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Package Usage : npm : @storybook/instrumenter
Explore the latest package usage data for @storybook/instrumenter in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 144
Total downloads: 27,499,015
More details on - JSON
openproject/community 13.4.1
Old image name, please use openproject/openproject
- version: 7.2.3, 6.5.12
rocketchat/ddp-streamer-service 6.11.1
DDP Streamer micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.5.16, 6.5.15, 6.5.14
rocketchat/stream-hub-service 6.13.0
Stream Hub micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.5.16, 6.5.15, 6.5.14
rocketchat/authorization-service 6.12.0
Authorization micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.5.14, 6.5.16, 6.5.15
rocketchat/account-service 6.11.1
Account micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.5.16
atlassianlabs/landkid action-73
- version: 6.5.10
rocketchat/presence-service 6.11.1
Presence micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 6.5.15, 6.5.16, 6.5.14
omegaup/frontend 2c8b5bd16e72733e94eceab65db63dfc438a87a3
The frontend container for
- version: 7.4.6
ebsproject/ba-ui 24.11.26
- version: 7.4.6
openproject/community-test 10.6.4
- version: 6.5.16, 7.2.3, 7.1.1
na2na/misskey-na2na 0bbac69
This repository is fork from
- version: 7.5.3, 7.0.2, 7.0.27
feelguuds/financial-integration-service-base latest
- version: 7.4.5
truecharts/calcom build20230504151331
- version: 6.5.13
datapta/finlooker-front-end b14c841
- version: 6.5.15
truecharts/openproject build20230424195929
- version: 6.5.12
touchinspiration1/my1call-app dev
- version: 6.5.16
creamlike1024/misskey v12.119.2
- version: 7.5.1
devrank/frontend latest
- version: 6.5.13
georgepachitariu/calendso latest
- version: 6.5.13
wunderwerk/thx-pv-config-thenks-solar 0.1
- version: 6.5.13
david0218/dudoong-ticket 1.3.0
- version: 6.5.15
wunderwerk/thx-thenks-com 0.1
- version: 6.5.13
snoopdave/blogql-client latest
- version: 6.5.16
jieun98/ems-fo-web latest
- version: 6.5.16
uselagoon/ui v3.4.0
- version: 7.0.7, 7.0.18
truecharts/misskey build20230422165903
- version: 7.0.2, 7.0.0
funlabs/cec2 dev
- version: 6.5.16
raguchan/misskey 2023.11.1
- version: 7.4.0
wadjetz/frontend 0.64.16
- version: 7.0.20
massdrivercloud/massdriver-bundle-preview latest
- version: 6.5.9
huahoangthanhbao/cv-now-ts 1.0
- version: 6.5.15
jinahub/24spsp30 644762d89d5cdc8d1f1021e0
- version: 7.0.6
professornemo/openproject-docker latest
- version: 6.5.12
feelguuds/social-service-base latest
- version: 7.4.5
grafnus/professional-web-page latest
The professional webpage of Grafnus
- version: 6.5.9
codigouranio/clan-sports-frontend latest
- version: 6.5.16
suprememajor/xstreamcloud-frontend latest
- version: 6.5.15
vulcanlink/contracts-api 0.0.1
- version: 6.5.16, 6.5.10
cgwu/function310 0.2.1
- version: 6.5.12
cgwu/function310gpu 0.2.1
- version: 6.5.12
liaomin789/openproject_e 12
- version: 6.5.12
sybiote/ee-bot latest
- version: 6.5.16
sarathpillai88/podchaser-frontend outage
- version: 7.0.20, 6.5.12
3amer92/penguin-fe latest
- version: 6.5.13
arsyncfront/education-platform latest
docker run -p 3003:8080 --name edu-prod arsyncfront/education-platform
- version: 6.5.16
wrhsd/omnivore-inbound latest
- version: 6.4.22
faryd2102/front-image latest
- version: 6.5.16, 6.5.14
orihoch/openproject-ckeditor-direction latest
- version: 7.0.23
shadaabsikandar/ml-realtime-inference-reg v1.0.22.e216c539
- version: 7.2.1
ivansd26/tfg version1
- version: 7.0.24
toshyrodocker/storybook latest
- version: 6.5.16
skar0/elicitinglatentsentiment latest
- version: 6.5.14
pcfcarchitecture/novu-api latest
- version: 6.4.19_sfoxds7t5ydpegc3knd667wn6m
bernatfogarasi/ya-dashboard 10
- version: 6.5.16
kaschenko/frontend4 latest
- version: 7.0.7
zerocool87000/openproject sehv
- version: 6.5.12
adairrr/abstract-subgraph 0.13.0
- version: 6.5.14_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y
anshulv1401/mosip-bio-device storybook
- version: 7.0.12
mozilla/fxa-mono v1.300.1
- version: 7.5.3, 7.0.26
bobanetwork/teleportation v0.10.0
- version: 7.0.27
basedash/basedash f74820dac6bc5aaf6fb25748aa0d36712bf45e94
- version: 7.5.0
apuscorp/warehouse dev-712-f38d2f8d7721a7f28663104c92437ee1b7f92d9a
- version: 6.5.16