An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : @mdit-vue/plugin-headers
Explore the latest package usage data for @mdit-vue/plugin-headers in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 35
Total downloads: 2,247,476
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bitriseio/android-20.04 v2024_05_22-10_16-b2222
- version: 0.11.1
gitpod/workspace-elixir 2024-09-12-15-52-34
- version: 0.11.1
bitriseio/android-ndk-20.04 v2024_05_22-10_34-b2222
- version: 0.11.1
bitriseio/bitrise-base-20.04 v2024_05_22-10_15-b2222
- version: 0.11.1
gsmlg/editor-server v1.33.0
- version: 0.11.1
chefes/buildkite latest
- version: 0.10.0
chefes/releng-base latest
- version: 0.10.0
chefes/expeditor-worker 2.0.11
- version: 0.10.0
sainnhe/dotfiles latest
My Development Environment
- version: 0.11.1
chefes/expeditor-cron 1.6.241
- version: 0.10.0
calvinbhca/asdf-elixir rocky9-elixir1.15.7-erlang26.2.5.2-000
An asdf installation with erlang and elixir plugins and their dependencies
- version: 0.11.1
dockerdxm/emacs next
- version: 0.11.1
danhunsaker/base latest
- version: 0.11.1
jsonderulo/nodejs-demo latest
- version: 0.12.0
mattsonster/vscode latest
- version: 0.11.1
dvlashadders/vscode-terraform latest
- version: 0.11.1
halvardm/asdf 4.0.26-0.12.0
- version: 0.11.1
vanemy/elixir-1.12.3-otp-23-with-node latest
- version: 0.11.1
ttanaka9211/centos7_shirasagi 1.17.0
- version: 0.11.1
ttanaka9211/shirasagi 1.17.0
- version: 0.11.1
auvred/devcon rust
- version: 0.11.1
mckee/awscli-kubectl 2.13.3-1.27.3
- version: 0.11.1
chenshuilong/sdmp 1.0.0
- version: 0.11.1
sylviolimas/myenvdev 4.0
- version: 0.11.1
gocddev/gocd-dev-build windows2022-v3.18.8
Docker images used by GoCD to build GoCD. See
- version: 0.11.1
king019/arthas 4.0.0
- version: 0.10.0
etma/devcontainer-kube v1.2.1
- version: 0.11.1
p1c2u/code-server-oss 1.85.0
VSCode server OSS builds
- version: 0.11.1
boyzwj1984/elixir-ubuntu-dev v1
elixir devcontainer image with zsh rustler nodejs v18 and protoc
- version: 0.11.1
calltelemetry/base-dev 0.8.2
- version: 0.11.1
tacyuuhon/workstation 1.1.0
- version: 0.11.1
alnoda/kubectl-workspace 6.0
Workspace for k8s admins and developers with toolset for managing k8s clusters and solutions.
- version: 0.11.1
soupdiver/sidecar 1
- version: 0.11.1
carlosrodlop/swissknife.ubuntu.x86 sha-2112549
- version: 0.11.1
mdl13412/centos7-python37-demo 0.0.7
- version: 0.11.1