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Package Usage : npm : babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs
Explore the latest package usage data for babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,005
Total downloads: 332,305,256
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captaineaglex/eurobarometer-srv latest
- version: 6.26.2
ajayrudresh/keycloak-img 1.0
- version: 6.26.2
leezq/01vc latest
- version: 6.26.2
twakedrive/tdrive-frontend 2023.Q1.1223
- version: 6.26.2
frosit/plexripper latest
- version: 6.26.2
lexa5656561/cvwritingcenter client-latest
- version: 6.26.2
taranto/lamassu-machine 2.0
- version: 6.26.2
frankiewfli/codimd 1.0
- version: 6.26.2
nlodgl/xpora-client production-45.105
- version: 6.26.2
jockerdragon/netlix-lemur offical
- version: 6.16.0
lukeszu/jajahagrida 4.0
- version: 6.26.2
xcaptain/indexer 0330
- version: 6.26.2
chloej1100/boltcard-gui v1
- version: 6.26.2
arthurnfmc/nixcompiladores latest
- version: 6.26.2
ivandamynov/my-webapp latest
- version: 6.26.2
julzor/nix latest
- version: 6.26.2
ekassingh/nginx.webpagetest.vdi cursor
- version: 6.26.2
hasanbal/hasanhh latest
- version: 6.26.2
scarletsabade/original 1.1
- version: 6.26.2
nunoflashy/fpf_ldaptest dev
- version: 6.24.1
kuro08/splunk-entreprise latest
- version: 6.26.2
livebits/shushtar-admin-panel v1
- version: 6.26.2
brizaccount/qa-server latest
- version: 6.26.2
coredgeio/marketplace_web 14082023
- version: 6.26.2
abdallahrustom/smf_ab_test1 latest
- version: 6.24.1
msantanao/wize-miguel-angel-santana latest
- version: 6.26.2
xilixmeaty41/plesk latest
- version: 6.26.2
theexorcit/2023a02frontend latest
- version: 6.26.2
quocnguyendinh121/hadoop2-standalone latest
- version: 6.22.0
ericvs1962/teamenergy-laravel v1.0.96
- version: 6.26.2
kaleabg/canvas-lms-builder_worker 1.0.2
- version: 6.26.2
upyogio/xstate-chatbot v1.1.1-271259e847-3
- version: 6.18.0, 6.23.0, 6.16.0, 6.24.1, 6.26.0, 6.26.2, 6.7.7
btclinkgrt/to-bot latest
- version: 6.26.2
aus234/mywomo main-c56e4d4
- version: 6.26.2
redesentel/mantenedor-provision-lab latest
- version: 6.24.1
jozey/splunk latest
- version: 6.26.2
jciarka/ latest
- version: 6.26.2
kabelouze/mypsabdelnew3 latest
- version: 6.26.2
phamminhduy/htqldtkh-backend latest
- version: 6.26.2
coredgeio/mist-landing 3122022
- version: 6.26.0, 6.26.2
vm83/checkoutflow latest
- version: 6.26.2