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Package Usage : npm : apollo-upload-client
Explore the latest package usage data for apollo-upload-client in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 265
Total downloads: 423,144,212
More details on - JSON
hatiolab/ppms 1.0.13
- version: 17.0.0
hatiolab/fmsim 0.0.97
- version: 17.0.0
kinotropenito/amplify-next-ssg-image latest
Amplifyホスティング時のNext SSG build用image
- version: 13.0.0
kibukamusoke/arfct 0.1
- version: 14.1.2
idoogroup/becupon_portalweb latest
- version: 14.1.2, 13.0.0
naimali21/payote prod
- version: 14.1.2
scioer/java-resource sha-d7b023f
The java specific base image to be used for open education resources
- version: 14.1.2
motebus/shoppu-mall 1.3.5
- version: 13.0.0, 14.1.2
tkamsker/vron-main admin-v1.2.0
- version: 16.0.0
automatonsa/automaton_portique_management 1.0.7
- version: 17.0.0
f4m75/wiza_front newStat
- version: 17.0.0
thiagogomestec/gitlab latest
- version: 13.0.0
bfdockerdev/sparee-backend staging
- version: 16.0.0
jcarlosch/chat-app-api latest
- version: 17.0.0
whatdigitaldocker/apg-fe v1.1
- version: 11.0.0
hatiolab/smart-village 1.0.96
- version: 17.0.0
owayy/frontend production
- version: 14.1.2, 13.0.0
jcarlosch/chat-app-messaging latest
- version: 17.0.0
insigniaid/dialox-botfront main
- version: 14.1.3
ethannguyen98/vendure-core v0.0.3
- version: 16.0.0_43uxdrg6zkdqtmfpwh44ajsn3a, 16.0.0
uniontechdev/younified-front 0.0.19
- version: 17.0.0
hatiolab/operato-dataset 6.1.60
- version: 17.0.0
yu5k3/silent-spring-experiments latest
ODGen and CodeQL experiments
- version: 16.0.0, 17.0.0
flatterus/flatter-client latest
- version: 17.0.0
vothanhlam1793/fengochoang 38
- version: 13.0.0, 14.1.2
deedat5/tranzopay-virtual-cards-merchant-dashboard a405b0364c1b12ddda2c8edf4aea581340223f4f
- version: 17.0.0
scioer/c-resource sha-ba6af63
The C specific base image to be used for open education resources
- version: 14.1.2
leitosama/opencti-platform 5.8.2
- version: 13.0.0
scioer/python-resource sha-b20493a
The python specific base image to be used for open education resources
- version: 14.1.2
yuyoecheung/contractapi latest
- version: 14.1.2
ackstorm/gitlab-ce 16
- version: 15.0.0
hatiolab/operatochef-dev 0.3.56
- version: 17.0.0
hatiolab/dev-manager 0.0.13
- version: 17.0.0
tkamsker/vron-alpha admin-v1.1.0-staging.5
- version: 16.0.0
nestidev/apklis-parse-server latest
- version: 16.0.0
tkamsker/vron-stage admin-v1.1.0-staging.5b
- version: 16.0.0
igorlbx/lumada-catalog-app-server 230406-5a97eca-release-v7.5.0
- version: 17.0.0, 14.1.3
life1347/gitlab 16.11.1-ee-arm64
- version: 15.0.0
jcarlosch/chat-app-file-storage latest
- version: 17.0.0
naizhao/gitlab-arm64 16.10.3-ee
a Gitlab CE & EE docker image for ARM 64
- version: 15.0.0
jungin500/gitlab-ce-arm64v8 16.11.0-ce.0
GitLab Community Edition docker image for arm64v8 (My personal build of yrzr/gitlab-ce-arm64v8)
- version: 15.0.0
blacksteed232/legend-omnibus beta
- version: 15.0.0
alvistack/gitlab-ce-16.4 20231110.1.1
- version: 15.0.0
conversun/gitlab-ee latest
modify gitlab-ee
- version: 15.0.0
basmafm/backend v.1.0.0
- version: 14.1.3
livebits/map30-admin-panel v2
- version: 11.0.0
vothanhlam1793/bengochoang 12
- version: 14.1.3
kierans777/wikijs 2.5
WikiJS with logfile
- version: 14.1.2
johncyh/i-ching-guide-backend 0.2
- version: 17.0.0
vothanhlam1793/bg 12
- version: 14.1.2, 13.0.0
livebits/shushtar-admin-panel v1
- version: 11.0.0
zhukovmisha/my_gitlab_1502 15.0.2-ce.0
gitlab community edition version 15.0.2 with changed git user id to 999
- version: 15.0.0