5.0
ilhamakbarki/n8n-joe latest
- version: 1.5.0
drcobra/n8n-python latest
- version: 1.5.0
- version: 1.4.0
hatiolab/operato-board 7.1.24
- version: 1.5.0
n8nolx/n8n-olx v3.0
- version: 1.5.0
siemonster/n8n prod-v5.0
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/ppms 1.0.13
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/smart-village 1.0.96
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/operato-dataset 6.1.60
- version: 1.5.0
- version: 1.4.0
amitgadhia/n8n latest
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/operatochef-dev 0.3.56
- version: 1.5.0
hatiolab/dev-manager 0.0.13
- version: 1.5.0
motorfu/workflow-base 2024-02-02
- version: 1.5.0
feliman170/n8n-brm 2
- version: 1.5.0
hrsvc/n8n v230323A
- version: 1.5.0
alexmsaraiva/n8n 1.7.1
- version: 1.5.0
rrssoftware/n8n 1.25.1
N8N (Nodemation) custom image (based on image n8nio/n8n)
- version: 1.5.0