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Package Usage : npm : @polkadot/wasm-crypto-wasm
Explore the latest package usage data for @polkadot/wasm-crypto-wasm in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 90
Total downloads: 175,060
More details on - JSON
acala/evm-subql 2.9.5
- version: 6.3.1, 6.4.1, 7.0.3
subsquid/hydra-indexer 4.0.0
- version: 5.1.1
chevdor/substrate-matrix-faucet-bot 1.0.0
- version: 4.2.1
acala/eth-rpc-adapter 2.9.4
- version: 7.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.4.1
swisschains/sirius-integrations-polkadot-bridge 1.0.24
- version: 6.3.1
dylanverstraete/processor 0.1.0-b4
- version: 4.2.1
chevdor/subsvc 0.6.2
- version: 6.3.1
chevdor/substrate-matrix-faucet-server 1.0.0
- version: 4.2.1
chevdor/regprocstart 0.6.2
- version: 6.3.1
dylanverstraete/processor-new latest
- version: 4.2.1
subsquid/hydra-indexer-evm next
- version: 4.5.1
subsquid/hydra-evm-indexer next
- version: 5.1.1
chevdor/polkabot 0.7.7
- version: 4.0.2
dylanverstraete/query-node 0.1.0-b4
- version: 4.2.1
tiantianmining/phala-pool dev-1.1
- version: 4.1.1
threefolddev/owncloud_deployer latest
- version: 4.5.1
fluencelabs/rust-peer 0.4.2
The distributive and packaging of the Fluence rust-peer.
- version: 4.6.1
dappforce/subid-front pnl-analytics-c924a90
- version: 4.6.1, 5.1.1, 6.4.1, 7.2.2
dylanverstraete/substrate-funding-service latest
- version: 4.0.2, 4.1.2
dylanverstraete/activation-service latest
- version: 4.2.1, 4.0.2
lalitkumarzeeve/subql-newrelic-updated-url-support v2.0.12
- version: 6.4.1
coderyashiro/parachain-to-mainnet-bridge latest
- version: 4.5.1
brochain/panic-alerter latest
- version: 6.3.1
brochain/panic-health-checker latest
- version: 6.3.1
brochain/panic-migration latest
- version: 6.3.1
brochain/panic-substrate-api latest
- version: 6.3.1
oap75/subid-front omid-1efed0c
- version: 5.1.1, 6.0.1, 4.5.1
coderyashiro/mainnet-to-parachain-bridge latest
- version: 4.5.1
dylanverstraete/tfchainbridgeui 0.1.0-b2
- version: 4.2.1
druaken/ubuntu_aband v0.9.32
- version: 6.4.1
sebastianmontero/hashed-substrate 2b25e70f2a16d23a15f8128868afeb160fd456a6
- version: 4.0.2, 4.2.1, 6.3.1
dappforce/subsocial-moderation main-d944c55
- version: 7.2.1
web3go/web3go v2-base-0.3
- version: 6.3.1
andor/parachain-register latest
- version: 6.3.1
dappforce/subsocial-grillchat staging-4869e77
- version: 6.4.1
jayji90/cr-subql-query 0.0.2
- version: 6.3.1
thisisprince/onchain-data-api d1e687651508549377265086ce227a8db0d4f2e3
- version: 7.1.2
jayji90/cr-subql-node 0.04
- version: 6.3.1
lalitkumarzeeve/subql-avalanche-url-support consoletime
- version: 6.4.1
prosopo/provider_flux latest
- version: 7.2.1
paritytech/polkadotjs-cli 1ea0f9b9-20241104
polkadotjs-cli utility Docker image.
- version: 7.3.2, 7.0.2
farazahmad56/elysium-testnet-explorer 6.0.0
- version: 6.1.5
jonathansumner/subquery-node latest
- version: 6.4.1, 7.1.2, 7.0.3
jonathansumner/ledger-subquery-node latest
- version: 6.4.1, 7.0.3, 7.1.2
encointer/accounting-backend dev
- version: 6.4.1
subquerynetwork/subql-node-stellar v3.4.2
- version: 7.2.2
adairrr/abstract-subgraph 0.13.0
- version: 6.4.1_@polkadot [email protected]
dhiway/cord-demo-scripts latest
- version: 7.3.2
paritytech/faucet main-fe7cde80
Generic Faucet for Substrate based chains
- version: 7.2.2, 7.2.1
digicatapult/dscp-ipfs v2.9.122
- version: 7.2.2, 7.3.2
subquerynetwork/indexer-coordinator v2.4.1
- version: 7.2.1
uniquenetwork/ci-forkless-nodata-local quartz-ci-nightly-develop-build-2d23d302
- version: 6.3.1
dsnp/instant-seal-node-with-deployed-schemas v1.11.1
- version: 7.2.2, 7.2.1
onfinality/subql-node-near v4.2.0
- version: 7.2.1, 7.3.1
scottyeager/grid_http_server 2.0.0-rc8
- version: 6.4.1
paritytech/rfc-bot dde41f35
A GitHub bot built with Probot aiming to help in the creation of RFC proposal referenda.
- version: 7.2.1