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Package Usage : npm : @nuxt/cli
Explore the latest package usage data for @nuxt/cli in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 259
Total downloads: 1,376,808
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vothanhlam1793/fengochoang 38
- version: 2.15.8
osmansevinc4/inhome_frontend 0.0.4
- version: 2.15.8
tendartech/user 2023-06-
- version: 2.16.3, 2.15.8
sotnikov2508/front-art-by-numbers 2.1.2
- version: 2.16.3
vladbuk/nuxt-docker-production latest
L1 nuxtjs production repo
- version: 2.16.0
strakerenterprise/intelligence-ui 18.33.0
- version: 2.17.0
aneh2killa/bpltv-frontend latest
- version: 2.15.8
madhead1000/crawler-pi latest
- version: 2.16.2
1747879853/video prod1.4
- version: 2.16.3
elestio4test/mealie latest
Mealie, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 2.16.3
cachac/kubelabs 3.0
- version: 2.15.8
attividigitali/bananalink-story-app-production 10
- version: 2.15.3, 2.14.12
mauroziux/miproteina-app latest
- version: 2.17.1
qwazxszz/insole_demo latest
- version: 2.17.1
lexprimost/atissdakar latest
- version: 2.16.3
innovight/mealie omni-nightly
- version: 2.16.3
blackestwhite/bookyo-frontend latest
- version: 2.15.8
orderspark2/store latest
- version: 2.14.7
imbkbkbk/admin-web stage
- version: 2.16.3
mirdsmulya/web-ventures v0.0.14
- version: 2.17.2
dudeknakub/izebet latest
- version: 2.15.8
dudeknakub/ize88 latest
- version: 2.15.8, 2.17.0
kkchaulagain/darvis_dashboard latest
- version: 2.16.0
viswampc/nuxtjs-vuetify-blank-template v5
- version: 2.15.8, 2.17.1
dudeknakub/ize168 latest
- version: 2.15.8, 2.17.0
idist/social-listening-cms dev
- version: 2.17.1
hballesterosr/frontend latest
- version: 2.17.1
kalaipp27/sail 1.3
- version: 2.15.8
thangnm/ latest
- version: 2.13.1, 2.13.3
rusnakstanislav/wc3_stats 1.5.8
- version: 2.15.8
frosit/plexripper latest
- version: 2.15.8
nlodgl/xpora-client production-45.105
- version: 2.15.8
vothanhlam1793/bg 12
- version: 2.17.0
tupk/bsm-headless-cms-app dev_0911
- version: 2.14.4
jciarka/ latest
- version: 2.15.8
aneh2killa/smartoffice latest
- version: 2.17.0