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Package Usage : npm : EditorConfig
Explore the latest package usage data for EditorConfig in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 25
Total downloads: 2,858
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datasignals/mainstack-plus-theia stag-1.1.7
- version: 0.14.4
alekcander/theia 1.0.0
- version: 0.14.4
silvermo0n/php-fpm-nginx-theia 8.0.3
- version: 0.14.4
codegiant/theia v1.0.15
- version: 0.14.4
gesiscss/binder-betatim-2dtheia-2dbinder-f8a50f e9c212678faa2450523bf52e3ea10dae5926af3a
- version: 0.14.4
zuolan/theia-ide next
- version: 0.14.4
ocdr/theia latest
- version: 0.14.4
datasignals/theiacpp latest
- version: 0.14.4
datasignals/theia.1.26.0 v0.0.2
- version: 0.14.4
benjamindeleze/theia-test test3
- version: 0.14.4
codegiant/cg-theia tmp
- version: 0.14.4
calabsdevops/theia terraform
- version: 0.14.4
5a494d/theia-base latest
- version: 0.14.4
myblenet/php 8.2.0
ports: 8580->80; 8588->88; 3543->443; 3502->3002; 3503->3003; 5446->3306; 8508->8080 8500->8888
- version: 0.16.4
rtsantanna/theia latest
- version: 0.14.4
ganesharun1988/reactworkspace latest
- version: 0.14.4
christhaliyath/gazebo_melodic latest
- version: 0.14.4
meowgen/pam_web_rdp v0.0.3
- version: 0.16.4
luiza1990/spm-ui-upgrade-helper 2.0.0
- version: 0.14.4
luiza1990/theia latest
- version: 0.14.4
coderchao/fed latest
- version: 0.16.4
okatsn/my-typst-space latest
- version: 0.16.4
luiza1990/test2 latest
- version: 0.14.4
luiza1990/test latest
- version: 0.14.4
skyereddevops/online-theia latest
- version: 0.14.4