An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : spring-security-web:spring-security-web
Explore the latest package usage data for spring-security-web:spring-security-web in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 5,051
Total downloads: 4,817,584,857
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jenkins/jenkins jdk21-preview
The leading open source automation server
- version: 5.8.1, 5.8.6, 5.8.2
atlassian/bitbucket-server 8.16-ubuntu-jdk11
On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade.
- version: 5.7.5, 5.7.10
provectuslabs/kafka-ui 53a6553765a806eda9905c43bfcfe09da6812035
Free, open-source web UI to monitor and manage Apache Kafka clusters
- version: 6.0.2, 6.1.1, 5.7.4
apache/nifi-registry 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries for Apache NiFi - Registry -
- version: 5.8.5, 5.8.0
apache/nifi 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries and Docker images for Apache NiFi
- version: 5.8.2, 5.8.5, 5.8.0
nacos/nacos-server v2.3.0
This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos .
- version: 5.6.9, 5.6.5
binhex/arch-nzbhydra2 5.3.5-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with NZBHydra2
- version: 6.0.2, 6.0.1
gocd/gocd-server v23.4.0
GoCD server docker image based on Alpine
- version: 4.2.20.RELEASE
bitnami/jenkins 2.426.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Jenkins
- version: 5.8.2, 5.8.1
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: 5.7.7, 5.7.10, 5.7.11
bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow 2.11.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Spring Cloud Data Flow
- version: 5.7.7, 5.7.8
bitnami/spring-cloud-skipper 2.11.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Spring Cloud Skipper
- version: 5.7.8, 5.7.7
alfresco/alfresco-share 23.2.0-A7
- version: 6.1.0
library/geonetwork 4.4.1
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 5.7.8, 5.7.3
kartoza/geoserver 2.24.0
- version: 5.7.7, 5.7.10, 5.1.13.RELEASE
axoniq/axonserver latest-jdk-17-nonroot
Axon Server is a server for the Axon CQRS Framework
- version: 5.7.8, 5.7.2
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community 23.2.0-A6
Alfresco Content Repository Community docker images.
- version: 5.8.3
linuxserver/booksonic-air v2201.1.0-ls8
- version: 5.2.8.RELEASE
geonode/geoserver 2.23.1
GeoServer image for GeoNode
- version: 5.7.6, 5.7.7
turbonomic/action-orchestrator 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.5
atlassian/crowd 5.2-ubuntu-jdk-11
Atlassian Crowd for Server and Data Center deployments
- version: 5.5.8
camptocamp/mapfish_print 3130
Tomcat with the Mapfish Print webapp install.
- version: 5.5.8, 5.8.2
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.5
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.5
entando/entando-k8s-service sha-c814ada
- version: 5.5.7
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.5
entando/entando-component-manager sha-1ce0a0b
- version: 5.5.7
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.vmax.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.5
atlassian/bitbucket 8.16-jdk11
- version: 5.7.5, 5.7.10
binhex/arch-jenkins 2.437-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Jenkins
- version: 5.8.2, 5.8.6
prepend2/crowd 5.2.2
- version: 5.5.8
geosolutionsit/geoserver C268-2.23.3
- version: 5.1.13.RELEASE, 5.7.8
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: 5.7.7, 5.7.11, 5.7.10
tcema/transparencia-api latest
- version: 5.5.1
apache/nifi-toolkit 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries for NiFi
- version: 5.8.0, 5.8.5, 5.8.2
axoniq/axonserver-enterprise 2023.0.1-jdk-17-dev-nonroot
A multi-platform container image for Axon Server EE.
- version: 5.7.2
linuxserver/airsonic-advanced 11.0.0-SNAPSHOT.20230217142243-ls86
- version: 5.5.5
erudikaltd/para v1.49.1
The backend for busy developers. Para is a flexible open source backend server.
- version: 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.5
tianon/jenkins 2.438
An extensible open source continuous integration server
- version: 5.8.2, 5.8.3, 5.8.4
Alfresco Process Services
- version: 5.7.5, 5.8.5
tcema/sisrep2-api latest
- version: 5.5.1
openanalytics/shinyproxy 6295177239897c55245c14aab194c59e6a9b0a54f27da7a09e680051f55146ad
Image to demo how to run ShinyProxy in a container on Docker Engine
- version: 5.7.5
tcema/siger-api 3328-dev
- version: 5.5.2
geosolutionsit/mapstore2 2023.02.xx-qa
MapStore 2 is a framework to build web mapping applications using standard mapping libraries
- version: 5.3.10.RELEASE