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Package Usage : npm : babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring
Explore the latest package usage data for babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,893
Total downloads: 240,042,130
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upyogio/firenoc-services sandbox-v2.0-74dc33f8ef-24
- version: 6.23.0
rizwanshaikh27/my-first-app-image latest
- version: 6.23.0
paops/sandbox-openedx latest
LMS/CMS image to test latest openedx release and LTI 1.3 integration.
- version: 6.23.0
fernandocanedo/portal-unidades-treinamento 2.0
- version: 6.23.0
byblaaz/full latest
- version: 6.23.0
playground7/rails-kubernetes latest
- version: 6.23.0
j093/limesurvey latest
- version: 6.23.0
edgarsosateran/desmanteprov latest
- version:
proyek3ab/geoparkciletuh-frontend latest
- version: 6.23.0
r3dlobst3r/nginx-proxy-manager-crowdsec-arm64 0.8
- version: 6.23.0
fps99/directorios-app v8.2
- version: 6.23.0
leslietech/tesladocker latest
- version: 6.23.0
somkiat/circle latest
- version: 6.23.0
jcollie/nixos-runner 58-7f01fe35
- version: 6.23.0
dasmeta/openedx-lms 0.1.0
- version: 6.23.0
sharabai/presta latest
- version: 6.23.0
ursuad/limesurvey v5.6.9
- version: 6.23.0
smtds/epic-monitoring 2.1.6
- version: 6.23.0
kavonrtep/condaenv latest
- version: 6.23.0
zeyphros/oblecto latest
Oblecto Media Center
- version: 6.23.0
justinbarclay/gitpod-doom 1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
marcosaz/foodtrucks-web latest
- version: 6.23.0
dfchong/bt72 v0.1
- version: 6.23.0
a57080a/theia 0.10.0
- version: 6.23.0
tianjiedocker/wechat4u latest
- version: 6.23.0
samboers/netmatch-frontend latest
- version: 6.23.0
backendsviparu/parsers mircli_add_price_amd
- version: 6.23.0
theanh123/message latest
- version: 6.23.0
lexprimost/bookfoot_partner latest
- version: 6.23.0
moosterhuis/casino v4
- version: 6.23.0
chenjingdong/konga 220425
- version: 6.16.0, 6.23.0
dinesh6969/myimagenew latest
- version: 6.23.0
fps99/directorios-app-public v4.0
- version: 6.23.0
vulcanlink/contracts-api 0.0.1
- version: 6.23.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-autopilothq-2drecharts-a8faa1 9b9546122c168bb3c3d2e9b061784c971834e73e
- version: 6.23.0
youchengly/pi-open-dds-env latest
- version: 6.23.0
giuliabianchi1408/mqtt_service_provider_slim latest
- version: 6.23.0
edvtaz/ichiran latest
Docker build of ichiran, implementation taken from here:
- version: 6.23.0
jalieb/bl-cms staging
- version: 6.23.0
harryholcomb/rulify-ui latest
Rules Engine UI for creating rulesets
- version: 6.23.0
santoshgs13/be-admin latest
- version: 6.23.0
vgichira/ospos latest
- version: 6.16.0, 6.23.0
tomershvueli/webhooksite-app 20220419-183739-203e66251
- version: 6.23.0
scriptico/sc_2205 latest
- version: 6.23.0
stugee/reveal-js-test 0.0.6
- version: 6.23.0, 6.16.0
lfveeker/yapi 1.9.5
- version: 6.23.0
gaofeng0913/nibid-v2 latest
- version: 6.23.0
dbruinooge/foodtrucks-web latest
- version: 6.23.0
sajjadkhan212/nodejsapp v5
- version: 6.23.0
gsarkadi/node_test latest
- version: 6.23.0
aryala077/avocado-build 1.0
- version: 6.23.0
mooxe/nix_ocaml latest
- version: 6.23.0
luvroot/hedgedoc 1.9.6
- version: 6.23.0
x2store/mailtrain latest
- version: 6.23.0
sktechid/f3bf33abb723140bc14cdfa6987d3b0ae2498357 latest
- version: 6.23.0
kadirgokhann/cmpe483_3 latest
- version: 6.23.0
kadirgokhann/cmpe483_2 latest
- version: 6.23.0
vanterc/kdx-shop latest
- version:
jwzheng96/petal-network latest
- version: 6.23.0
huncrys/epg eff9c6a9
- version: 6.23.0
anamen/enforcement_frontend staging
- version: 6.23.0
zodinettech/swipebite-portal-api 65
- version: 6.23.0
p1114501510/dillinger 3.39.1
- version: 6.23.0
infuseaictiml/kube-notebooks latest
- version: 6.23.0
annasblackhat/flutter-vnc 3.7.5
- version: 6.23.0
nextcore/3bb_web 1.1
- version: 6.18.0
mbrondani/dashx 113
- version: 6.23.0
abdillah03/ocr-docker-build latest
mon premiere image dans hub creer par le dockerfile local
- version: 6.23.0
malteevmos/osmosis 13.1.2
- version: 6.23.0
nguyenthanhhaihoasao/bhs-lms bhs-elearning-be
BellSystem24-Hoasao LMS
- version: 6.23.0
chloezchen/buying_alltrue_admin_v3 latest
- version: 6.23.0
wsyh1996325/odysee-frontend 0.1.0
odysee-frontend docker image
- version: 6.23.0
srgutyerrez/scheduled-frontend latest
- version: 6.23.0
purplesynapz/splunk 1.0.0
- version: 6.23.0
fanzator/open_class_room latest
- version: 6.23.0
rebouh/my_container latest
- version: 6.23.0
claudio1325/contenedor_php73 latest
- version: 6.23.0
lfnugraha/test-img latest
- version: 6.23.0
pirawi/trioshop latest
- version: 6.23.0
gaofeng0913/ubuntu-nibid-v2 latest
- version: 6.23.0
sotrx/send latest
- version: 6.23.0
natrucorp/ersw 2.1.3
- version: 6.19.0, 6.23.0
nampdn/hedgedoc 1.9.6
- version: 6.23.0
oxyrz/appnodejs latest
- version: 6.23.0
wick22660/express latest
- version: 6.23.0