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Package Usage : npm : escher
Explore the latest package usage data for escher in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 5
Total downloads: 836
More details on - JSON
gesiscss/binder-uliebal-2drwth-2dqmb1-789bf3 3c5b8fa29179b815160585fde4b5139e6f1d1a95
- version: 1.7.3
dmachado/teaching latest
- version: 1.7.3
bharathnarayana/image_for_nomad_submission latest
Docker image with skimpy and pytfa for NOMAD submission
- version: 1.7.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-statisticalbiotechnology-2dcb2030-7ad9e0 1137c498028f2e970e6f3ccfd3be9bb05afaa1d4
- version: 1.7.3
biouml/jupyter compact-biouml-scipyr-beakerx-notebook-sirius
Jupyter notebooks
- version: 1.7.3