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Package Usage : npm : babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring
Explore the latest package usage data for babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,893
Total downloads: 240,042,130
More details on - JSON
aldodockerhub/client-cv-zhao 3.6.37
- version: 6.23.0
milkymookle/foodtrucks-web latest
- version: 6.23.0
dawitmerid/solo-project 1.0.1
- version: 6.23.0
yasinbasak90/qbot stable
- version: 6.23.0
flalucifer/hedgedoc latest
- version: 6.23.0
stocktonsoft/retool-onpremise-api 1
- version: 6.23.0
basmafm/nodebackendsb v1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
basmafm/nodejsbackendsb v1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
tommyshang/fluentd-ui 20230714
- version: 6.23.0
ggricourt/retropath2_wrapper 2.6.0
- version: 6.23.0
albalh1999/practica-2-a1-frontend latest
- version: 6.23.0
dofl0119/hug latest
- version: 6.23.0
prodigeedevteam/cm-base-api 0.0.1
- version: 6.18.0
prodigeedevteam/cm-base-schema 0.0.1
- version: 6.18.0
prodigeedevteam/cm-base-auth 0.0.1
- version: 6.18.0
vikasitnalportqii/syncadminmarketoprod prod
- version: 6.23.0
geoscienceaustralia/gnss-data-web-bitbucket-pipelines 1112567
- version: 6.23.0
suniljkumar/nodejs-demo latest
- version: 6.23.0
antinosagar/prod-ezmiddle-image latest
- version: 6.23.0
declab/tempd 0.10
- version: 6.23.0
geetgobindsingh/blogfrontend latest
- version: 6.23.0
bloodtaint/mywebsite latest
- version: 6.23.0
islamlive/laravel-bot-ws-node latest
- version: 6.23.0
kinman234/pfstest2uatfull v1
- version: 6.23.0
vilieva/mywebsite latest
- version: 6.23.0
qtulab/miniencode latest
- version: 6.23.0
calebhensley067/dash.js latest
- version: 6.23.0
fozzal/wallhaven-api latest
- version: 6.23.0
a121673163/gitlab 11.1.4
- version: 6.23.0
onobudi/beads-ms-store v1.5.12
- version: 6.23.0
immortals1/wzq-web-gui 2
- version: 6.23.0
ankitku88/hwk02b latest
- version: 6.23.0
yujiechen6828/truck latest
- version: 6.23.0
chamroeunp/apps sms-v1
- version: 6.23.0
hasanzaheer81/rails-containerize_sidekiq v1
- version: 6.23.0
basmafm/backendsb v.1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-jupyter-2dwidgets-2dcontrib-2dipysheet-5ad60b 03a95cdc9a48da41d8c28c18df40fb3bf1633b88
- version: 6.23.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-https-3a-2f-2fgithub-2ecom-2fsoftvis-2dresearch-2fssp2020-c8fd97 8b6de8c2999fccdda6352ea042cf4fd6742e6fb6
- version: 6.19.0
genular/base_image 2.0.0
Base image used in PADNORA project
- version: 6.23.0
azdek/quotes latest
- version: 6.23.0
agabilondovicomtech/amfchart 1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
eks3sn/foodtrucks-web latest
- version: 6.23.0
devteambflows/cantieri latest
- version:
tingxuanlin/nodejs-demo latest
- version: 6.23.0
songguangxin/drupal_cve-2019-6339 latest
- version: 6.23.0
godchosen/hngi9-javascript-react-app v1
- version: 6.23.0
saviojp/k6 latest
- version: 6.23.0
klauspeng/foodtrucks-web latest
- version: 6.23.0
manageiq/manageiq-webserver-worker latest
ManageIQ worker which exposes a webserver on port 3000
- version: 6.23.0
manageiq/manageiq latest
ManageIQ Cloud Management Platform -
- version: 6.23.0
nasark/manageiq-base-worker msging-cert
- version: 6.23.0
nasark/manageiq-webserver-worker msging-cert
- version: 6.23.0
mozilla/fxa-mono 2a7f1daf-f0dc-47ee-ab1d-d06f81ded761
- version: 6.23.0
bobanetwork/teleportation v0.9.3
- version: 6.23.0
- version: 6.23.0
nocturnelabs/subtree-updater dd7223ed
- version: 6.23.0
dhis2/core-pr 15791
Docker images built from specific short-lived branches
- version: 6.23.0
vaporio/jenkins-agent-golang latest
- version: 6.23.0
zachmullen/histomics-load-test latest
- version: 6.23.0
alchemyfr/phraseanet-fpm 4.1.8-rc7
Official docker images for the open source Digital Asset Management software Phraseanet
- version: 6.23.0
anuragprafulla/hermes_server d69ab81113c0eff3b40d3485d41337a1b6095ce0
- version: 6.23.0
niteo/nixpkgs-nixos-23.05 c7a18f89ef1dc423f57f3de9bd5d9355550a5d15
- version: 6.23.0
bitnami/owncloud-archived 10.11.0
A copy of the container images of the deprecated bitnami/owncloud container
- version: 6.23.0
kinman234/uwippfs2 v1.1
- version: 6.23.0
anuragprafulla/hermes_indexer d69ab81113c0eff3b40d3485d41337a1b6095ce0
- version: 6.23.0
origamibrand/ss-sample latest
- version: 6.23.0
createchile/ipsapp_app latest
- version: 6.23.0
farhanaliali/wordpress-demo latest
- version: 6.23.0
qshopauto/qshop-apiv2 staging
- version: 6.23.0
schnetzlerjoe/relayer v0.1.0
- version: 6.23.0
maf1979/docker_open5gs latest
- version: 6.23.0
- version: 6.23.0
juanantono/laas-5gsa-core latest
- version: 6.23.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-seismo-2dlive-2dseismo-5flive-5fbuild-15cfda 1f7f754cb5e781f3ddef13637757e41fc692cd49
- version: 6.19.0
andifz94/fast-panel latest
- version: 6.23.0
eminayar/dockerhh arm64
- version: 6.23.0
neonlabsorg/uniswap-v3 latest
- version: 6.23.0
kinman234/pfsuat v1
- version: 6.23.0
alexmyfusion/fusion-php-cli 1
- version:
0nlylty/exchatgpt latest
- version: 6.23.0
arthurma/blockbook 0.4.0
- version: 6.23.0
easyti/olga-sv-jobs prod-129
- version: 6.23.0
sripriyavenkat/owncloudapp demonetalia
- version: 6.23.0
lukerogerson1/management-service v2.7.1-immediate
- version: 6.23.0
lunarapi/sandbox-gitpod v0.2.8
- version: 6.23.0
javierbelenivisma/calipsowan 20230202
Only testing purpose
- version: 6.18.0
easyti/olga-sv-flow-mage prod-103
- version: 6.23.0
synkrotron/cyber v8.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
yaprompt/yaprompt-api 20231018_1831_staging
- version: 6.23.0
aklaas2/vault-go-demo-oauth latest
- version: 6.23.0