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Package Usage : npm : @zeit/schemas
Explore the latest package usage data for @zeit/schemas in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 788
Total downloads: 2,259,429
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codalab/frontend v1.7.5
- version: 2.29.0
sitespeedio/browsertime 22.10.2
Browsertime with Firefox & Chrome
- version: 2.21.0, 2.29.0
runmymind/stay-n-fight latest
- version: 2.6.0
rocketchat/ddp-streamer-service 6.11.1
DDP Streamer micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 2.6.0
entando/appbuilder 5.2.0
Entando 5 released app builder Docker images. Built as part of the release for E5 applications
- version: 2.6.0
huygensing/timbuctoo-gui v4.4.12
The fat-client js apps that talk to timbuctoo
- version: 2.6.0
zenjoy/dev-environments-nimbu 2.7-focal-fermium
- version: 2.29.0
ismdeep/igfs-web 20211009130016fdc205
- version: 2.6.0
rocketchat/stream-hub-service 6.13.0
Stream Hub micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 2.6.0
rocketchat/authorization-service 6.12.0
Authorization micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 2.6.0
rocketchat/account-service 6.11.1
Account micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 2.6.0
memo99/dellal-web latest
- version: 2.29.0
rocketchat/presence-service 6.11.1
Presence micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 2.6.0
jambonz/webapp 0.9.2
- version: 2.29.0
fazenda/ispoilerbot latest
- version: 2.6.0
featureformcom/dashboard 0.12.5
- version: 2.21.0
nexta2020/frontend-cms latest
- version: 2.29.0
galaxygroupbiz/frontend-client 24
- version: 2.29.0
ebsproject/cs-ebs-ui-proxy 23.10.26
- version: 2.29.0
chetan8443/test imagee
- version: 2.29.0
eastplayers/scan-me-admin 0.1.116
- version: 2.21.0
arapulido/frontend 2.0
- version: 2.6.0
eastplayers/cheri-ct v0.1.430
- version: 2.6.0
dragonflyscience/node-gatsby v55
An image that contains node, yarn, gatsby & cypress
- version: 2.21.0
joepol/algorand-gitpod bootcamp-2.0
Gitpod workspace for Algorand development
- version: 2.21.0
shopnext/shopnext_web_admin v1.1.8
- version: 2.21.0
shopnext/shopnext_cryptocurrency_webview v1.2.21
- version: 2.29.0, 2.21.0
dragonflyscience/dragonfly-website lts-ubuntu-12.26-v7
Base image for dragonfly website. Contains hakyll, sass, and node.
- version: 2.6.0
shopnext/shopnext_nft_swap_website v1.1.14
- version: 2.29.0
siteup2022/siteup latest
- version: 2.21.0
comille/ajetaan-react 202107221716
- version: 2.6.0
galaxygroupbiz/frontend-admin 210
- version: 2.29.0
fdsoftwaredocker/base latest
- version: 2.29.0
amdvlkadmin/amdvlk_release_clang_shadercache_ubsan_asan_assertions nightly
- version: 2.6.0
amdvlkadmin/amdvlk_release_clang_shadercache_ubsan_asan nightly
- version: 2.6.0
comille/logistiikka 202405021537_google
- version: 2.21.0
comille/inspection-tool 202405131809_google
- version: 2.6.0, 2.29.0
si3mshady/blogfe-dev-no-proxy-config 1
- version: 2.6.0
abusafa/cms 8ed391fefdf912642f6160dbf70231ef19c97325
- version: 2.6.0
abusafa/rega-data-manager latest
- version: 2.6.0
forcetlight/libertyform-react 227
- version: 2.21.0
bedasoftware/fhir-emr master
- version: 2.29.0
ttqteo/tconnect 1.3.4
- version: 2.29.0
karahoi/linuxbrew v1.0.0
- version: 2.6.0
ceramicwhite/fatstx latest
- version: 2.21.0
shopnext/shopnext_claim_airdrop_website v1.1.12
- version: 2.21.0, 2.29.0
entando/microengine latest
Entando microengine image
- version: 1.7.0
hasura/gitlab-graphiql 0.3.2
- version: 2.6.0
abusafa/mapxp v0.0.4
- version: 2.29.0
glueops/tacos_app_react_js v0.2.2
- version: 2.21.0
entando/appbuilder-with-digital-exchange 5.2.0
- version: 2.6.0
bobcrutchley/quad-client latest
- version: 2.6.0
nexta2020/frontend-pupil-exam latest
- version: 2.29.0
fazenda/manga-up test-translation
- version: 2.21.0
alexkuzko/omim release-96
Manual builds of the based on official CI Linux image
- version: 2.6.0
abusafa/rafed-website latest
- version: 2.6.0
amazingviews/website latest
- version: 2.29.0
aqaurius6666/shoe-shop-fe d49902d3
- version: 2.21.0
datapta/finlooker-front-end-stg 1300ade
- version: 2.21.0
ceramicwhite/multisafe-ui latest
- version: 2.21.0
ttqteo/cmms-ui 1.1.0
- version: 2.29.0
ceramicwhite/onstacks-client v1.0.0
- version: 2.21.0
camcamfresh/frontend-v2 latest
- version: 2.6.0
galaxygroupbiz/cok-sp-dev-backofficewebapp 239
- version: 2.29.0
abusafa/test-tiles 7eb6f980905c92400a362e0629ca7d4bcd21c9e5
- version: 2.6.0
camcamfresh/frontend-v1 latest
- version: 2.6.0
hasura/react-apollo-todo-demo-ui 1.3
- version: 2.6.0
alastair87/node-devbox latest
- version: 2.21.0
mesosphere/archived_docs latest
- version: 2.6.0
abusafa/rega-map-service-location-picker latest
- version: 2.6.0