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Package Usage : maven : spring-security-oauth2-resource-server:spring-security-oauth2-resource-server
Explore the latest package usage data for spring-security-oauth2-resource-server:spring-security-oauth2-resource-server in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 890
Total downloads: 105,499,879
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- version: 5.7.4
samuelest/api-customers latest
- version: 5.7.8
ivanzelenkov/api-gateway latest
- version: 6.1.1
willy98/event-service latest
- version: 6.1.2
yokogawasgdcailab/nifi 1.21.1
- version: 5.8.2
ivanzelenkov/login-service latest
- version: 6.1.1
watermelonwm/wmebstats q-api-5
- version: 5.7.3
huasisoft/mailbox-server alpha.0.20231225.0
- version: 5.7.2
mlhmz/family-task-tracking staging
- version: 6.0.1
scoutabroad/sa-nexus-api 1.26.3
- version: 6.0.3
btnkenya/neptune-mpesa-service-staging latest
- version: 5.7.7
logicline/experdoo-api-mock-service 1.10.1
- version: 5.7.4
tractusx/traceability-foss d328cc057fa142cbe1aea97691e21e0eb92f0f46
- version: 6.1.2
samuel19982/studentserver latest
- version: 6.1.0
alphateam35/microservice-notification latest
- version: 5.7.6
leanhtuan/wms main-a40a540
- version: 5.2.0.RELEASE
garanziaetica/smartge-ms 0.3.0
- version: 5.5.2
itatm/digiwf-s3-integration-service 1.6.0
- version: 5.7.8
phuquyenle/accounting-resource 1.0.0
- version: 6.0.2
mihaiblandu/user-service v1.0
- version: 5.6.3
- version: 5.7.5
kaxuna1/kycservice a69034759b7c22f827dec738ab6334c3095834e8
- version: 6.1.0
mkrezka/admin-backend latest
- version: 6.0.3
rajibhalder/user-management-server-studyprepare-prod latest
- version: 6.1.4
ugroup/java17-gradle-cache 1.0-bims
- version: 6.0.1
dlim2012/ latest
- version: 6.1.0
xjethrox/category 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.0.2
xronace/d205-springboot latest
- version: 5.7.7
piyushjoshista/admission-service latest
- version: 5.7.2
yousoundd/security-service 0.0.2
- version: 6.0.1
afsar15/admin 5.799999999999995
- version: 5.6.3
gayankod/api-gateway latest
- version: 5.7.4
bahmnihwc/esanjeevani-service 1.0.0-9
- version: 6.1.4
splendidpdf/user-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.0.3
splendidpdf/upload-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.0.3
xjethrox/countryandregulator 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.0.2
leanhtuan/code-editor main-4326362
- version: 6.0.2
smartbcity/did-gateway 0.0.8
- version: 6.0.1
davi38/ecommerce-back latest
- version: 6.0.1
hthub247/smartpay-paybags-service test
- version: 6.1.3
fabos4ai/aas-transformer 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.3
xjethrox/sector 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.0.2
creelayer/marketplace.crm latest
- version: 6.0.1
phuquyenle/accounting-auth 1.0.0
- version: 6.0.2
mkaydocker/validate-otp-ds latest
- version: 5.7.4
alphateam35/microservice-geo latest
- version: 5.7.6
gotfrid/jc-shinyproxy latest
- version: 5.7.5
atoscz/flowable-ui 6.8.0
- version: 5.7.5
sachindramaharjan/newyeti-api-gateway latest
- version: 6.0.1
lennguyen03/rentcarapi_prod latest
- version: 5.7.3
moom5656/eazybytes-accounts v14
- version: 6.1.0
fgyuka/scraper-api latest
- version: 5.7.3
mickeydluffy/authorization-server latest
- version: 6.0.1
dlim2012/hb.user latest
- version: 6.1.0
obssg/identity-service v1.1.0
- version: 6.1.2
jian659/cicada-nifi k8s-v1.5
- version: 5.8.2
nomadicss/homebook-calc dev-latest
- version: 5.5.3
mickeydluffy/gateway-service latest
- version: 6.0.1
kharivan/menuai_backend cloud
- version: 6.0.2
kaxuna1/customerservice 2eb6365664324decd6542a1dea7aaa27917c7f86
- version: 6.1.0
adrianoprea/observation v14
- version: 6.1.2
excess17/springboot-agenda 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.1.0
enionews/sbolpro-authorization-server latest
- version: 6.0.1
stdeemene/peerfunding-auth-service dev-52d669e-2023-09-19.020909
- version: 6.0.1
dsmanuel/dataservice latest
- version: 5.7.3
sachindramaharjan/yeti-api-gateway latest
- version: 6.0.1
jinwoo794533/infov2-oauth-auth latest
- version: 6.0.3
dockerallang/school-manager-parent latest
- version: 6.1.2
yokoyamaautomacao/lymus-backend vHarpia1.3.4
- version: 5.7.8
devedbm/orinasa-backend etech
- version: 5.5.3
rajibhalder/paymentprocessor-studyprepare_prod latest
- version: 6.1.4
jdeveroux/btamicroservice 0.0.13
- version: 6.1.2
coopersoft/dictionary 2.1.6
- version: 6.0.2
cmsproject/resource-service 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.3
cmsproject/license-service 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.7.3
ashan97/pot-v2-user-ms-prod latest
- version: 5.6.8
vksaamy/apigwsvc 2.0
- version: 5.7.1
sujithkumarmp/bus-admin-service.jar 1.0.0
- version: 5.7.10
dgganchev/order latest
- version: 6.1.3
youngjay9/tipc 202307241517
- version: 5.7.1
rajagabsi/afi-referential-qa v1.0.3
- version: 5.7.3
harshalshindensl/nsl-custom_sdk_service qa3-automation
- version: 5.4.2
an0nym0us86/mrb-share-location 20231121_1
- version: 5.4.2
codingmaxima/authorization-service 0.0.1
- version: 6.1.0
aaitaomar/aai_gtw latest
- version: 6.1.0
fabiopatricio/wan-auth-ms 1.2.10-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.5.8
vipin810/orderserviceupdate latest
- version: 5.3.4.RELEASE
filipemb/asa-email-api latest
- version: 5.5.0
dgganchev/payment 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 6.1.3
dmot00/sesohaeng 778437d
- version: 5.7.7
hatteralex/shinyproxy-swarm latest
- version: 5.7.5
doorje/dios-gateway latest
- version: 6.0.3
volverinejr/detranintegracaoftp 0.0.14
- version: 6.1.2
cuervogaston/app v2
- version: 6.1.2
yokoyamaautomacao/mtsul-backend 1.0.2
- version: 5.7.8
kaxuna1/accountingservice f07dcf5363d1560fc0828ecb55420db9e3a1b734
- version: 6.1.0
bennyludacrys/apigateway latest
- version: 5.7.3
nkhrouz/geonetwork422 latest
- version: 5.7.3
usege/album 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 5.5.3
alphateam35/microservice-dialog latest
- version: 5.7.6