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Package Usage : npm : @google-cloud/storage
Explore the latest package usage data for @google-cloud/storage in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,163
Total downloads: 470,585,987
More details on - JSON
arifcom/geg-community-service latest
- version: 5.20.5
cawnj/plusvasis-app latest
- version: 6.10.0
scuppal/api-server master
- version: 6.9.5
godiapp/godi-driver-api latest
- version: 5.20.5
swamys/3wordsapi latest
- version: 6.7.0
dmitrydtv/evmailforgs v0.0.1
- version: 4.2.0
suraj484/prototype-node d441bc2
- version: 6.9.4, 6.9.3
scionticdx/campusxcompanyxuserservice latest
- version: 5.20.5
inited/hasici-web latest
- version: 6.9.2
johnhz/ 1.8.1
- version: 2.5.0
josesalazar03/ubuntu-node-test 1.0.2
- version: 5.7.0
svijay07/losant_ea_static_route latest
- version: 6.8.0
jmndao/notifications latest
- version: 6.9.3, 6.9.1
hykaia/orbit-backend latest
- version: 5.15.0, 5.14.5
victortanzy/sync 0.2.9
- version: 6.4.1
atompi/directus 9.22.2
- version: 6.8.0
kmplussmartsystem/badge-service-mkt prod-5
- version: 5.20.5, 5.19.2
kmplussmartsystem/forum-service-mkt prod-6
- version: 5.20.5, 5.19.2
trislos/sdk-bridgefy latest
- version: 6.9.0
hykaia/fabian-backend latest
- version: 5.15.0, 5.14.5
hykaia/beauty-beats-backend latest
- version: 5.15.0, 5.14.5
sktechid/98c75e802737ee40d30db425c4bd53e9242fc84c latest
- version: 5.20.5
superblocksteam/agent v1.3.0
- version: 6.12.0
hoangnamerasmus/marketplace-be cde1dbc4ca2db8a3c2b656d1acbbe08ce9c18ab9
- version: 6.10.0
galaxygroupbiz/cok-sp-dev-inspectionnode 17
- version: 5.20.5, 6.9.3, 1.7.0
farhaz1449/ffm-attendance latest
- version: 1.7.0, 4.7.0
farhaz1449/ffm-delivery latest
- version: 4.7.0
kelvinshen/firststrapidocker v2
- version: 6.9.3
ericwdy/badbanksvr latest
server container backup for the badbank application
- version: 6.9.0
hishampaloli/project latest
- version: 6.9.3
kmplussmartsystem/employee-service-mkt prod-5
- version: 5.19.2, 5.20.5
lukonin/otus-hipster-paymentservice v0.0.2
- version: 5.20.5
sksznddl1/rhkwpserver latest
- version: 1.7.0, 6.4.1
seriai/paymentservice v0.1.4-425-g032aaa9
- version: 5.20.5
kevinwang5658/kafka-firebase-sink main-20230519T0145
- version: 6.9.4
seriai/currencyservice v0.1.4-425-g032aaa9
- version: 5.20.5
hieuvd2000/rocketchat-test-02 latest
- version: 5.20.5
bohdandmitrishin/nodeint latest
- version: 6.9.0
theharshb/buzzle 1.0.9
- version: 4.7.2
abashyam123/kffrontend 1
- version: 2.5.0
shikhamungali/web-app-version2-staging jobizo
- version: 5.20.5
onearthambientaltecnologia/demo-cms 0.0.1
- version: 6.7.0
khonsu03/now-services-core-builder 1.9.2
- version: 5.20.5
raghavendiran2002/smart-lock-local latest
- version: 5.20.5
c3rv3au/youtube-dl v4
- version: 6.12.0
minhkhoi3110/writeflow_server latest
- version: 6.9.4
lashiv/reddit-clone latest
- version: 5.18.2, 5.20.5
godiapp/driver-api latest
- version: 5.20.5
mohcha/backstage latest
- version: 6.9.0
vonicvn/agora-client-staging 989c1bc10e99db26b4a5832bdd61710234f476db
- version: 5.20.5
caternberg/ihg-jdk-8u202-maven-363 latest
- version: 5.19.3
syedabrar07/redit-clone v2
- version: 5.18.2, 5.20.5
mike9595/backend latest
- version: 6.9.5
roner1bit/backend-nodejs 0.0.2.RELEASE
- version: 6.8.0
godiapp/rider-api latest
- version: 5.20.5
upsti/api-refsa v1.3.36
- version: 6.4.1
arifcom/training-announcement-service latest
- version: 5.20.5
sktechid/48db77ff06347143ad6455c3d528a7590e38118b latest
- version: 6.5.2
sktechid/6414fed4ee573f7bf1843ad70bc455efa5fca54e latest
- version: 6.5.2
arifcom/superbig-user-service latest
- version: 5.20.5
arifcom/yzcare-user-service latest
- version: 5.20.5
alexanderlz/cube-vrt-1-live latest
- version: 5.16.1
smailbkf/karabackend vone
- version: 6.11.0
qhashemi/dsp-server v2.0.0
- version: 6.11.0
mcamus9/ffc-notifications-docker latest
- version: 6.11.0
naiduzobaze/api-server-2 3
- version: 6.9.4
hykaia/feltro-backend latest
- version: 5.15.0, 5.14.5
conduitplatform/functions v0.15.19
- version: 6.8.0, 6.9.5, 6.2.2
jglchen/firebase-auth-google latest
Firebase Authentication
- version: 6.6.0
jglchen/firebase-auth latest
Firebase Authentication
- version: 6.5.2
thienbv91/truyen14 latest
- version: 5.16.1
rafaelxokito/fileexchangehubfilegateway 690cd0e79b70114461662b4c9748b7beb91f6ebc
- version: 6.9.5, 6.10.0