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Package Usage : maven : tomcat-juli:tomcat-juli
Explore the latest package usage data for tomcat-juli:tomcat-juli in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,429
Total downloads: 83,532,688
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jetbrains/teamcity-server 2023.05.4
TeamCity Server - Powerful Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery out of the box
- version: 8.5.84
linuxserver/davos 2.2.2-ls152
A Davos container, brought to you by
- version: 8.5.6
The Business Backend component (Java) of the Dynatrace easyTravel demo application.
- version: 8.5.82
atlassian/crowd 5.2-ubuntu-jdk-11
Atlassian Crowd for Server and Data Center deployments
- version: 8.5.85, 8.5.87
blacklabelops/confluence 6.13.1
Dockerized Atlassian Confluence
- version: 9.0.12
softwareplant/jira injector-software-9.11.0-ubuntu
Automated Atlassian JIRA images
- version: 8.0.23
softwareplant/tomcat k8v2-cloud-1.0.5-fuse
Tomcat images for jira-cloud testing
- version: 8.0.23, 8.5.51
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-aws 7.0.0-TEST6
Alfresco Content Repository image used for ACS Enterprise on AWS
- version: 8.5.51
The Customer Frontend component (Java) of the Dynatrace easyTravel demo application.
- version: 8.5.82
killbill/killbill 0.24.5
Kill Bill is the open-source subscription billing and payments platform.
- version: 8.5.87
killbill/kaui 3.0.3
Image for Kaui, the Kill Bill admin UI.
- version: 8.5.84
geonode/geonode latest-ubuntu-22.04
Django base image for GeoNode
- version: 8.5.69
wso2/wso2ei-analytics-worker latest
Worker profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Analytics
- version: 9.0.22
prepend2/crowd 5.2.2
- version: 8.5.87, 8.5.85
singularities/spark 2.0
Apache Spark
- version: 6.0.48
wso2/wso2ei-integrator 6.6.0
Integrator profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
- version: 9.0.22
wso2/wso2ei-broker 6.6.0
Message Broker profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
- version: 9.0.22
tombatchelor/carsdemo a0f95e974d1daac2d0a212166f2cc0d2d61114ff
- version: 8.5.45
apache/pegasus build-env-ubuntu2004-ci_refactor_more
Apache Pegasus (incubating)
- version: 6.0.48
owasp/benchmark latest
Runs the latest version of OWASP Benchmark
- version: 8.5.70
pinpointdocker/pinpoint-quickstart 2.5.3
- version: 8.5.90, 8.5.84, 8.5.87
splatform/scf-nats dcfb3ec87d41744e7a4bfb680e8e983b78a70fab
- version: 8.5.11
axelor/aos-preview-app prev-wip-8-1-wip-8-1-sche
Preview app of Axelor Open Suite. Not for production usage.
- version: 8.5.82
splatform/uaa-uaa c7e651aa44943ddc37184886573f9281051953c9
- version: 8.5.32, 9.0.13
clickhouse/kerberized-hadoop d3412ec2018f
- version: 6.0.41
lerndevops/samplejavaapp 7
- version: 8.5.40
egovio/egov-user PFM-5072-d77cf4b3-25
- version: 8.5.43
egovio/egov-filestore 2914-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
dockerhandson/java-web-app 8
- version: 8.5.87
- version: 8.5.82
egovio/egov-location 503-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
egovio/egov-common-masters 3085-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
singularities/hadoop latest
Apache Hadoop
- version: 6.0.48
egovio/pt-property 4792-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.14
egovio/pt-calculator-v2 1690-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
egovio/rainmaker-pgr 7798-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
ppc64le/geonetwork 3.12.11
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 8.5.87
arm32v7/geonetwork 3.12.11
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 8.5.93, 8.5.87
egovio/pt-services-v2 6296-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
slpcat/tomcat8 8.5-centos7
- version: 8.5.41
chesscorp/chess-club latest
Chess Server that will provide restful APIs and a complete Web UI.
- version: 8.5.14
egovio/tl-calculator 1478-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.43
exoplatform/chat-server 3.4.3-RC01_0
Standalone chat server
- version: 8.5.65
egovio/hr-masters-v2 3923-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.11
egovio/egov-common-workflows 2670-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.11
egovio/hr-employee-v2 3941-5aebb2e
- version: 8.5.11
cpcloud86/impala java8-1
- version: 6.0.53
broadinstitute/clio-server 9a00dd296ae3aa66458bb4d1bc3b75ed61496050
Metadata server for GP Pipelines
- version: 8.0.23
arm64v8/convertigo 8.2.4
Enterprise grade full-stack Open source Low Code & No Code Platform for web & mobile application
- version: 7.0.94
wso2/wso2ei-business-process 6.6.0
Business Process Server profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
- version: 9.0.22
vmware/lightwave-photon-testware 2.0.5
Photon version of Lightwave client and testware tools.
- version: 8.5.29