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Package Usage : npm : @chemzqm/neovim
Explore the latest package usage data for @chemzqm/neovim in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 14
Total downloads: 22,344
More details on - JSON
heywoodlh/dev 2025_01_snapshot
My personal dev container
- version: 5.7.9
double12gzh/neovim debian-20230207
neovim config
- version: 5.7.9
beezu/neovim 0.10.0
Containerized Neovim!
- version: 5.7.9
aldevv/dot latest
- version: 5.1.9, 5.7.9
albertodiazz/nvimremote latest
- version: 5.7.9
zaiqdong/base-ubuntu v1.1-20.04
- version: 5.7.9
spacevim/spacevim latest
SpaceVim docker image
- version: 5.7.9
bbaovanc/dotfiles latest
Docker images that contain my dotfiles
- version: 5.7.9
freedwu/freed-wu deepsource-transform-daba0553
- version: 5.7.9
lourenci/neovim latest
- version: 5.7.9
yielding/ latest
- version: 5.7.9
stliu2022/naridet zhejiang
- version: 5.7.9
sangshuduo/archlinux-dev 20230615
- version: 6.1.1
stliu2022/nvimdots cu102-py3
A well configured and structured Neovim. ( )
- version: 5.7.9