An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
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library/nextcloud 30.0.2
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 27.0.0, 29.2.4, 29.2.5, 29.2.6
gitlab/gitlab-ce 17.6.1-ce.0
GitLab Community Edition docker image based on the Omnibus package
- version: 28.1.0
linuxserver/nextcloud 30.0.1
A Nextcloud container, brought to you by
- version: 29.2.6
sameersbn/gitlab 17.3.1
Dockerfile to build a GitLab image for the Docker opensource container platform.
- version: 28.1.0
arm32v7/nextcloud 29.0.4
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
i386/nextcloud 30.0.0
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
ppc64le/nextcloud 29.0.6
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
s390x/nextcloud 29.0.6
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
runmymind/nextcloud bdb220b2
- version: 29.2.4, 27.0.0, 29.2.5, 29.2.6, 29.1.1
arm32v6/nextcloud 30.0.2-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
baserow/baserow 1.30.1
All in one docker image for Baserow, open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
- version: 29.2.3
oceanbt/nextcloud-with-supervisor 29
- version: 29.2.6, 29.1.1, 27.0.0
tianon/gitlab 17.7
- version: 28.1.0
rancher/harvester-ui v1.4.0
- version: 27.0.0
tiredofit/nextcloud 3.0.13
Dockerized Nextcloud Server with many customizable options
- version: 29.2.6
almahmoud/galaxy bioc2023
- version: 27.0.0-alpha.2
tiredofit/gitlab-ee 17.6.1
Dockerized Gitlab EE w/Alpine Linux, Zabbix Monitoring and S6 Overlay
- version: 28.1.0
g8tax/exp-generic-nextcloud default--at-20250116-235900
- version: 29.2.6, 29.2.4, 29.2.5, 27.0.0
europeana/portal.js v1.161.0 website, made with Vue.js + Nuxt.js
- version: 29.2.3, 29.2.5
rapidfort/gitlab-ce latest-rfstub
- version: 27.0.0
tetricz/nextcloud amd64-29
- version: 27.0.0, 28.1.0, 29.2.6
padhihomelab/nextcloud 30.0.4_19.24.6_1.1.0
- version: 29.2.6
truecharts/quant-ux-frontend build20230422115801
- version: 27.0.0
moki38/gitlab-ce v15.9.2
Gitlab-CE (ARM64)
- version: 28.1.0
hectorvc2022/test-gitlab 2.7
- version: 27.0.0
rgarcia89/nextcloud 1640287730
- version: 29.2.4, 29.2.6, 27.0.0
bertabus/nextcloud-cron latest
nextcloud with cron service, ocr, printing (WIP)
- version: 29.2.5, 29.2.6, 29.2.4, 27.0.0
glenux/service-nextcloud develop_latest
- version: 27.0.0, 29.2.4, 29.2.5
whatwewant/gitlab v1.0.0
- version: 28.1.0
siplex/nextcloud latest
Nextcloud image with libre office for document previews
- version: 27.0.0, 29.2.4, 29.2.5, 29.2.6
amd64/nextcloud 30.0.1
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 29.2.6
allworldit/gitlab-ce 17.8.1-1
GitLab CE images including improved support for storage backends. Support contacts available.
- version: 28.1.0
mdulcie/inception-of-things-42-21-bonus-gitlab v2
gitlab-ce установочный образ на основе официального образа с дополнительными настройками.
- version: 28.1.0
randomman552/nextcloud-ffmpeg stable-apache
Nextcloud with bundled FFMpeg binary
- version: 29.2.4, 29.2.5, 29.2.6, 27.0.0
nunumaomao/gitlab-ce latest
- version: 27.0.0
alvistack/gitlab-ce-15.4 20221121.1.3
- version: 27.0.0
lwleandrotrombini/wordpress v0.1
- version: 29.1.1, 27.0.0-alpha.4
alvistack/gitlab-ee-15.4 20221121.1.3
- version: 27.0.0
msaldanhaf/gitlab-ce-arm64v8 16.9.1-ce.0
- version: 28.1.0
trinimon/gitlab-ce 1.1
Omnibus GitLab CE Image
- version: 28.1.0
alvistack/gitlab-ce-15.8 20230318.1.1
- version: 28.1.0
cola314/gitlab-ce-arm latest
- version: 28.1.0
alvistack/gitlab-ee-15.8 20230318.1.1
- version: 28.1.0
alvistack/gitlab-ce-15.6 20230121.1.1
- version: 27.0.0
hyeongju123/gitlab-ce latest
- version: 28.1.0
kaist67/gitlab-ce latest
- version: 28.1.0
alvistack/gitlab-ce-15.10 20230514.1.2
- version: 28.1.0